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Lukass 03-09-12 21:50


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6415647)

I know, I know, I know....the pic is different, we know about it since they were revealed.

Mikky 03-09-12 21:53


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6415647)
I hope that that's the case but look.

And this just looks flawless I hope the final thing looks like that (her hair)

You're kidding, right?! Her hair there is awful. It's like she got electrocuted. D:

klona 03-09-12 21:53


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6415619)
Keep it for yourself next time. :pi:

SpyrosMonster 03-09-12 21:54


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6415654)
You're kidding, right?! Her hair there is awful. It's like she got electrocuted. D:

Seriously? Noo. Her hair are so natural there.! You can "see it" even from that still that her hair are moving naturally ... :o

Lukass 03-09-12 21:57

I actually can't believe we're discussing her hair again. What kind of black magic ****ery is going on here on TRF? :vlol: We gotta be cursed or something! Every discussion ends with crap about Lara's hair. I quite enjoy it though :p

SpyrosMonster 03-09-12 22:01

Οκ λετσ αλλ τακε α μομεντ ανδ πραυ τηατ τηε νεχτ τιμε ςε ταλκ αβοθτ ηαιρ ισ ςηεν τηε γαμε ισ οθτ. ςηιτψη ι δοθβτ...

Lukass 03-09-12 22:05


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6415666)
Οκ λετσ αλλ τακε α μομεντ ανδ πραυ τηατ τηε νεχτ τιμε ςε ταλκ αβοθτ ηαιρ ισ ςηεν τηε γαμε ισ οθτ. ςηιτψη ι δοθβτ...

You're right.

SpyrosMonster 03-09-12 22:07

Oh god! Keyboard issues! D:

I meant: Ok let's all take a moment and pray that the next time we talk about lara's hair is whan the game is out. Which I doubt :pi:

Peep Show 03-09-12 22:12


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6415660)
I actually can't believe we're discussing her hair again. What kind of black magic ****ery is going on here on TRF? :vlol: We gotta be cursed or something! Every discussion ends with crap about Lara's hair. I quite enjoy it though :p


Stevo505 03-09-12 22:17

It's funny. Some people complain incessantly about how CD is focusing too much on Lara, then they go and complain about her hair like it's the most important thing about the game.

scremanie 03-09-12 22:23

Her hair>your life, tbh.

Love2Raid 03-09-12 22:25


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6415616)
I notice something in the picture... Her hair is PERFECT D:


SpyrosMonster 03-09-12 22:26


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6415707)

What took you so long!? I was sure someone was going to say this! :vlol:

Love2Raid 03-09-12 22:29

Sorry honey, I'll make sure to grace this thread with my presence more often in the future. :p

Rai 03-09-12 22:32


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6415645)
Pardon? :p

During an interview. Brian was talking about the mysteriousness of the island and he said 'blah..mystery behind the island...blah, the way the weather behaves...blah.'

Or something. :pi:. I'm not mad. :o:p

Lukass 03-09-12 22:35


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6415714)
During an interview. Brian was talking about the mysteriousness of the island and he said 'blah..mystery behind the island...blah, the way the weather behaves...blah.'

Or something. :pi:. I'm not mad. :o:p

I still don't get it :vlol: Did he say any spoiler or something?

trfanX34 03-09-12 22:38


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6415675)

Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6415666)
Οκ λετσ αλλ τακε α μομεντ ανδ πραυ τηατ τηε νεχτ τιμε ςε ταλκ αβοθτ ηαιρ ισ ςηεν τηε γαμε ισ οθτ. ςηιτψη ι δοθβτ...

You're right.

Omg I laughed so much :vlol:

SpyrosMonster 03-09-12 22:39


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6415729)
Omg I laughed so much :vlol:

Rai 03-09-12 22:43


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6415721)
I still don't get it :vlol: Did he say any spoiler or something?

No spoilers, I don't think, but he was explaining about how the island has a mystery behind it, and as part of that he said...'how the weather behaves', it made me think the weather acts odd.

Mikky 03-09-12 22:43


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6415730)

OMG, Torres GIF <3

Lukass 03-09-12 22:45


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6415737)
No spoilers, I don't think, but he was explaining about how the island has a mystery behind it, and as part of that he said...'how the weather behaves', it made me think the weather acts odd.

He meant the weather has anything to do with the mystery behind that island? :confused:
Wow, what that could mean? How that would work? Try to solve that problem out for me hun, I'm dying to know and I also know you're smart and clever enough to come up with some hot idea :D

SeanCordernay 04-09-12 00:59


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6415703)
Her hair>your life, tbh.

My Lace-Front>Her hair>your life, tbqh

tomee 04-09-12 14:03


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6415899)
My Lace-Front>Her hair>your life, I wish


Anja 04-09-12 14:05


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6415737)
No spoilers, I don't think, but he was explaining about how the island has a mystery behind it, and as part of that he said...'how the weather behaves', it made me think the weather acts odd.

omg, it can be like Silent hill Downpur. When it rains more powerful monsters come and they attack you. /wishful thinking

Only TR lover 04-09-12 14:09

What do you see in this screen? :) Does anybody see a man at the right part of the bridge?


Lukass 04-09-12 14:10

No, but I think I see fallen radio tower.

Tear 04-09-12 14:10

^^ Yes, I see a man.


Originally Posted by Anja (Post 6416536)
omg, it can be like Silent hill Downpur. When it rains more powerful monsters come and they attack you. /wishful thinking

No monsters, hun.

Anja 04-09-12 14:13


Originally Posted by Tear (Post 6416545)
^^ Yes, I see a man.

No monsters, hun.

That's why I said wishful thinking *sigh* :(
Dammit CD

Linoshi Croft 04-09-12 14:14

There is something supernatural, they just don't want to ruin the surprise tbh. They've learnt from past games to stop ruining **** like that.

Well, that's what I think anyway. Plus, a logical reason to why all the ships and planes crashing would be VERY boring...and not a surprise or shock at all. Just a "A-ha.." moment.

JsotoTRSaga 04-09-12 14:15


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6416553)
There is something supernatural, they just don't want to ruin the surprise tbh. They've learnt from past games to stop ruining **** like that.

Well, that's what I think anyway.

This pretty much, Iv'e said this so many times and it will obviously happen even if they keep denying it.

Peep Show 04-09-12 14:20


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6416560)
This pretty much, Iv'e said this so many times and it will obviously happen even if they keep denying it.

With that logic we're also getting a multiplayer for sure since they keep denying it. :mis:

JsotoTRSaga 04-09-12 14:22

Oh God not the MP theme again NOOOOOOO!!! *throws from a cliff*

Linoshi Croft 04-09-12 14:32


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6416570)
With that logic we're also getting a multiplayer for sure since they keep denying it. :mis:

But there is actual evidence to support that..So, multiplayer is more likely than Supernatural elements. :p

larafan25 04-09-12 14:56

Technically the leaked concepts are evidence, but Karl addressed them.

Whereas none of our multiplayer evidence has been addressed.

lcroft_lc 04-09-12 15:05

There's no news for few weeks but still 40 people viewing this section! :p

larafan25 04-09-12 17:50

I can't fathom the fact that there are 21 people viewing this section and we all seem to be stumped on dangerous accessories.

edit: Oh, and BTW something is going to leak, or happen.

I know the calm when I feel it.

SpyrosMonster 04-09-12 17:56

It's weird actually that 21 people are here and no one has commented on anything for an hour!

Also I agree this month something new is going to leak/presented.. I can feel it too!

Mikky 04-09-12 17:57

I just want the new Final Hours episode already.

larafan25 04-09-12 17:58


I need this game to come alive to me again.

I wish they'd just drop a new screenshot once and a while like they did with The Reach.

SpyrosMonster 04-09-12 17:58


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6416951)
I just want the new Final Hours episode already.

Oh I've totally forgoten about TFHOTR! D: I thought the 2nd episode was going to be released in mid August! What happened?

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