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FearEffect 09-11-12 00:40


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6516140)
Where's this from?

When you kill the Russian

leglion 09-11-12 00:42

A glitch plus a death sequence perhaps?

FearEffect 09-11-12 00:46

Lara's new boobs are in Danger !

just*raidin*tomb 09-11-12 00:47

I don't understand. Why is there a machete there and what video is that from? Link please.

leglion 09-11-12 00:49


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6516167)
I don't understand. Why is there a machete there and what video is that from? Link please.

Maybe it's like the shotgun glitch where weapons that you didn't receive yet appear out of nowhere.

FearEffect 09-11-12 00:52


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6516167)
I don't understand. Why is there a machete there and what video is that from? Link please.

just*raidin*tomb 09-11-12 00:59

I think the Russian has it attached to his leg before it decides to lay rest upon the busom of Lara.

Stevo505 09-11-12 01:02

It looks like she's touching herself tbh. ._.

just*raidin*tomb 09-11-12 01:04

lawdy mercy

Linoshi Croft 09-11-12 01:05


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6516196)
It looks like she's touching herself tbh. ._.

It does. :vlol:

Peep Show 09-11-12 01:06


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6516196)
It looks like she's touching herself tbh. ._.

Now that you mention it...:vlol:

pipermaru 09-11-12 02:15


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6516196)
It looks like she's touching herself tbh. ._.

:vlol: I thought the same.

TippingWater 09-11-12 02:16


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6516196)
It looks like she's touching herself tbh. ._.

;) Lara's enjoying her new toy :3.

klona 09-11-12 09:02


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6516151)
I guess that it's a glitch. Maybe she will get a machete later on :D.

omg no.
Maybe that's another way you can kill him with.
Lara sees it beside her and grabs it and slashes his face. :mis:
then starts crying "I had to do it... I had to do it... "

TippingWater 09-11-12 10:52


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6516432)
omg no.
Maybe that's another way you can kill him with.
Lara sees it beside her and grabs it and slashes his face. :mis:
then starts crying "I had to do it... I had to do it... "

Oh wow, I never thought about that! It would be super cool :D, even though we hate qte :p. I just thought that line was cut out.

Gamd1011 10-11-12 00:56


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6516132)
I'm not sure someone posted this before, but why this ?

The picture isn't showing up...

Spong 10-11-12 01:02


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6517758)
The picture isn't showing up...

It's this image...

That's hosted at imgur, hopefully you should see it now :tmb:

Gamd1011 10-11-12 01:07

Yep, it's working now!
Thanks! :D

Hmm... Seems to be some kind of glitch.

Spong 10-11-12 01:23

It certainly looked like a momentary glitch in the actual video too, the knife is there for a split-second and then it's gone again. But that particular shot is all rather hectic and brief.

Weemanply109 10-11-12 01:25


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6517769)
It's this image...

That's hosted at imgur, hopefully you should see it now :tmb:

What the? :vlol:

It really does look like she's inappropriately touching herself.

LNSNHGTDS 10-11-12 06:12


Lara, behave yourself!

You managed to go through 40 years without sex in the previous games and now you succumb so easily???


klona 10-11-12 07:19

Q&A Session #9 :D

Evan C. 10-11-12 14:50

If someone has an account, please answer this for me:

-We can see that Lara has a hand watch, wich obviously sets time. Is there any other aplicable-playable use for this or it's just decorative? (since she is not the only one who has one)

-There was a strong reason for making this game non-open world, wich is strongly connected to the narrative of the reboot. After this game, do you consider to expand progresively the world of TR like games such as Assassin's Creed or Read Dead Redemption? (Including dynamic day/night cycle; dynamic weather, etc)

tomee 10-11-12 15:17


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6516196)
It looks like she's touching herself tbh. ._.


TippingWater 10-11-12 16:08

Spong 10-11-12 16:17

^She's going to have a cameo in Beowolf The Game? :D

Evan C. 10-11-12 16:24


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6518434)
^She's going to have a cameo in Beowolf The Game? :D

Haha. Sadly, that's not going to happen until the PS5.

Rai 10-11-12 19:05

@Evan C, I can ask those for you for you if you like :)

Edit: done :D

just*raidin*tomb 10-11-12 19:55


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6518434)
^She's going to have a cameo in Beowolf The Game? :D

This needs to exist.

Valentino 11-11-12 23:22


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6518449)
Haha. Sadly, that's not going to happen until the PS5.

It could happen on the PS3 tbh. But as CGI cutscenes. Which I've been requesting for years know in a Tomb Raider :o

Zebra 12-11-12 00:24

I asked this one:

I've been fortunate enough to play the Hunting Demo at Gamescom back in August. It didn't exactly surprise me that Lara, like in previous Tomb Raider titles by Crystal Dynamics, still felt very light in terms of how she responded to button inputs. This disappointed me a little because I've always felt like the weight Lara had to her in the older games was a part of the unique Tomb Raider experience. And even if she might have been a bit too heavy and the controls too clunky in Core's games, modern games like 2008's Prince of Persia or Mirror's Edge have shown that you don't have to make your character featherlight in order for him or her to be responsive and fun to control. Much to the contrary, actually, as those two games are the only current generation games whose platforming I've genuinely enjoyed. So my question is how much you've played around with giving Lara more weight and if you'd consider making her feel heavier in the future.
I hope it's not too long :p.

pipermaru 12-11-12 00:38

Great question, Zebra.

**LARA LOVER** 12-11-12 01:46

Not sure if you guys saw this or care but the play arts kai Lara figure is available for pre-order. Only $64.99! :rolleyes:
Can be found here.

Shark_Blade 12-11-12 01:58

^She looks like Chun Li.

Love2Raid 12-11-12 02:04

Is that the one from the Collector's edition? If yes, then that edition is a pretty good deal isn't it? (If you want the figure, that is.)

**LARA LOVER** 12-11-12 02:07


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6520169)
Is that the one from the Collector's edition? If yes, then that edition is a pretty good deal isn't it? (If you want the figure, that is.)

I would think so yeah! :) You would probably be able to save money by buying the collectors edition!

Hairhelmet12 12-11-12 02:28

That picture is really crappy, you'd think they would take a more quality one..
I really want the collectors edition! That price is ridiculous! :eek:

leglion 12-11-12 02:32

Well isn't it hand made or hand painted or something? If it is then that would explain the price.

TippingWater 12-11-12 02:42


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6520193)
Well isn't it hand made or hand painted or something? If it is then that would explain the price.

But still, it doesn't look all that great... I am still waiting for a action figure or figurine that resembles and has the same physical features as the actual model, and is not only dressed as the actual model.

Evan C. 12-11-12 02:43

Yeah, me too. She looks good, but not AAA quality.

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