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Mikky 14-02-12 21:39


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 5976360)
2nd (10pm USA Time)/3rd June 2012 - 1st Anniversary of Turning Point.

Anyone expect an extended version of it on that day?

Karl already pretty much confirmed that they won't release an extended version, so I don't think it will ever happen, tbh.

jhs270694 14-02-12 21:43

that's CD's reply to people who think waiting 3 months is a bad idea. As much as i hate to admit, we got trolled...

larafan25 14-02-12 21:45


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976412)

that's CD's reply to people who think waiting 3 months is a bad idea

It was a lie, a cruel cruel lie. :(

jhs270694 14-02-12 21:53

the timing couldn't be worse, i'm feeling strongly melancholic at the moment but "great things happen to those who wait". yeh im obsessed with quotes but only because they have such deep meaning that people take for granted these days. no one truly understands them

Love2Raid 14-02-12 22:00

No wait, dude, that quote is FAKE. Mikky is the one who's trolling. :p

This time.

Mikky 14-02-12 22:03

Oh God, the anger and confusion that I have unleashed. :pi:

A birthday Lara will never forget! :hug:

just*raidin*tomb 14-02-12 22:04



jhs270694 14-02-12 22:05

i'm embarrassed. LOL! i don't know what to say, i feel stupid haha

Tombraider95 14-02-12 22:05


Rai 14-02-12 22:06

People do realise that it wasn't promised for today specifically, right. Knew this would happen :p

edit: I hope Irishhips doesn't mind but I took liberties with his B'day art for Lara:

The original art can be seen here:

larafan25 14-02-12 22:08


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976451)
i'm embarrassed. LOL! i don't know what to say, i feel stupid haha

lol I even said it was a liiee. D:

jhs270694 14-02-12 22:09


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5976453)
People do realise that it wasn't promised for today specifically, right. Knew this would happen :p

I knew it wouldn't happen today, i just got tricked into believing (i feel stupid) that meg said we would have our info in 3 months LOL. talk about naivety. and sorry to LF25, i just have been speed reading the post because there are so many comments today its hard to keep up

Mikky 14-02-12 22:11


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976460)
I knew it wouldn't happen today, i just got tricked into believing (i feel stupid) that meg said we would have our info in 3 months LOL. talk about naivety. and sorry, i just have been speed reading the post because there are so many comments today its hard to keep up

I'm so sorry, really. :hug: I was just a light-hearted joke to try and cheer everyone up. I just didn't think people would actually fall for it. :p

Rai 14-02-12 22:11

^I wasn't aiming that post at you Jhs, in general. :)

I edited that post too, peeps move fast in this thread :vlol: or I move slow :pi:

jhs270694 14-02-12 22:14


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5976466)
I'm so sorry, really. :hug: I was just a light-hearted joke to try and cheer everyone up. I just didn't think people would actually fall for it. :p

nonononono i'm not angry lol dont take it the wrong way, i found it funny but i just tend to self critic my self. dont feel bad :D. ur gonna make me feel more sad if ur sad :o

i proved my point that i cant keep up today with the amount of comments :vlol:

Mikky 14-02-12 22:15


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976472)
nonononono i'm not angry lol dont take it the wrong way, i found it funny but i just tend to self critic my self. dont feel bad :D. ur gonna make me feel more sad if ur sad :o

Oh, don't worry, I'm fine if you are. :hug: :p

Anyway, back on topic... Whatever that is. xD

jhs270694 14-02-12 22:17


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5976476)
Oh, don't worry, I'm fine if you are. :hug: :p

Anyway, back on topic... Whatever that is. xD

Lol, thats the problem. what is it?

Rai 14-02-12 22:19


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976479)
Lol, thats the problem. what is it?

Go back a page to see the edit I did to the post you quoted :D

That's the new topic

[/self pity, all about me]

jhs270694 14-02-12 22:26

LOL. i dunno why im asking this but have you ever felt 'different' from the rest of the world. like an outlier that doest fit in to social norms easily? you feel you think differently from everyone around you and no one understands you when you explain your thoughts? you see the world for what it truly is and not what is seemed to be. there's even a quote from the bible (im not Christian) "For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow". soooo true.

oh no me getting philosophical and straying of topic again, i want to relate this to TR because it gives a sense of hunting for knowledge (or wisdom) previously unknown to the world,lara in search of unravelling the mystery of the island shes stuck on gives me a sense of that but i feel like i'm going overboard. i can be so melancholic sometimes, i get obsessed. heck i even changed my sig because of it. i cant control my hormones :vlol:

i understand why few people reply back to this type of stuff, it's not really something to reply back to but just to reflect in your thoughts.

Love2Raid 14-02-12 23:28

There is a lot of truth in that quote, I've said something like that to someone not too long ago actually. It was about people who always seem to be happy/laughing, and I linked it too ignorance and said that a lack of knowledge is nothing to be jealous of.
Although I don't see how this relates to the topic of the thread. :p

But I love how you edited that picture Rai. :vlol:
You should just post it again, many members must have missed it.

jhs270694 14-02-12 23:47


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 5976638)
There is a lot of truth in that quote, I've said something like that to someone not too long ago actually. It was about people who always seem to be happy/laughing, and I linked it too ignorance and said that a lack of knowledge is nothing to be jealous of.
Although I don't see how this relates to the topic of the thread. :p

But I love how you edited that picture Rai. :vlol:
You should just post it again, many members must have missed it.

i like 'Do as your told' mum/business lara - sounds like my mum lol

TheRCroft 14-02-12 23:52


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5976331)
Well at least we can find humor in this new revelation...

3 months guys, until something. :D

edit: assssssssssssssssssss



naaaawej ornktig\kejbswtujgwuo\j sguo'5gTJ\/G


:vlol: !

I really hope we get something this month. Or heads will roll and blood will be spilled. like srsly.

trlestew 14-02-12 23:53

So...anything happen today?
Can't be bothered to sort through all of this.

larafan25 14-02-12 23:55


But you can go to the Eidos forum and ask a question in the dev Q&A.

Love2Raid 14-02-12 23:59


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976681)
i like 'Do as your told' mum/business lara - sounds like my mum lol

TRU Lara was indeed very bossy and serious. :p
Thanks for the friend request, I accepted of course. :hug:

trlestew 15-02-12 00:02


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5976700)

But you can go to the Eidos forum and ask a question in the dev Q&A.

Well that's still neat...
I just forgot my login info for that dry place.

Rai 15-02-12 00:33


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 5976638)
There is a lot of truth in that quote, I've said something like that to someone not too long ago actually. It was about people who always seem to be happy/laughing, and I linked it too ignorance and said that a lack of knowledge is nothing to be jealous of.
Although I don't see how this relates to the topic of the thread. :p

But I love how you edited that picture Rai. :vlol:
You should just post it again, many members must have missed it.

Thanks :D

here it is again as I wanted it to be seen: (obviously)

As I said before, hope irishhips does not mind :p.

lcroft_lc 15-02-12 05:20


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5976148)
When this game is released, noody is going to talk to each other, they're going to go straight to the game to find everything out, I bet. :pi:

People will stuck in places and they will keep opening thread for each of the stuck. Like you will open a thread "how can I go into that little place of E3 demo which I pointed earlier this year?" :p


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5976331)
Well at least we can find humor in this new revelation...

3 months guys, until something. :D

Hang on. You are going to see the combat in exactly 110 days. :jmp:

NCFirebolt21 15-02-12 06:01

Why are people putting blind faith in CD/SEE to release something new everytime they say "early 2012"? It could just be to make people go crazy about it, after all, Meagan & Karl have played the game.

Anyway, if they said Tomb Raider is releasing in Fall this year, it's between August and November. 4-month gap. E3 is in June/July, and hopefully one month after another we'll get screens/trailers like they do with everything else. And possibly, the cavern demo released on OnLive like other games, unless they're trying to be "unique" and save the excitement for the official release date.

tombstone 15-02-12 11:10

oh goodie dint miss anythang ^_^

Lara_Zoz2006 15-02-12 11:43

When was the last time we did actually have news ?

Spong 15-02-12 11:50


Originally Posted by Lara_Zoz2006 (Post 5977521)
When was the last time we did actually have news ?

Define 'news'. For some people, they consider the rubbish talked about in the podcasts as news.

klona 15-02-12 11:51


Originally Posted by Lara_Zoz2006 (Post 5977521)
When was the last time we did actually have news ?

Real news?
Hmmm... Last E3 I guess. :p

slavo120 15-02-12 12:12


Originally Posted by Lara_Zoz2006 (Post 5977521)
When was the last time we did actually have news ?

definitely last june :hea:

...Karl last year say "2012 will be all about tomb raider" or something like that
...gameplay trailer early 2012 and ?? we have nothing..
Just lies and empty words "soon,epic,not-so-far-distance" bla bla bla

...Hitman,Far Cry, RE 6, Bioshock Infinite and lots more coming on fall and we have gameplay, info, stealht etc..

or Metro Last Night coming in 2013 and we know more about gameplay and we see incredible gameplay footage..and Tomb Raider ?nothing...

They can be released gameplay, screenshots, or some info about enemies, island etc. without spoil !

"Voice Actress Announcement Coming Soon! (Discussion!)" Topic was founded 17.10.2011 and still we dont have name...I dont care about Voice Actress but it is ridiculous

Lara_Zoz2006 15-02-12 12:25

no podcasts defo aren't news , it has been quite a while hasn't it.

it just such high competition this year from RE6 , SH6 etc etc i think if we want to get in the running with these guys there need to be some sort of info soon and i do understand the empty promises part , i mean i remember something being said about january ?

Lara_Zoz2006 15-02-12 12:49

I sent this to Crystal today :

Good Morning

Apologises i appreciate you are a very busy company but please if you could take a moment to read the below id be really grateful.

Mine names Susie Hampton, im 24 years old and have been Tomb Raider fan since its first release in 1996, Lara has been the reason im pursuing a career in game design, i participated in before it sadly had to be closed last year , so ive very much been online through the Tomb Raider Legacy, Seen all the ups and downs :)

The reaction to when you guys came in with TR : Legend was amazing :) It was so refreshing a whole new zing of life for Lara and that trend has continued. Especially after seeing the trailer for the new Tomb Raider in October 2011 , every tomb raider fan hit the roof :)

But thats the thing... October. !!

We have had no real news since October except podcasts, now while i totally appreciate the reason behind the podcasts , looking into different areas of game development etc , thats not something the general public are going to go for, It would be Visuals that would attract the attention needed to compete with Resident Evil 6 , Silent Hill 6 etc , im concerned that these games have recently had trailer release on TV in the Uk and we saw so much more from the in that short space of time.

We have had no screenshot , art or anything visual or news of any kind since October last year , despite veiled promises from members of community staff on twitter. Im sure as you know as TR fans love a good tease but this is getting quite silly and its the first time ive since fans quite so angry , even in angel of darkness days. You know what we are like just one screenshot of a new area would do us. Or even a concept art. If you head over to Tomb Raider Forums you will see the frustrations of alot of members now. i don't think this marketing strategy of keeping everything as hushed as possible is working anymore, its beginning to annoy loyal long terms fans who would never dare to talk bad of tomb raider.

I'm very pleased with what we have seen and very excited but i must admit its even beginning to dim for me because we are seeing the same old article, the same screenshot and the promise of new exciting things from tweets but we never ever see !!! Its kind of cruel really if you think about it,

Im sorry to send an email like this, i actually really didn't want to as i am one of these fans that would never want to say anything about TR , but im getting a little tired of it now too , to be honest and im worried about the general public perception when they are seeing all this other media from the competitors.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Concerned TR Fan but also very excited as to what may be :)

All the best


Spong 15-02-12 12:58

^Silent Hill 6? I wondered if that's what you meant earlier when you said "SH6". The next Silent Hill game, Silent Hill Downpour, will be the eighth game in the series, not the sixth. Also, it's released next month (March), so I fail to see how TR9 will be competing with it :confused:

Lara_Zoz2006 15-02-12 13:02

My reference to that when we SH was announced and it was at the same stage TR is now to due date we had a lot more info

Lukass 15-02-12 13:05


Originally Posted by Lara_Zoz2006 (Post 5977574)
I sent this to Crystal today :

Do you really think it will help? :p

But very well done! :D

Spong 15-02-12 13:05


Originally Posted by Lara_Zoz2006 (Post 5977597)
My reference to that when we SH was announced and it was at the same stage TR is now to due date we had a lot more info

Fair enough, I see what you mean (although Downpour was supposed to be released last October, it got delayed).

Either way, do let us know if you get any response from Crystal :tmb:

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