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LNSNHGTDS 24-11-12 15:56


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6534832)
Okay, so I was searching amazon for various of things then I came across this:

"This item will be released on May 29, 2013. Pre-order now! Ships from FL, United States." :p

You can still get it with the Collector's Edition though, right? And bot hare ridiculously overpriced, so, no big deal :p !


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6534846)
The two-week countdown for the end of the world starts in Trafalgar Square, London. They're having a big party :tmb:

:vlol: Why?!


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6534857)
Her boobs look massive!!

Nothing new :vlol: !


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6534873)
(They are going to see how GTA V takes the crown though.)

Well that's kinda sad actually, but, unfortunately, it will propably happen anyway :pi: ...

Evan C. 24-11-12 16:00


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6534873)
Possible new trailer reveal for TR. :jmp:

  • Meagan Marie told the next trailer will be shown at a non-consumer show.
  • Spike VGA 2012 award will be held on December 7 which is a non-consumer show and each year around 15 trailers shown in that show.
  • CrystalD is going to attend this year's VGA as TR is nominated as Most anticipated GOTY 2013. (They are going to see how GTA V takes the crown though.)

Oh, really? Hope you're right. A new trailer would be superb. Brian Horton is currently visiting Australia and Honk Kong for TR promotion, so it means after a while of quiet, wheels are starting to spin again.

Spong 24-11-12 16:20


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6534855)
They should give us the demo before the countdown ends.
You know,
just in case.

I agree :tmb:


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6534873)
  • CrystalD is going to attend this year's VGA as TR is nominated as Most anticipated GOTY 2013. (They are going to see how GTA V takes the crown though.)

If GTAV is in the list of nominations, I don't know why any other dev (let alone Crystal) would even bother turning up.


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6534874)
:vlol: Why?!

Because it's the end of the world, you gotta have a party. And then maybe a bit of a cry just before we all check out.

LNSNHGTDS 24-11-12 16:21


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6534891)
Because it's the end of the world, you gotta have a party. And then maybe a bit of a cry just before we all check out.

Yeah, for the second time in this millenium :rolleyes: :vlol: !!!

klona 24-11-12 16:22


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6534874)
You can still get it with the Collector's Edition though, right? And bot hare ridiculously overpriced, so, no big deal :p !

I know, right? :p
I already pre-ordered the CE anyway.


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6534873)
Possible new trailer reveal for TR. :jmp:

  • Meagan Marie told the next trailer will be shown at a non-consumer show.
  • Spike VGA 2012 award will be held on December 7 which is a non-consumer show and each year around 15 trailers shown in that show.
  • CrystalD is going to attend this year's VGA as TR is nominated as Most anticipated GOTY 2013. (They are going to see how GTA V takes the crown though.)


Weemanply109 24-11-12 16:39


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6534765)
I thought that trl online said gore and swearing will be ok to post only for the new TR videos in this forum.

Yep, he did. I think a few of us raised a heated discussion with the moderation team earlier this year about it and I even created a thread and it got closed and obliterated, it was that messy here. :vlol:

Gabi PM'd me confirming that Justin was allowing mature TR content to be posted here after it all, though. :p I remember even posting a thread about it.

JsotoTRSaga 24-11-12 16:50


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6534873)
Possible new trailer reveal for TR. :jmp:

  • Meagan Marie told the next trailer will be shown at a non-consumer show.
  • Spike VGA 2012 award will be held on December 7 which is a non-consumer show and each year around 15 trailers shown in that show.
  • CrystalD is going to attend this year's VGA as TR is nominated as Most anticipated GOTY 2013. (They are going to see how GTA V takes the crown though.)

You seem to have forgotten the reveal of the second benefit for pre-ordering the game in Best Buy &/or Gamestop :p that where also going to be shown in December according to the pictures showing the challenge tomb for GS and the Aviatrix Skin for BB. It's likely that we may get all of these in the same week. ;)

Lukass 24-11-12 16:54


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6534846)
The two-week countdown for the end of the world starts in Trafalgar Square, London. They're having a big party :tmb:


FearEffect 24-11-12 17:16


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6534873)
Possible new trailer reveal for TR. :jmp:

  • Meagan Marie told the next trailer will be shown at a non-consumer show.
  • Spike VGA 2012 award will be held on December 7 which is a non-consumer show and each year around 15 trailers shown in that show.
  • CrystalD is going to attend this year's VGA as TR is nominated as Most anticipated GOTY 2013. (They are going to see how GTA V takes the crown though.)

The "new CGI Trailer " ?

klona 24-11-12 17:17


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6534950)

No thanks, I want something in-game. :p

Mikky 24-11-12 17:21


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6534950)

What makes you think it's another CGI trailer? 0_o

Personally, I think that would be such a disappointment. :p

Evan C. 24-11-12 17:22

They've spent years to make the CGI trailer we have seen, so don't dream about it. If there's a trailer, it will be with in-game footage.

Spong 24-11-12 17:27


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6534952)
No thanks, I want something in-game. :p


We're in the closing stages of the best part of two years' hype, and we still haven't seen anything beyond all the opening nonsense, all the stuff that's linear and riddled with intrusive story. I want to see some of the 'proper' stuff, I'm still far from sold on the game for the simple fact I've still yet to see it properly.

JsotoTRSaga 24-11-12 17:31

A CGI Video would be welcome as an opening movie for the game or/and as an epilogue i'm afraid we don't need another one as a trailer, Also i wold like to see much more combat with the axe, the bow and the gun and that can only be seen with an in-game trailer as well as the climbing and the tombs.

_Awestruck_ 24-11-12 17:34


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6534965)

We're in the closing stages of the best part of two years' hype, and we still haven't seen anything beyond all the opening nonsense, all the stuff that's linear and riddled with intrusive story. I want to see some of the 'proper' stuff, I'm still far from sold on the game for the simple fact I've still yet to see it properly.


Denis 24-11-12 17:38


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6534950)

yes i wish they will give us a 2nd one

lcroft_lc 24-11-12 17:46


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6534894)

Wait! Faint after watching that mind-blowing trailer.


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6534925)
You seem to have forgotten the reveal of the second benefit for pre-ordering the game in Best Buy &/or Gamestop :p that where also going to be shown in December according to the pictures showing the challenge tomb for GS and the Aviatrix Skin for BB. It's likely that we may get all of these in the same week. ;)

Its December 19 for the reveal. Hopefully Final Hours episode #3 will be released within that time with the composer reveal. So if we are going to die on Dec 21, we could die in peace. :D

JsotoTRSaga 24-11-12 17:49


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6534989)
Wait! Faint after watching that mind-blowing trailer.

Its December 19 for the reveal. Hopefully Final Hours episode #3 will be released within that time with the composer reveal. So if we are going to die on Dec 21, we could die in peace. :D

Oh LOL!:vlol:, I'd die concerned TBH i'd be screaming to my soul ''why did you waste your valuable life waiting for a damned game that never released bc you died before you could even play it!!'', Thank God that the Mayan calendar is only Ancient Hokus Pokus :p.

Lukass 24-11-12 17:51

I hope Dec 21st is not the day of our death. Underworld Lara saved us, remember? ;)

Evan C. 24-11-12 17:53

It's not, the calendar has nothing wrong, as always, someone made a lot of money with saying wrong information. It was always about the end of a cycle, not about the end of the world :p
Anyway, how many of this info about the release of new material is true?

TRexbait 24-11-12 17:53

An actual look at puzzles, combat, exploration, traversal, or anything would be welcomed. Please no CGI trailer. I think I'd throw a fit. :p

lcroft_lc 24-11-12 17:57
The End Is Nigh. :o

klona 24-11-12 17:58


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6534989)
Wait! Faint after watching that mind-blowing trailer.

I could faint twice. :)

Evan C. 24-11-12 17:58

That's what happen when hollywood meets archaeological discoveries -_-

EscondeR 24-11-12 18:04

For G-men (;)) out there: Mayas had no idea about the "leap year", so we already survived the End of the World in August 2011 ;)

Spong 24-11-12 18:05


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6535009)

Copyright 2012 Ubisoft :smk:
They don't own the end of the world, I'm just talking about that picture :p

_Awestruck_ 24-11-12 18:05


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6535018)
For G-men (;)) out there: Mayas had no idea about the "leap year", so we already survived the End of the World in August 2011 ;)

:vlol: Yep.

lcroft_lc 24-11-12 18:07


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6535022)
Copyright 2012 Ubisoft :smk:
They don't own the end of the world, I'm just talking about that picture :p

It should be copyrighted by William Miles as he was the one who narrates it.

EscondeR 24-11-12 18:09


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6535018)
For G-men (;)) out there: Mayas had no idea about the "leap year", so we already survived the End of the World in August 2011 ;)

Hmmm... The only thing that stops me from hijacking and switching off the local Power station for a couple of minutes on 21 Dec is that I'm sure there would be a few heart attacks if I dare to :whi:

JsotoTRSaga 24-11-12 18:10


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6535012)
That's what happen when hollywood meets archaeological discoveries -_-

This, TBH :vlol:

Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6534999)
I hope Dec 21st is not the day of our death. Underworld Lara saved us, remember? ;)

Lara only rotated the calendar and changed it's date to mark the unnamed days of the Mayan Calendar only to open her way through Xibalba :p she did nothing else there :ton:

apart from killing the Midgard Serpent that is...

Billy959 24-11-12 18:13


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6534999)
I hope Dec 21st is not the day of our death. Underworld Lara saved us, remember? ;)


she couldn't even save her mother

Tommy123 24-11-12 18:16


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6535035)

she couldn't even save her mother

Dark bro dark

Edit: why is there a mad face on my post

Billy959 24-11-12 18:20


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6535038)
Dark bro dark

only because it's a videogame :p

just*raidin*tomb 24-11-12 18:21

Actually (AC3 kind of spoiler alert) Desmond saved us. :p

Denis 24-11-12 18:23

well end of the world or not.. we will experiance it first hand in less than a month

Lukass 24-11-12 18:28


Originally Posted by Denis (Post 6535042)
well end of the world or not.. we will experiance it first hand in less than a month

? wha?

Denis 24-11-12 18:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6535047)
? wha?

scroll up scaryface

just*raidin*tomb 24-11-12 18:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6535047)
? wha?

He's basically saying we'll know if its the end or not when we get to the 21st. :p

Denis 24-11-12 18:36


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6535055)
He's basically saying we'll know if its the end or not when we get to the 21st. :p


trlestew 24-11-12 19:29

Why are there ACIII spoilers in this thread? Must I stay away from the entire internet? :p

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