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skylark1121 01-12-12 07:10


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6543747)

I'm gonna miss weird japanese demons, which leads to my next question; Is the supernatural and magic etc. "banned" from Tomb Raider forever or is it for this game only? I suppose that, going with the realistic point of view it will still be like that, just want to make sure.

Me too, I was initially really excited for the horror aspect of the game. I'm still not convinced that there will be nothing supernatural in the game, TBH. :whi:


Originally Posted by Scorpio1991 (Post 6543737)
Today I went to Hot Topic and saw a Tomb Raider trailer playing along to a song by Owl City, ott Was pretty nice fit for the game :D

Yay! When's the last time you saw a TR trailer playing at a department store! :ohn:

CBS_TombRaider 01-12-12 08:03


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6543725)
Yes, good times. <3

I remember when our only information was this:

Tbh, this must've been the time when I was less excited for this new release. I just didn't see Lara and the Tomb Raiding mixing well with something so dark. I'm glad they eased up on the horror and stayed (more or less) true to the pillars of the original Tomb Raider :o

nevillet 01-12-12 08:20


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6543761)
Tbh, this must've been the time when I was less excited for this new release. I just didn't see Lara and the Tomb Raiding mixing well with something so dark. I'm glad they eased up on the horror and stayed (more or less) true to the pillars of the original Tomb Raider :o

Same. It was just too bizarre.

Weemanply109 01-12-12 11:26

I've said this many times, but the whole concept of TR in 2009 >>>>

I loved the theme of horror, etc. It does have it's downfalls compared to the new concept, I think the horror feel would've redacted from the story of Lara and how she became her and it would've become more of just trying to kill the monsters and surviving (I wouldn't really care too much, tbh), but I still love the idea of riding a horse and the atmosphere would've made this game stand out so much more, tbh.

italibabee 01-12-12 14:13

I'm still hoping for those creepy monsters in the game.

trfanX34 01-12-12 15:43

We NEED these creepy monsters in the game.
I'm gonna be so disappointed if we don't get paranormal/fantasy stuff in TR ;__;

TheRCroft 01-12-12 15:51


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6543764)
Same. It was just too bizarre.

Agreed. :tmb:

Spong 01-12-12 15:53


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6544208)
We NEED these creepy monsters in the game.
I'm gonna be so disappointed if we don't get paranormal/fantasy stuff in TR ;__;

I'm fairly confident you're in for some disappointment. It looks like Crystal can only do gun-toting henchmen. I bet they all look like Eric Lindstrom again :rolleyes::p

_Awestruck_ 01-12-12 17:07

Looks like Tomb Raider's gonna have a trailer at the VGA's.

Geoff reveals some of the "exclusives" around the 31:30 mark.

Wasn't sure if this warranted a new thread or not, but it's something to look forward to.

TippingWater 01-12-12 17:14



The Last Of Us - definitely. I don't know what south-park is doing here, I've never played a Bioshock game, I've tried out a demo of Tomb Raider, I was completely disappointing, GTA V is awesome but - I'll vote for the game that is the newest - not a rehash nor a sequel. A new IP like no other.
Get him gorls! :p

_Awestruck_ 01-12-12 17:16

Wow, I figured my post was pretty big news. :vlol:

I found it first, whoever finds it later in the week. :p

BinRaider 01-12-12 17:18


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6544405)

That's two thumbs down so far. Bitch better be more careful next time tbqh.

Spong 01-12-12 17:24


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6544409)
Wow, I figured my post was pretty big news. :vlol:

I found it first, whoever finds it later in the week. :p

You mentioned Geoff Keighley, then linked Major Nelson. I think that's why no one said anything ;):p

_Awestruck_ 01-12-12 17:28


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6544423)
You mentioned Geoff Keighley, then linked Major Nelson. I think that's why no one said anything ;):p

And that wouldn't be surprising. I closed the window that I was listening to the podcast on when Keighley compared the VGA's to the Oscars. :p It's like he's asking not to be taken seriously.

trfanX34 01-12-12 17:28


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6544394)
Looks like Tomb Raider's gonna have a trailer at the VGA's.

Geoff reveals some of the "exclusives" around the 31:30 mark.

Wasn't sure if this warranted a new thread or not, but it's something to look forward to.

Did he say it or did he just hint to it? I don't feel like listening to that :p
You should make a thread. When are the VGAs anyways?

_Awestruck_ 01-12-12 17:28


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6544430)
Did he say it or did he just hint to it? I don't feel like listening to that :p
You should make a thread. When is VGA anyways?

He said it.

trfanX34 01-12-12 17:29


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6544431)
He said it.

Awesome :D

Spong 01-12-12 17:31

You should post the news about the trailer in the VGA thread as well :tmb:

Weemanply109 01-12-12 17:35


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6544417)
That's two thumbs down so far. Bitch better be more careful next time tbqh.

:vlol: Spill it, sis!

just*raidin*tomb 01-12-12 17:40


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6544208)
We NEED these creepy monsters in the game.
I'm gonna be so disappointed if we don't get paranormal/fantasy stuff in TR ;__;

If they are. Or if there are more creatures that are unexpected. I will be so so pleased. But I wouldn't want to know about them until I play the game.

trfanX34 01-12-12 17:49


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6544447)
If they are. Or if there are more creatures that are unexpected. I will be so so pleased. But I wouldn't want to know about them until I play the game.

Same :D It would be such a magical surprise *-*

lance6439 01-12-12 18:25


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6542541)
Yes, TR was leaked for download but you just missed the download. Oh well.


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6542543)
we've cancelled the game cos Lara's ankle bends funny..

I forgot that these were suppose to be funny.

SpyrosMonster 01-12-12 18:30


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 6544547)
I forgot that these were suppose to be funny.

Your avatar though. :vlol:

Peep Show 01-12-12 18:31

I don't want any monsters in the game, I just don't see how they would fit.

TippingWater 01-12-12 19:12


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6544560)
Your avatar though. :vlol:


just*raidin*tomb 01-12-12 19:13


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6544564)
I don't want any monsters in the game, I just don't see how they would fit.

I thought the same when I played Uncharted omg. But it was just like wtf is going on and i loved it.

TheShadowOfMe 01-12-12 19:20

Can someone make mix of Lara's moans? xD
I'm not perv or anything, I just wanna have it.. xD

Lukass 01-12-12 19:24


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6544642)
Can someone make mix of Lara's moans? xD
I'm not perv or anything, I just wanna have it.. xD

Because you are perv.

TheShadowOfMe 01-12-12 19:26


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6544650)
Because you are perv.

I already said that I'm not perv... -_-
I just wanna irritate my sis... xD

TippingWater 01-12-12 19:27

Damn this game is so unpolished, and they are so close to release date :o.

TippingWater 01-12-12 19:33


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6543672)
There are actually numerous dents and holes in that rock...
I won't deny it's sped up though. But lets not forget that fun is more important than realism when it comes to games. Lara needs to move at a pace that makes the game flow. It's not unrealistic to the point where it's distracting though. Well at least in my opinion.

Peep Show 01-12-12 19:35


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6544658)
Damn this game is so unpolished, and they are so close to release date :o.

You wouldn't even notice that in the actual game, you guys just love to nitpick everything frame by frame lord.

TheShadowOfMe 01-12-12 19:36


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6544682)
You wouldn't even notice that in the actual game, you guys just love to nitpick everything frame by frame lord.


Mikky 01-12-12 19:37


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6544682)
You wouldn't even notice that in the actual game, you guys just love to nitpick everything frame by frame lord.

Sure, it could be considered "nitpicking", but that still doesn't mean that the game is not unpolished.

just*raidin*tomb 01-12-12 19:38


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6544682)
You wouldn't even notice that in the actual game, you guys just love to nitpick everything frame by frame lord.

:vlol: She's damn well close to stabbing herself in the head.

TippingWater 01-12-12 19:39


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6544682)
You wouldn't even notice that in the actual game, you guys just love to nitpick everything frame by frame lord.

Uhm... I would, and I bet a lot of people are even more observant than me.

Lukass 01-12-12 19:39


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6544694)
:vlol: She's damn well close to stabbing herself in the head.

She pierced her ear for another earring it seems.

Peep Show 01-12-12 19:40


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6544695)
Uhm... I would, and I bet a lot of people are even more observant than me.

Of course just like you noticed it the first time you watched the video. :rolleyes:

just*raidin*tomb 01-12-12 19:40


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6544697)
She pierced her ear for another earring it seems.

Multitasking like a tru survivor~

TippingWater 01-12-12 19:41


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6544697)
She pierced her ear for another earring it seems.

Ha ha ha! :D At least she did not scream "get the hell of me!" this time around :D.

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