![]() |
^ Its not Kevin, its Kurtis.
1. *bleep 2. Kevin 3. Kurtis |
His name was bleeped out. Censored. :( |
"Bleep, bleep, bleep...you're not my bleep" "WHERE IZ MY BLEEEEEEP!" |
Let's all trick Meagan into telling us.
How? O.o
Hmhmhm, I don't think it would work :vlol:
We need that name. |
Hi guys
I got a response from my email : Hello Susie! Sorry for the delayed response – I was out of town this past week and wanted to take the appropriate amount of time to respond to your question. I know many fans are wondering why we haven’t released new screenshots or gameplay for some time. For that reason I asked Karl to address the concern and explain why we’ve gone quiet for so long in the most recent podcast. Did you have a chance to listen in? If so, do you feel like he has properly explained the quiet period? If you haven’t had a chance to listen yet, I’ve provided a transcript of his answer below. Let me know if that clears things up for you. Appreciate your support, and concern Susie! Meagan --- MEAGAN MARIE: *Last question. So we bookended the Take Five with the hard questions. So now we're closing in on a hard one. Final question is, why have you guys gone so long without sharing any new information about the game? Is there a strategy to this? * KARL STEWART: So I would say, yes, there's a strategy behind everything we do. We do not just talk for the sake of it. It was very important to us that we time the announcement of our game, as well as the information that we reveal about our game, very strategically, so that we tell the story of re-imagining this character. Lara's been around for a very long time, and you cannot expect that you come out, 12 to 18 months before the game ships, and go, "Ta-da, here she is, she's shipwrecked on an island," and the next phase is, "Oh, she's getting stronger," and the next phase is, "Oh, she's an action-adventure hero." There has to be the right amount of time to allow everything to sink in, for people to understand what we're trying to achieve. Now, with that said, we have been extremely lucky in 2011 off the back of getting the cover on Game Informer, written by none other than Meagan Marie... We had planned to sort of say, "Well, right, for the entire year we will just talk about and focus on that one thing." Now, as the year progressed, and we found that the 35-plus covers and all the awards at E3 and the amount of people who came to see it, we were... It was almost a sellout concert. Every single time we did a demo, whether it be at E3 or any show, we had more people turning up than we'd imagined. So we felt like we achieved our goal of communicating this new vision for Lara in a fraction of the space of time that we thought it would take. And we really reached a point in time where we said, "Okay, well, the next stage has to be that evolutionary step of Lara. What's she going to do next?" So that each step of the way you kinda feel like she's growing and growing. And that's what we plan on doing now when we come back pretty soon. But as soon as we got to... Like, I think it was around the September timeline. Really, everybody had seen it. Everybody had seen what we wanted to show. All that happens is that, in my mind, you start frustrating people. Because you're regurgitating the same content, you're talking about the same thing over and over again. Even if... As an example, we had the option to release the gameplay footage, narrated, that we'd shown at E3. At some point in time, everybody has seen it and it feels like you've got nothing new to show. We have loads of new stuff to show and we're really excited to get ready to do it. We just decided that for a period of time, we did not want to keep showing the same thing, because it starts to just date the product. People look at it and go, "Is that a one-trick pony? Is that all they can do?" And that's not all we do. So it has been very strategic. It was obviously a little bit... It's a little bit longer than we had planned, because we managed to achieve so much last year. Which we're very proud of and we're very happy, that the press and all the fans loved what we were doing. But let's just say that it will not be long before we will be coming back. We will be coming back and showing you the next phase, and trust me, from then on into the campaign it's a lot of content dropping. * MEAGAN MARIE: *A lot of content, and it's not just game-specific, like trailers and screenshots. We'll be talking about talent, we'll be looking at ancillary things... All sorts of stuff. * KARL STEWART: We have loads to say. But it also takes time for this new vision to settle in to people. We're all fans, we're very close to it, a lot of the people who listen to this podcast have been close to it since day one. Re-imagining an IP like this takes a little bit of time for it to sort of seep through all the cracks and for everybody to be aware that it's happening. We believe that, when we come back in the very near future, we will have sufficiently sorta seeded the new vision, the re-imagining. And when we move into this next phase, people will understand where we're coming from in order to get there. These things take time. * MEAGAN MARIE: *It does take time, but it'll be worth the wait. That's what I keep telling people. The content that we have coming is phenomenal. So I cannot wait to share it with you guys, and thank you for explaining that, Karl, I think it does provide a lot of insight into the motivation behind why we're doing what we're doing in the order and the timeline that we're doing it. * KARL STEWART: Excellent. * MEAGAN MARIE: *Awesome. Thank you so much! |
Thanks Lara Zoz2006 for letting us know your reply. I read the transcript, and, to be honest, though I appreciate they have a strategy all worked out for releasing info, that's all well and good...except, I reckon we've all had enough time for the reboot to sink in :p (except maybe for a select few whole refuse to accept the truth :whi:).
So Meagan basically just went around the question.. beat around the bush.. and directed you to listen to the podcast?
They have a plan...why is everyone not grasping this.
On a side note, why do I keep typing Karl's name as Karal? :confused: |
Underworld had to much coverage and TReboot doesn't have enough.
Oh CD... |
TRU had just enough and sometimes not enough coverage while we waited for the game and each bit of coverage, but afterwards we realized maybe it was too much. I think it's better this way, we'll always feel we want more or it's not enough, but if CD are strict, in the end we'll have had a satisfying and informative media campaign without having the game spoiled. I have a lot of sympathy (or is it empathy?) for Karl when he says he doesn't want to spoil the game. We're sort of conditioned into getting specific types of information at specific times, to the point where that information or piece of the game may only be valued as a part of the media campaign and not actually when we play the game. Simply the difference between playing a game you know little about, and one you knew everything about, mystery is nice and it's nice to figure out Lara's moves, the unlockables, etc when you get the game. |
Strangely enough, I'm beginning welcome the silent treatment. it turns on my imagination of what's to come, play with ideas and try to manifest it into some sort of reality.
There's a beautiful quote about this; "The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory" by Thomas Jefferson As for facts Einstein simply said "logic will get you from a to b. imagination will take you everywhere.", facts are so boring to deal with, I'd rather theorise. its more fun. it looks like im just copying and pasting random quotes, im not. i deeply understand what they mean but there are some thoughts that i simply have a hard time expressing and these quotes do the perfect job. Gosh i sound so over dramatic its almost embarrassing lol. i'm sure spong is flaming at me for going in too deep over a game :vlol: |
My imagination tends to paint a better product then the final one I'm given...So, I don't welcome them as much but endure them.
Thats the downfall i must admit. But that's just about anything, when are we ever satisfied with what we are given in reality? what im not satisfied with in reality im satisfied in my imagination :p
imagination is the foundation of which reality is given the chance to improve, the game designers are being imaginative to create this game. think about it. it's only foolish to think anything is going to live up to your expectations, they never or rarely do in life. Expect the worse, hope for the best. give CD a chance. Honestly my sincere apologies for going broadly off topic. |
Anyways im just trying to calm everyone. but i don't think im doing a good job :o |
^We are calm :confused:
Underworld basically started the major advertising campaign just before E3, same as the next game probably will. So if you thought Underworld had too much coverage, why complain. We know about as much as we did for TRU at the same time before release. And we probably get a good 6 months of constant info, same as for TRU. You build the excitement up so fans are excited just before the game comes out, no point showing us everything too early. They started advertised the reboot early that does not mean we are entitled to know any more about this game than we did about Underworld, we do not get more info just because Crystal Dynamics showed us the game earlier. Crystal Dynamics showed us what they wanted us to see, they are not showing us any more till they are ready to start showing off the rest of the game. As it was, yes fans could learn a lot about TRU before it was released it is up to the publisher and developer to show the game off, if fans do not want to spoil the game they should avoid watching everything. We will most likely get just as much info on the new game. There is no point showing us everything, they want us the buy the game rather than us knowing everything before it is even released. |
I think that if the wolf's den demo didn't leaked we would see it sometimes now officially (and maybe a bit longer than the leaked bit). And the waiting wouldn't be so long. What if it was planned to show it officially now? And because it leaked we have to wait till E3 for news.
Yeah perhaps that leaked delayed a few things in their schedule but aside from that I cannot wait until E3 to see the combat. I think although I'm tired of waiting the past few months have flown in and there are a lot of games and movies coming out to keep me occupied up until June. :jmp:
^ Totally :vlol:
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