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italibabee 02-02-13 21:23

1 Month 2 Days
30 Days
4 Weeks (Rounded Down)
727 Hours (Rounded Down)
43,659 Minutes (Rounded Down)

Which reminds me...
I still have to Pre-Order my copy.

TippingWater 02-02-13 21:25


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6632602)

I have to admit that my old montages are better than this one, but :

See? They do look alike whether you like it or not :p..

Mikky 02-02-13 21:30

Emma looks nothing like Lara to me, to be honest.

never_the_same 02-02-13 21:37

Does anybody know when we can expect the PC screenshots?!
Cant wait to see it.
Take caree

Only TR lover 02-02-13 22:06


Originally Posted by never_the_same (Post 6633189)
Does anybody know when we can expect the PC screenshots?!
Cant wait to see it.
Take caree

Unfortunately, nobody can tell for sure. Hope it will be soon :p Pozdrav :)

TippingWater 02-02-13 22:07


Originally Posted by never_the_same (Post 6633189)
Does anybody know when we can expect the PC screenshots?!
Cant wait to see it.
Take caree

I can't wait! :jmp:

TRItheMaster 02-02-13 22:28


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6632438)

What? :confused:

italibabee 02-02-13 22:30


Originally Posted by never_the_same (Post 6633189)
Does anybody know when we can expect the PC screenshots?!
Cant wait to see it.
Take caree

Maybe they've shown them already.


FearEffect 02-02-13 22:34


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6633168)

See? They do look alike whether you like it or not :p..

Yeah, but i don't really like that girl, not as Lara :D

trfanX34 02-02-13 23:02


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6633247)
What? :confused:

The fact that you nearly broke someone's neck :p

ItIsOkBro 02-02-13 23:04


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6633247)
What? :confused:

Oh nothing just that you've just admitted to attempted murder is all :pi:

italibabee 02-02-13 23:19


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6633280)
The fact that you nearly broke someone's neck :p


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6633281)
Oh nothing just that you've just admitted to attempted murder is all :pi:

Well it somewhat fits in with the forums.
Everyone's already so excited to kill Lara multiple ways in the new game.
Some of the comments you guys say about it.
I can't even.

Denis 02-02-13 23:28


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6633256)
Yeah, but i don't really like that girl, not as Lara :D

dont confuse a real person with a fake one, lara croft is NOT real. it's only pixels when emma is a real woman.
emma is way more beautiful though.
and i wont mention that laras face has weird characteristics

TRItheMaster 02-02-13 23:58


Originally Posted by Denis (Post 6633297)
dont confuse a real person with a fake one, lara croft is NOT real. it's only pixels when emma is a real woman.
emma is way more beautiful though.
and i wont mention that laras face has weird characteristics

Okay, you did not just say that. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6633280)
The fact that you nearly broke someone's neck :p

Practice makes perfect! :vlol:


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6633281)
Oh nothing just that you've just admitted to attempted murder is all :pi:

Maybe it was out of self defense? :o

GUMI 03-02-13 00:01

That's it! :eek:
All this talking about killing people! :eek:


Billy959 03-02-13 00:30


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6633256)
Yeah, but i don't really like that girl, not as Lara :D

Give'em some Lara Love :jmp::jmp::jmp:

(tho I like emma,but not as nearly as I like Lara)

TheShadowOfMe 03-02-13 00:31


Originally Posted by never_the_same (Post 6633189)
Does anybody know when we can expect the PC screenshots?!
Cant wait to see it.
Take caree

No one can wait... :D

Mr GaGa 03-02-13 01:01

Just more positive feedback on the new tomb raider :jmp:,2817,2414989,00.asp

Weemanply109 03-02-13 01:03


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6633362)
Just more positive feedback on the new tomb raider :jmp:,2817,2414989,00.asp

Omg! :D

Weemanply109 03-02-13 01:05


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6632341)
Maybe it was out of self defense? :o

How could it be self-defence if the person you're apparently taking "defence" against is completely "off guard" in order for you to do that? :pi:

Stevo505 03-02-13 01:07


Franchise fans need not fear that Tomb Raider will suffer DmC's fate.
This is Tomb Raider through and through.
So reassuring.

Weemanply109 03-02-13 01:20

What is/was DmC's fate, exactly?

Dark_Messiah 03-02-13 01:23


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6633381)
What is/was DmC's fate, exactly?

I asked myself the same, actually.

Because DmC's fate was that they rebooted it and released an awesome game that gets all around positive reviews.

So I would actually like to hope that TR 'suffers' (?) from exactly the same fate.

FearEffect 03-02-13 01:25
Hope u like it

M1chae1a 03-02-13 01:29

^Wow thats awesome :D

italibabee 03-02-13 01:29


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6633387) reffectinferno-d5tmogt.png
Hope u like it

I was going to ask if you were going to color it in and I'm so glad you did!

Phlip 03-02-13 01:33


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6633381)
What is/was DmC's fate, exactly?

For some reason the sales have been quite bad. =/

Alister's_Brain 03-02-13 01:40


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6633384)
I asked myself the same, actually.

Because DmC's fate was that they rebooted it and released an awesome game that gets all around positive reviews.

So I would actually like to hope that TR 'suffers' (?) from exactly the same fate.

Critics gave it great reviews, But fans of the series have lowered the score on metacritic wayyy down.

Plus the sales haven't been that great either. :o

Zebra 03-02-13 01:56


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6633367)
So reassuring.

The question is which Tomb Raider they're talking about. Core's Tomb Raider or the LAU "Tomb Raider".

Mr GaGa 03-02-13 01:57


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6633381)
What is/was DmC's fate, exactly?

Ok so the thing about DMC that caused it to failed is bc it didn't please the casual fans of the series. The core fans would still get it but fans like me were like Eww no way. The changed dantes character waaay to much to the point where he was not recognized as the character we have come to know. Tomb Raider reboot is still the Lara we know and love, she has the physical features that you can look at and say yea that's Lara Croft. But it is the complete opposite with DMC who took Dante and stripped him of everything that makes him the Dante many fans have come to know. That's my take on it

M1chae1a 03-02-13 01:58


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6633410)
The question is which Tomb Raider they're talking about. Core's Tomb Raider or the LAU "Tomb Raider".

For the reboots sake I hope it's not LAU >.<

Zebra 03-02-13 02:38


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6633412)
Ok so the thing about DMC that caused it to failed is bc it didn't please the casual fans of the series. The core fans would still get it but fans like me were like Eww no way. The changed dantes character waaay to much to the point where he was not recognized as the character we have come to know. Tomb Raider reboot is still the Lara we know and love, she has the physical features that you can look at and say yea that's Lara Croft. But it is the complete opposite with DMC who took Dante and stripped him of everything that makes him the Dante many fans have come to know. That's my take on it

Videogame fanbases usually aren't that big. A lot of DMC fans not buying it certainly can't explain DmC's bad sales. I think the main reasons are a lack of promotion and the release date (January just doesn't seem to be a good time to launch a blockbuster game).

Denis 03-02-13 03:09


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6633442)
Videogame fanbases usually aren't that big. A lot of DMC fans not buying it certainly can't explain DmC's bad sales. I think the main reasons are a lack of promotion and the release date (January just doesn't seem to be a good time to launch a blockbuster game).

i think its because its too childish and fantasy like, i was interested on it, until i played the demo that is.
all the promotion for just a good-looking guy isn't for many gamers really.

Evan C. 03-02-13 05:38

The thing basically is that publisher tend to think players are the same from past generations. People grow up, but also they gain experience, and they get bored of the same bull**** over and over. Plus, if you are gonna reboot a franchise, you need to be sure that the character it's attractive for new audiences, and IMO, Dante isn't.

NRO. 03-02-13 08:44


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6633412)
Ok so the thing about DMC that caused it to failed is bc it didn't please the casual fans of the series. The core fans would still get it but fans like me were like Eww no way. The changed dantes character waaay to much to the point where he was not recognized as the character we have come to know. Tomb Raider reboot is still the Lara we know and love, she has the physical features that you can look at and say yea that's Lara Croft. But it is the complete opposite with DMC who took Dante and stripped him of everything that makes him the Dante many fans have come to know. That's my take on it

Did you even complete the game? O.o

LNSNHGTDS 03-02-13 12:40


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6632854)
Someone official described her as that :vlol:... GJ CD!:cln: Sell that bitch cheap! :D

It was a blonde woman, she was a feminist criticizing Lara's Barbie-looking figure or something, I don't exactly remember, I always hated that part...


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6632984)
IIRC correctly she was making a point about the Feminazi's being on Core's and CD's backs so she's probably going to throw in 'tall' but Toby Guard said she was 5'4 and he's the guy who created her. Like everyone else says as well, she's a head shorter than everyone else in the classics.

I see, well in that case I have no choise but to accept that Lara actually was, is and will be short, lol :p . She must be disproportioned though, just like Tekken's Nina, they both appear to have rather long legs but also have a short torso.


Originally Posted by Heartache (Post 6633094)
ugh how can you all live without remorse while using THAT

You mean the measuring type? I can't stand it either, I have to run and use google to measure it in m/cm everytime D: !

If you're reffering to the height though, what's wrong with it :confused: ?


I might have good news for peeps from Greece. I went to a video store (Seven Spots) to ask if Tomb Raider was available for pre-ordering and the guy there said that they haven't been given the official prices yet so maaaybe they will, thought not much time until release is left so don't get your hopes up!

Valentino 03-02-13 12:57


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6633402)
Critics gave it great reviews, But fans of the series have lowered the score on metacritic wayyy down.

Plus the sales haven't been that great either. :o

That really is sad :(
Ninja Theory make great games which don't do well in sales. Apart from Heavenly Sword I think. They even released great SINGLE PLAYER dlc, not MULTIPLAYER dlc. Even that dlc was good, it was almost like a full game itself. But they didn't release anymore because of sales. I hope the company doesn't shut down :/
ugh, its fans at the end of the day, they're annoying. We're annoying and petty. DMC has stella reviews. And so did the TRilogy. I haven't found one review on youtube from a casual non fan player who has said those games were rubish. They even said they played the original PS1 games and loved the TRilogy.

Mr GaGa 03-02-13 12:58


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6633602)
Did you even complete the game? O.o

No I didn't but the walkthroughs I have seen is all I need to see. Thank god TR reboot didn't change everything about Lara like DMC did to dante, Funny thing is that they actually portrayed Vergil perfectly :vlol:

Tillymander 03-02-13 13:07

ive just had a thought, i know the majority of us think that one of the main objectives is too save sam, what is lara saves sam like 5 hours into the game and we have a completely different overall objective (as well as getting off the island of course) im guessing the only way is another plane getting them.. unless they have planes hidden on the island haha

Heartache 03-02-13 13:20

i never expected that rescuing princess peach would be the final goal. im quite sure and hope that its something way diffrent

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