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M1chae1a 27-02-13 14:57


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6674305)
Yes, RE4 is a good game, it's an awful Resi game though. And looking forwards, what became of the Resi series after RE4? That's right, RE6... :pi:

I liked RE5 and 6 but yeah not good RE games but anyways back on topic :p

I don't know if this has been posted already but we might be expecting something today. On Karl Stewarts Twiiter It says

Tick tock tick tock..........I cannot wait until seven o'clock!!!! #reborn

Might not be much but thought people might wan't to know :)

Spong 27-02-13 17:19

^He's probably talking about the time he knocks off work so he can go and get drunk.

So, to all you people who have played or watched a good portion of the game via the gift of YouTube, I have a (rough) quote and a question...


Karl: One of the hubs is bigger than Underworld
Truth, or barmy old PR cack?

Linoshi Croft 27-02-13 17:20

That means nothing, it could be the size of Underworld and still linear. :pi:
Though, I'm not worried at all I've spoken with people who's played the game and know what to expect. :p

M1chae1a 27-02-13 17:22


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6674681)
^He's probably talking about the time he knocks off work so he can go and get drunk.

HAHA!! :vlol: :vlol:

Evan C. 27-02-13 17:36

OMG Spong :vlol:

TippingWater 27-02-13 17:41


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6674681)
So, to all you people who have played or watched a good portion of the game via the gift of YouTube, I have a (rough) quote and a question...

Truth, or barmy old PR cack?

The later. Sure the game looks huge, but it's linear. It doesn't mean that you get to go there and explore, they are just part of the decor. The vistas are more for eye-candy than anything else. I was waiting for those huge fully explorable hubs until after the ending :D:vlol:.

tomekkobialka 27-02-13 18:01


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6674681)
Truth, or barmy old PR cack?

I never got that comment. Seriously, one hub = size of ALL of Underworld?

Anyway, the TR2013 official guide is 320 pages long. The TRU guide is 196 pages long. And on top of that, from what I've seen of the game so far, I would say I'm 99.99% sure it's option B. :p

t-raider26 27-02-13 18:49

Nvm lol

Dark_Messiah 27-02-13 18:51


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6674897)
If I take a screenshot from a part of the game that hasn't been shown publicly yet, I got it from a YouTube video, can I use it as an avatar without getting in trouble?

I wasn't sure where else to post this lol, and I didnt wanna make a thread :o

As long as its no heavy spoiler (aka ending, or shocking unexpected moments) you should be fine.

t-raider26 27-02-13 18:53

Well it's Lara with dual pistols, so maybe that'd be an issue... lol

Dark_Messiah 27-02-13 18:55

oh, yeah better not do that till release! Someone else did it and it created quite the drama (that person also spoiled it to me :S). Even though it shouldve been obvious from the beginning that the thing you mentioned would happen anyways :D .

t-raider26 27-02-13 18:56

Well yeah, it's kind of obvious that it's gonna happen so I wasn't sure if it was even really a spoiler. But I guess I shouldn't, just to be safe.

Dark_Messiah 27-02-13 19:04

I dropped you a PM because I am fairly curious about something - and since its spoiler territory I thought I'd do it that way :)

LNSNHGTDS 27-02-13 19:10


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6674907)
Well it's Lara with , so maybe that'd be an issue... lol

So that means she does have them?!

*dances around* :jmp:

F U bow, the twin bitches are still here :ohn: !

t-raider26 27-02-13 19:12

Well she has them but she doesn't have them lol. It's not what you think :p

LNSNHGTDS 27-02-13 19:14


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6674956)
Well she has them but she doesn't have them lol. It's not what you think :p

Oh, in this case could you elaborate any further :p ?

Though I think I understand; She gets the pistols but doesn't actually use them in the game?

_Ninja_ 27-02-13 19:15

^ Maybe you don't make it so blatantly obvious?

I didn't even read the text and I know exactly what you're talking about. Granted it's not at all a surprise for me personally. Don't spoil what happens even further.

t-raider26 27-02-13 19:17


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6674962)
Oh, in this case could you elaborate any further :p ?

Though I think I understand; [spoiler]

She get's them at the very end. You can use them in a QTE but after that she just has them in a cutscene and the game is over.

LNSNHGTDS 27-02-13 19:19

YES!!! I can't wait :jmp: !

PS: You better delete the text in white in the quoted message part or the spoilerophobic bitches of TRF will eat you up :p !

Linoshi Croft 27-02-13 19:20

I jaw saw a screenshot of a hub D: OMG, it's sooooooooooooooo huge :D Excited tbh.

t-raider26 27-02-13 19:20

Omg that's so dumb, like if people see it's in white than they should not read it lol. Whether it's visible or not. But whatever, I'll delete it.

LNSNHGTDS 27-02-13 19:22


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6674980)
Omg that's so dumb, like if people see it's in white than they should not read it lol. Whether it's visible or not. But whatever, I'll delete it.

Ι KNOW RIGHT?! It's as if you position yourself in front of a crocodile's mouth!

But spoilerophobics get REALLY upset, so trust me, it's for your own good :p !

t-raider26 27-02-13 19:22

I can take them :p

LNSNHGTDS 27-02-13 19:23


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6674985)
I can take them :p

May the force be with you (eew, I'm quoting Star Wars lines D: ! ) ...

TheRCroft 27-02-13 19:25


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6674979)
I jaw saw a screenshot of a hub D: OMG, it's sooooooooooooooo huge :D Excited tbh.

Where? D:

FearEffect 27-02-13 19:25

I was so disappointed with her outfit... I thought she would get her shorts at the end of the game :(

TheRCroft 27-02-13 19:26

They had already say no to that, FearEffect, and I actually prefer her outfit the way it is.

italibabee 27-02-13 19:28

You know people scroll through the pages and just happen to see white words in quoted replies.

When I scroll through a page I don't go looking for white text, but most of the time if its quoted I'll see a few words, and I'll have to either scroll away quickly or change the page.

Oh well, maybe that's just me.

Cloudi5 27-02-13 19:34


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6675001)
You know people scroll through the pages and just happen to see white words in quoted replies.

When I scroll through a page I don't go looking for white text, but most of the time if its quoted I'll see a few words, and I'll have to either scroll away quickly or change the page.

Oh well, maybe that's just me.

You are not alone :hug:

ivaneiroX 27-02-13 20:07

guys in the extras of the game there is a picture of the Lara concept art without the cgi face (final one?) can i post a picture?

TippingWater 27-02-13 20:09


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 6675112)
guys in the extras of the game there is a picture of the Lara concept art without the cgi face (final one?) can i post a picture?

Sure, but post only the link to the pic.

Carbonek_0051 27-02-13 20:16

TR featured on Gamestop's weekly ad:

I called them and my LE Guide should be in tomorrow! :yah:

ivaneiroX 27-02-13 20:21

i hope im not doing anything bad lol

here is the concept:

and the trailer lara face before and after surviving the island spoilers just in case:

JsotoTRSaga 27-02-13 20:24

Those are flawless thanks for posting^

pikolini 27-02-13 21:16

Well does Lara need to eat food in order to survive? 'Cause [POSSIBLY SPOILER AHEAD!] some friends that saw the walkthrough on YT tell me that this happens only once???

TotalLost 27-02-13 21:20

Is there going to be a demo for the new Tomb Raider? I've kind of missed an announcement of wether or not there will be one. But I guess it would be too late to release one at this point.

ajrich17901 27-02-13 21:20


Originally Posted by TotalLost (Post 6675303)
Is there going to be a demo for the new Tomb Raider? I've kind of missed an announcement of wether or not there will be one. But I guess it would be too late to release one at this point.

No demo

TotalLost 27-02-13 21:22


Originally Posted by ajrich17901 (Post 6675306)
No demo

Thanks. Then I really have to sleep 6 more nights to play a new Tomb Raider for the first time in almost 4 1/2 years. Wow.

pikolini 27-02-13 21:22


Originally Posted by TotalLost (Post 6675303)
Is there going to be a demo for the new Tomb Raider? I've kind of missed an announcement of wether or not there will be one. But I guess it would be too late to release one at this point.

No, they made it clear that there won't be any demo, because "they didn't want us to be spoiled" (or that's what they said as a reason for that), however they have us the whole of the first 1 hour of the beginning...

LNSNHGTDS 27-02-13 21:51

#Reborn Trailer, in case you haven't seen it.

The acting is way too overdone in my opinion, they look so "into it" while at the same time sound like they're forced to do the add with a loaded gun pointing at them.

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