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motoleo 08-03-13 03:32

I regret watching them. It doesn't give away the story in any way, but as you progress it's like, I've seen this. I've seen THIS. I've seen this.

If a sequel is going to be as good as this reboot was, I want another one right away!

laracroftswest 08-03-13 03:42

These hubs are huge :eek:
I feel so unaccomplished after leaving one.....good to know I can go back.

Mr GaGa 08-03-13 03:46


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6691966)
Did just Karl say at Twitter the game Sold 1M allready?! :jmp::jmp::jmp:

OMG GO LARA!!!!:jmp::hug: sequel is on the way for sure now :D

voltz 08-03-13 03:57

1 mil already....

So it's Uncharted/RE4/Decent influenced Lara from here on out then.

Mr GaGa 08-03-13 04:01

Wow best game promotion commercial ever!!!:jmp:

TheBloodRed 08-03-13 04:09


Originally Posted by voltz (Post 6692018)
1 mil already....

So it's Uncharted/RE4/Decent influenced Lara from here on out then.

I kid you not, when she gets dropped into the Geothermal Caverns... I was all NOOO THEY EVEN HAD TO RIP THE DECENT'S FAMOUS SCENE!!

It is okay, the Wizard of Oz feeling at the end having to sneak past the parading army was heart pounding at best!! :jmp:

Jill Lover 08-03-13 04:12

What's the first DLC about?

Spong 08-03-13 04:21


Originally Posted by Jill Lover (Post 6692043)
What's the first DLC about?

Multiplayer maps :/

tpboy 08-03-13 04:25


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6691386)

I need this costume. :p

Jill Lover 08-03-13 04:27


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6692055)
Multiplayer maps :/

Oh crap! They need to add something to the single player!!!

thanks for the heads up!

(I haven't touched the MP yet)

Spong 08-03-13 04:29


Originally Posted by Jill Lover (Post 6692062)
Oh crap! They need to add something to the single player!!!

IKR? I hope they do, it's one hell of a wasted opportunity if they don't.


Originally Posted by Jill Lover (Post 6692062)
(I haven't touched the MP yet)

Neither have I, and I don't see that changing any time soon.

Zerobscure 08-03-13 05:57

I am a newbie here at these forums, yet have lurked since the announcement of the new tomb raider game.

I was skeptical about this game but it all changed just a few minutes into the game during that scene where Lara arrives at her first basecamp all wet and cold and they show her shivering....It actually and surprisingly made me goddam shiver too. I succumbed to the game after that scene.

the emotions in this game...uhhhhhh. All I can say is I love this game. Sumone offered $80 for my steelcased game on CL. I replied "sorry, go get your own tomb raider...this lara's mine"

That kinda love.

Tommy123 08-03-13 06:09

When are we gonna get a new story based single player DLC?

TheBloodRed 08-03-13 06:23


Originally Posted by Jill Lover (Post 6692062)
Oh crap! They need to add something to the single player!!!

thanks for the heads up!

(I haven't touched the MP yet)

From what I gathered the current DLC in circulation:

From GameStop preorder:
Tomb of the Lost Adventurer - Extra Optional Tomb
Shanty Town - Multiplayer Map

From Limited Edition Bradygames Guide:
Scavenger Scout - Multiplayer Character
Executioner - Multiplayer Character

There may be more I am missing. :/

skylark1121 08-03-13 07:30


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6691966)
Did just Karl say at Twitter the game Sold 1M allready?! :jmp::jmp::jmp:


Wow, 1m gamers playing in less than 48hrs! @tombraider fans, you're AMAZING Hearing some stores are running low..more copies are on the way!

The queen has taken back her thrown. :ohn: 1m copies in 2 days aint too shabby. :jmp:

Larua croft 08-03-13 08:04


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6692213)
The queen has taken back her thrown. :ohn: 1m copies in 2 days aint too shabby. :jmp:

This game will do TR2 numbers.

b.gluch 08-03-13 08:10

wow, this makes me so happy!

i was excited to play multiplayer, then i hated it. i now i really enjoy it :p i think its pretty fun, but i still think its out of place in a TR game.

Stevo505 08-03-13 08:16

I am horrible at the multiplayer, but it is somewhat fun. :p

The1andOnlyTR 08-03-13 08:58

Has this been brought up before? This is a fan art of Helga Sinclair from Disneys Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

She's pretty much Disneys Lara Croft. She looks just like the old comic book Lara.

brand.seph 08-03-13 10:23

A stupid question I know but what is the purpose of collecting GPS Cache's in the game?

TRF 08-03-13 10:26

There just collectible for archivements / trophies and maybe unlockables like movies, character info etc..
Nothing else actually.

EscondeR 08-03-13 10:32

From what it sounds like that must be for opening more areas on the map...

mizuno_suisei 08-03-13 11:59

Was driving home from work and drove past this. slowed down epic to take a photo (even though it's not a very good one :P) Never seen any billboards or posters in Australia for TR ever..hope this brings in the fan-base...I know no-one here!

LNSNHGTDS 08-03-13 17:55


Originally Posted by brand.seph (Post 6692385)
A stupid question I know but what is the purpose of collecting GPS Cache's in the game?

An easter egg :jmp: !

skylark1121 08-03-13 18:06

I beat the story last night with 77%. I can't decide whether to start a new game and do all the collecting as I go, or to just revisit. :pi:

lcroft_lc 08-03-13 18:36

I just reached the beach, its incredible. :jmp:

Mr GaGa 08-03-13 18:41


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6692941)
An easter egg :jmp: !

A TR2 easter egg;)

SEN1138 08-03-13 18:41


Originally Posted by mizuno_suisei (Post 6692485)
Was driving home from work and drove past this. slowed down epic to take a photo (even though it's not a very good one :P) Never seen any billboards or posters in Australia for TR ever..hope this brings in the fan-base...I know no-one here!

She looks fierce on that billboard :).

LNSNHGTDS 08-03-13 18:42


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6693019)
A TR2 easter egg;)

Really? I thought it was an easter egg about the Classics in general, or is it?

M1chae1a 08-03-13 18:51

Just reached the beach when I was playing earlier and OMG it's beautiful. I have only explored a tiny bit of it and did one side tomb but omg I love it. I think it's my fav HUB so far. I have fully explored all other hubs I have come accross so far but I think the beach looks amazing! Can't wait to explore it fully. I think I just got the item to help exploring it more so yay! :D

Mr GaGa 08-03-13 18:53


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6693022)
Really? I thought it was an easter egg about the Classics in general, or is it?

Not gonna spoil it for you but it's a classic moment alright:D

LNSNHGTDS 08-03-13 18:54


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6693045)
Not gonna spoil it for you but it's a classic moment alright:D

Don't worry, I already know :p ...

The1andOnlyTR 08-03-13 19:51


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6693045)
Not gonna spoil it for you but it's a classic moment alright:D

After we've collected all of them?! Or just in one area?!
Must find Easter egg!

LNSNHGTDS 08-03-13 20:36


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6693147)
After we've collected all of them?! Or just in one area?!
Must find Easter egg!

I think you need all of them, and yeah you MUST ;) !


17 days to go and then God Raider will be mine!!!

Tombraider95 08-03-13 20:54

When we have finished the game, what's the point in going back to upgrade weapons/gear if we can't replay areas.

Lukass 08-03-13 21:01

The game is beautiful!

Phlip 08-03-13 21:26

Is it me or are the Final Hours' audio extremely quiet on PS3?

just_love_her 08-03-13 21:31

A lot of people complained about magnetic jumps, but quite a few times I missed some jumps and I don't feel Lara is so much magnetic as in LAU trilogy. My only complain so far is that Lara doesn't get hurt when falls. Other than that game is masterpiece, TR 2 will be awesome.

TwinPistols92 08-03-13 21:57

GOD I am loving this game!! :D It's really way better than I could have imagined! So addictive I don't want to put it down. I'm trying to go as slow as I can to savour the experience. xD There is a surprising amount of exploration, which pleases me very much! The environments are more open than I'd anticipated. I didn't expect that with everyone saying it was too linear, which it is to an extent.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6693246)
The game is beautiful!

I know! There were so many moments where I was awed by the graphics. Particularly in the second two optional tombs. Wow! :eek: so beautiful.


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6693291)
A lot of people complained about magnetic jumps, but quite a few times I missed some jumps and I don't feel Lara is so much magnetic as in LAU trilogy. My only complain so far is that Lara doesn't get hurt when falls. Other than that game is masterpiece, TR 2 will be awesome.

This. I was also surprised by the less 'magneticness' of Lara. It is a definite improvement. :tmb:

BTW I'm at the spot where Lara gets the fire arrows in the shanty town. Can anyone tell me how far I am from the end, without spoilers? Thanks.

Lukass 08-03-13 22:37


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6693291)
A lot of people complained about magnetic jumps, but quite a few times I missed some jumps and I don't feel Lara is so much magnetic as in LAU trilogy. My only complain so far is that Lara doesn't get hurt when falls. Other than that game is masterpiece, TR 2 will be awesome.

Yuh, I missed a jump so many times. And the scavengers are so hard to kill. I keep dying in the Shanty town....bloody hell.

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