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I'd rather they didn't announce the game so early this time though. The wait was unbearable. I feel like there should be a year max. between the announcement and the release.
I can't play the game on my laptop :(
I bought if off Steam yesterday and it crashes for a couple of seconds and then plays and then crashes again, and so on. Can somebody please help me? I have everything on the lowest settings and I don't really have the money to get a new laptop just yet :mad: These are my specs: [IMG]http://i50.************/rbczdc.png[/IMG] |
found this on the Facebook group "Tomb Raider Fans"
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...79814614_n.jpg oh wait, apparently the artist is irishhips from deviantart :p there's a watermark on the pic, lol I love it :D |
So. I bought the outfit pack, and I went to the base camp, went to Gear, and the outfit selection icon isn't there. I've correctly installed the pack, and I tried from 2 different saves. One where I've completed the game, and another where I'm up to the Shanty Town. How can I get these outfits?
So Tomb of the Lost Adventurer still not out huh..?
:rolleyes: |
Just completed the game, so thought I would post my opinions on the game here. And what I would like for the next game.
My main gripes, although not all major, were the combat, characters and story. I found there was far too much combat and I found the combat itself at times quite frustrating. I think I would have enjoyed it more if there was a bit more puzzling in between. It felt like the balance was 80% combat 20% platforming. I found this an odd decision as I remember reading an Underworld review which praised the game for not including too much combat and obviously now it will lead to Uncharted comparisons, which leads me to my next issue... Characters! I should probably first say I have loved Tomb Raider ever since I first watched my step dad play it in 1996. When I bought a PS3, I was just waiting for MGS4 really, so when I heard about Uncharted, I thought it sounded quite interesting as it sounded quite Tomb Raider-y. Wasn't entirely sure what to expect but I was sucked in immediately by Drake and Sully. So as the combat for me feels quite Uncharted, I can't help but think about how the characters in TR are nowhere near as good as Uncharted's. And I'm not interested in seeing any of these characters pop up again tbh. The last TR game I was really excited for was AOD and that was a game which I though had a great storyline and where I liked the characters. I thought Eckhardt and Karel were good villains and I even liked Kurtis. So the storyline here wasn't as good for me, but as it's only the first game of the rebooted series, that can change. The story did the job OK but could be improved on. (After reading that Rihanna Pratchett was the writer, I was reminded of the Mirror's Edge story, in that I thought it was going to be a great story with a few twists and turns but is actually quite basic). Also, can we drop the Lara's parents storyline now? I really liked the original version where they disown her. I enjoyed the platforming and really wanted more of this. I found that with a lot of these sections, I didn't always enjoy as much as I could as I was quite wary of being attacked. The level of combat in TR and Uncharted may well be the same, but I felt there was a lot more in TR and I found this quite frustrating at times. I did enjoy the part at the end where Lara got her dual pistols. (Another part I quite enjoyed is the final "tomb" at the end. I was thinking "wow, now THIS is a tomb", only to simply trigger a cutscene, get into another battle and have to leave, though I can forgive this as it is the first game, I'm sure we will have more puzzles and tombs in the next game). I also didn't mind any of the gore. After my ramble, things I want for the next game:
I'm not particularly expecting Crystal to do any of the above though - I expect TR2Reboot will be more of the same. The reboot is a good game - just one I would enjoy far more without the TR tag. mi|kshake~ |
Has it already been revealed what Lara Croft: Reflections is?
Here's the wikipedia page about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lara_Croft_Reflections |
Omg that was hilarious! *Imagine a vlol emoticon here so it doesn't break the white text effect* |
Does anyone know what the winning entry for the CD/deviant art comp was? I don''t recall seeing the winner on the blog.
http://www.da-files.com/creative/con...tplace_img.jpg It's one of my favourite entries. I don't really like the 2nd and 3rd winners, though. http://ayame-kenoshi.deviantart.com/...ners-362085367 edit: Btw, gotta love how they completely ignored the theme of the contest. It was supposedly about "portraying Lara's growth as a character" and they just went for the most actiony drawings. |
It was so nice to look through so many artworks portraying Lara by so many talented artists. |
I like the winning entry, but I think there were far better ones, but oh, well. It really was amazing to see all those entries over the contest. So many talented people, seriously. I spammed my facebook wall with so many of those artworks, lol. I'm almost sad it's over. Would love it if they did another contest for the next game.
There were a lot of amazing entries. <3 |
I noticed that in the beginning of the game when you first come out of the cave, Lara does that little fall thing from the CGI trailer.
This is particularly one of the best original (that didn't look like they'd been copied off concept art) pieces that didn't make semi-finals.
Really love this! http://bpsola.deviantart.com/art/Tom...3142382&qo=151 |
Her face ruins the whole thing for me tbh. :o
Blast from the past..:p
I actually really like the entry that won second place, it's not as blatantly 'action' as the other two, and looks quite cool ^^ |
Three wallpapers I made. They aren't perfect, but I quite like them :D
[img]http://www.**********/thumb/ihatetombsesspq.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.**********/thumb/survivortgsi2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.**********/thumb/worriesxbsfo.jpg[/img] |
^ The last one! :o
Thanks :) My favourite is the second - though this is also my favourite screenshot, so it's no wonder.
:) |
@Soul, I like all those wallpapers, but no 3 most and no 1 :D |
Next one: [img]http://www.**********/thumb/washedupuxsfa.jpg[/img] |
I made Lara's head life-size. It's not perfect, and still missing a ponytail. What do you say, should i make the rest? (I already have most of her edited)
http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/20...96-d60wnd4.png Edit: Yep, 200gsm paper |
^Is that made out of paper? If it is, that's pretty damn awesome really :tmb:
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