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Enya Brennan 26-08-15 20:21

Wow, that's impressive! :tmb:


This is how some would like to see Reboot Lara: ripped to pieces :o

And this is how she should look. No hair = no complaints.

Isn't she beautiful? I'm falling in love all over again.

FearEffect 26-08-15 20:34

You're right I really love it she looks way better with no hair. Amazing statue.

_Doppie_ 26-08-15 21:38

No hair is actually amazing.

Rai 27-08-15 00:09

:eek: That's a pretty decent statue and someone broke it apart. If they didn't want it, they could have given it to me. :pi::gabieyes:

LateRaider 27-08-15 00:36

I have to be honest, I like Lara's "squirrel tail" better than her TressFX hair, because she's the only one who has it. Reyes and Jonah don't need TressFX, but Whitman and Sam do. Roth probably doesn't need it, but it wouldn't hurt either. The "squirrel tail" makes Lara stand out less.

AllissonLCTR 27-08-15 00:54

One question: because you are so fond of seeing her without hair :confused:

SamCactus101 29-08-15 04:25


Originally Posted by Enya Brennan (Post 7435665)
And this is how she should look. No hair = no complaints.

Isn't she beautiful? I'm falling in love all over again.

Bald Lara looks pretty frikkin' BADASS!!!

Enya Brennan 29-08-15 11:10

^Ikr! :admles:


Originally Posted by LateRaider (Post 7435888)
The "squirrel tail" makes Lara stand out less.

But she's Lara Croft, she must stand out :D

Zebra 29-08-15 11:15


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 7435863)
:eek: That's a pretty decent statue and someone broke it apart. If they didn't want it, they could have given it to me. :pi:

I don't think they actually broke it. It looks like they just unassembled it.

yazmat 31-08-15 07:36

is TR2013 really has 100 million U$D budget?

TR2013 is short for a game with that budget

Shark_Blade 31-08-15 11:25


Originally Posted by Enya Brennan (Post 7435665)
Wow, that's impressive! :tmb:


And this is how she should look. No hair = no complaints.

Isn't she beautiful? I'm falling in love all over again.

Is that Agent 47 dressed as Lara?

Mikky 31-08-15 16:51

What I'm about to show is an excerpt from "The Art of Survival" book and is regarding Tomb Raider: Ascension. There is one line in paraticurlar that I found really interesting (and frustrating) and I just had to share with you all. The following is written by Brian Horton:


Back in these early days, true exploration was the theme and the myths took center stage.

Back in these early days, true exploration was the theme and the myths took center stage.


...true exploration was the theme and the myths took center stage.


...true exploration was the theme...

*screams into pillow*

Apart from the little girl companion, all of that sounds so amazing, especially ^that^ part and the enemies being "manifestations of pain and suffering". So much potential thrown away in favour of a third-person shooter. I want to cry.

SamCactus101 06-09-15 14:49

The whole idea about having a child companion and having enemies that are manifestations of the characters' own suffering sounds pretty damn fantastic if it's for a completely brand new IP, but not for Tomb Raider. I wonder how the final product will be like though, if this idea was picked up. It sounds really good!

AntRaidsTombs 21-09-15 05:47

i was replaying the definitive edition today, and there's something I noticed a couple of times before and I was wondering if anyone else noticed it too? When Lara sometimes kills a wolf, and when she goes to retrieve her arrow(s), etc. she uses her climbing axe on it sometimes. Has anyone else noticed that?

Evan C. 21-09-15 13:56


Originally Posted by SamCactus101 (Post 7442578)
The whole idea about having a child companion and having enemies that are manifestations of the characters' own suffering sounds pretty damn fantastic if it's for a completely brand new IP, but not for Tomb Raider. I wonder how the final product will be like though, if this idea was picked up. It sounds really good!

I think Lara will face a child companion somehow in some point. A good thing to explore would be how seeing what she turned into signifies on her daily life, on those moments when she find herself alone. I can picture her on her Manor, studying artifacts and somehow feeling a tad bit lonely. There is a social sense of duty on being a mom, and Lara as a woman maybe wonders if she needs this bond to carry on with her vision of life. Bayonetta, for instance, is a great example (spoilers aside). She's like a classy hooker taking care of a kid all of the sudden, and what happens there is superb. Lara could face it differently, but having this motherly side explored without falling into a cliche but also revealing a more mature side of her persona.

Sir Launcelot 24-09-15 04:22

You want Lara to have a BABY?! :eek: I can't see Lara ever becoming a mom. That would spoil the game in so many ways... :facepalm:

SamCactus101 24-09-15 05:33

Lara is waaaayyyy to obsessed with treasure hunting than starting a family ;)

Steven_1379 27-09-15 03:02

Just got to play TR DE on XB1 since it was free and my bf had both gold n dat console, played on ps3 back at launch...

is it me or is the pretty tressfx hair longer after roths death?

the backwards Lara running animations is easier to pul off and she trows in like a sideways backswards running...its as if TR had a LOOK button at sum time that worked even when running and was somewhat tied to her head looking camera mech...

still pissed the hair goes stiff when aiming and at certain cutscenes

ivaneiroX 27-09-15 22:45 found this glitch that let the hair move while aiming but needs a place with water lol

LateRaider 27-09-15 22:55

Could use a little work, but that looks way better than her hair just being stiff while aiming or doing any actual gameplay work.

WWETombRaider 28-09-15 18:37


Originally Posted by Sir Launcelot (Post 7451984)
You want Lara to have a BABY?! :eek: I can't see Lara ever becoming a mom. That would spoil the game in so many ways... :facepalm:

The day Lara becomes a mum, is the day she'll hang up her adventure boots forever. Cannot see her continuing such dangerous activities while she has a kid.

Linoshi Croft 28-09-15 18:55


Originally Posted by WWETombRaider (Post 7455593)
The day Lara becomes a mum, is the day she'll hang up her adventure boots forever. Cannot see her continuing such dangerous activities while she has a kid.

Nah, that's where ascension will kick in and she'll just carry her daughter around on her back. :p

WWETombRaider 28-09-15 18:57


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 7455610)
Nah, that's where ascension will kick in and she'll just carry her daughter around on her back. :p

I...actually wouldn't mind seeing that. :p

Sir Launcelot 28-09-15 19:53


Originally Posted by WWETombRaider (Post 7455613)
I...actually wouldn't mind seeing that. :p

*envisions baby Croft peeking out of a papoose on Lara's back and plugging enemies to the rear with a little pistol while Mommy Lara takes on the baddies in front*


WWETombRaider 28-09-15 21:26


Originally Posted by Sir Launcelot (Post 7455673)
*envisions baby Croft peeking out of a papoose on Lara's back and plugging enemies to the rear with a little pistol while Mommy Lara takes on the baddies in front*


Lara Croft Jr. can handle the dual pistols. Mummy's got the bow. :vlol:

Sir Launcelot 28-09-15 23:03

I was thinking classic Lara for the mom. I don't think reboot Lara is mature enough to care for a baby. Plus she's got those skinny hips... not so good for childbirth...

Also, what if the baby turned out to be a boy? What would she name him? Larry Croft? Leonard Croft? or maybe just Dickie after his father?

WWETombRaider 28-09-15 23:12

Nathan Drake :vlol:

MBog 11-10-15 06:55

Can somebody please explain me how TR copied Uncharted? Because For me , they are different.

Lara_Fan1 11-10-15 10:08


Originally Posted by MBog (Post 7462738)
Can somebody please explain me how TR copied Uncharted? Because For me , they are different.

People just like to compare, especially a troll on this site that compares uncharted to every single game that's released.

The reason it gets compared is because they're similar I'm gameplay and cinematics, also they're pretty similar in the way they tell the story. You can also argue that the game also has slightly similar animations or similar concepts.

As for me, Lara is a Tomb Raider and Nathan is a Relic Hunter. These are two completely different jobs and the games are different. I don't play Tomb Raider and think of Uncharted and Vise Versa.

LegendLuvr24 11-10-15 17:39


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 7435679)
You're right I really love it she looks way better with no hair. Amazing statue.

I'd approve of them including a shaved head outfit in ROTR, but it won't happen because they can't use their 'amazing' TressFX technology on it :P.

SunDormant 12-10-15 01:13

Okay, so I was playing Borderlands for the first time... and all I have to say is, for those who say TR2013 is a shooter (including my past self)... you are exaggerating.

LOL :hug:

The1andOnlyTR 17-10-15 22:20

I'm live streaming over on my twitch channel as part of Team Tomb Raider Community, if anyone wants to come hang out or make a donation to Extra Life and the Children's Miracle Network! :)

MBog 31-10-15 18:43

I have watched the video for EVERYTHING WRONG WITH TOMB RAIDER and it s got only 15 minutes , that s short comparing with the other videos ( btw, Uncharted 1&2 had more than 15 minutes :p )

Blackmoor 31-10-15 18:47


Originally Posted by MBog (Post 7477156)
I have watched the video for EVERYTHING WRONG WITH TOMB RAIDER and it s got only 15 minutes , that s short comparing with the other videos ( btw, Uncharted 1&2 had more than 15 minutes :p )

There's 2 versions for some reason. This one is 30 mins:


MBog 31-10-15 18:58

I don t mind this one.... HE MENTIONED ORIGINAL TOMB RAIDER IN A VIDEO! This never happened before.... I love him!

Blackmoor 31-10-15 19:04

I like how Square Enix on its own counts as a sin.



Sir Launcelot 31-10-15 19:05

These videos do a lot of useless nitpicking, though they do make a few good points.

Survival instinct should be better, especially when you are in combat, when you move and it's dark, why would you lose awareness of enemies that you just saw, it they are standing still?

I would ditch the QTEs for sure. Also, the game needs some weapon reticles that are more visible. They are good now for precision shots, but not so good for that fast and furious close-in combat, especially the rifle.

The "one-match-left-in-a-box" scene at the first campsite reminds me of something I meant to ask before. Whenever I get there, the fire is ALREADY lit, and I watch Lara carefully stacking wood and lighting her single match against a fire that's already blazing... :vlol:

Has this happened to anyone else?

Blackmoor 31-10-15 19:37

^No, the fire isn't lit for me. What are you playing on, sounds like a system bug.

When I played the game and got to the one match, I really thought it was going to be some gameplay element (don't ask me how) and I was genuinely worried it'd be a problem. But of course it wasn't at all, nothing ever is in these TR games except for the things that need killing.

The videos are a bit nit-picky but I think they make good points about the story problems. And they're fun. :D

Shirley_Manson 31-10-15 21:56

Oh, I have heard of the campfire glitch. That would be hilarious.
I just see the camera, Lara's radio and the matches floating a little bit above ground besides the campfire, during the cutscene when Lara is approaching the camp.
I guess that is necessary for the cutscene, but couldn't those things have been better hidden?

AntRaidsTombs 01-11-15 22:51

I wish the demolition outfit had the combat boots with it, those sneakers make me hate it so much lol

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