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anthonycraig 02-06-16 23:48

So... I'm actually really enjoying Sam's character. I read the newest comic and Lara had hallucinations of her whilst caught in a rapid. I'm really enjoying seeing in the comics how Lara trained for certain things, now she puts them to the real test in her adventures. Even something as simple as her obtaining the bow, she knew how to fire that as she had taken archery.

I feel like Sam brings out Lara's past, she's fun and all around seems to be stuck in that state of mind (embracing her youth while she can). Lara's always so caught up with stuff, so when Sam comes on her mind it's like it calms her. This is why I bring up the new comic scene, as she's calm yet caught in a rapid. In 2013, that ended up with her flying down a mountain from the waterfall, yet now she knew what to do because of her breath training, and even when she got her foot stuck she didn't panic and instead had that hallucination about Sam. It's not to say Lara can't think/survive anything without thinking about her, it's just one example of how everything has built up and affected her.

My issue with her really just stemmed from the whole damsel thing, but you've got to give her credit for escaping the Solarii fortress on her own, and always being there for Lara. It's funny cause Lara ultimately has to be there for her, but it feels like the opposite somehow. Lara is even naive herself, she was caught by Vladimir and was ambushed a lot. In fact all the crew members suffered some form of capture/ambush/attack, so it's been a little unfair of me to pick on Sam, lol.

I don't really agree with the whole romantic relationship, thought I'd mention it as it's heavily speculated. I'm not really down for Lara being in a relationship, it's better off for the fans to create whatever they please with it. After all, I think they want to keep that speculation going - it's no fun if it's obvious and shown in my opinion.

I hope we see more of her in the comics (that seventh issue cover is immense), but I think for the games it should really focus on the locations, and Lara always moving forward in an adventure - I prefer her to go solo. The main thing that bothers me with the reboot is the level design so I really just want them to focus on tombs, puzzles, exotic locations etc. and ditch the whole survivor gimmick.

I wouldn't mind if we had some moments after the trilogy (if they continue the games and these are more classic tomb raidery, lol) where we get to see Lara going on more adventures with Sam and others. I think it'd be less drama, the trilogy may focus on the progression of Lara (hence all the militia, her being naive with precaution, survival etc.) but if they make more games with this Lara, I'd love for her to be more grown and driven to explore for the sake of it, not because some bad guys want it. With this, you could have something like Anaya from Legend where Lara and Sam revisit archaeological sites...

Can anyone give me a bit of insight of the whole Himiko possession though? Sam's been under her influence for a while, but how did it happen? I never read those post Reboot comics. Surely destroying the vessel at the end of 2013 would have destroyed her? Or was the power that transferred already too late to prevent this?

Lara_Fan1 03-06-16 00:09

So in the comics Lara thinks of Sam and she calms down?


As for the game, I really disliked Sam, I hated her in fact but I replayed the game the other month and I've come to realize that Sam actually isn't that bad. It's actually Lara that makes people dislike her. Lara's constantly shouting her name, Lara is constantly running after her, it's Lara that needs and wants Sam not the other way around.

Sam is still a dull character and I hate the whole damsel in distress as you mentioned, if Sam never returns I'd be happy but my opinion on Sam has drastically changed.

Rai 03-06-16 00:36

I interpreted that panel differently. Lara seems temporally disoriented when she sees the vision of Sam, while she's beginning to lose oxygen. The image even distorts into something monstrous. But then she manages to free her legs just as Jonah grabs her.

No, it's not just Sam that is at fault for why she's disliked. It is because Lara is yelling for her and going after her. But then Lara wouldn't have to if Sam didn't blindly trust first Mathias and then Whitman. It wasn't even Lara who went after Sam initially, it was the others. Lara headed for Roth's location first and then she went after the others and Sam. She even went looking for Captain Jessop before finally heading off for Sam. Lara was of course going to save her best friend, but her motivation was to make sure all the crew made it off the island. And her motivation in the end was as much about stopping Mathias and Himiko as it was saving Sam. She needed to stop the ritual to avoid Himiko gaining power. Yeah that involved saving Sam, because she was part of the ritual.

Sam would have been less annoying had she not been captured twice.

anthonycraig 03-06-16 00:57


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 7590087)
I interpreted that panel differently. Lara seems temporally disoriented when she sees the vision of Sam, while she's beginning to lose oxygen. The image even distorts into something monstrous. But then she manages to free her legs just as Jonah grabs her.

Oh, I completely forgot about that part. Lol, I guess that's what I meant though - how she's seeing Sam as she loses oxygen. I can't tell if it's doing that to Lara on purpose, or if that's Lara's own feelings of Sam's state though. I do feel in a way, it was like Lara thinking of Sam (maybe not to solely calm her down, just general memories like how she got flashbacks in her training) but then it turned into the imagery due to Lara practically dying more and more, maybe it's her fear of what she's like now as she's never saw her since she got thrown in jail. That's just my guess though.

The art in that panel is fantastic though. I might give it another read to properly interpret though. Clearly Sam has some broad influence over her either way...

Rai 03-06-16 01:53

Oh, no doubt Lara was thinking of Sam at the time. Maybe it did help her too in a strange way. She certainly feels guilt for what's happened to Sam. They're the best of friends, so yeah, they have an influence over each other.

jflb 03-06-16 08:14


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 7589217)

4 years ago this day

This trailer caused much excitement. I remember when I saw it the emotion I felt .

Square Enix, please, surprise us at E3 :o :(

ivaneiroX 06-06-16 21:31

saw that TR was second best seller on Ps3 for May :)

and still SE hates PS users, oh well.

Hyper_Crazy 07-06-16 08:10

It was on sale last month, and this month too... in fact I swear it's always on sale on PSN. :o

Orionvalentine 07-06-16 10:34

I re-bought D.E on PSN for £7.99, having a lot of fun with it now :D (I stopped playing halfway through when the Rise exclusivity news dropped haha)

lance6439 13-06-16 05:04

I recall a limited edition of Lara's green jade(?) necklace being sold along with a game(?) and artbook(??????) does anyone remember such package?

voltz 13-06-16 05:55

Yeah that was a pre-order bonus. I think you can only get that through some price gouger on Ebay now.

lance6439 15-06-16 15:12


Originally Posted by voltz (Post 7595573)
Yeah that was a pre-order bonus. I think you can only get that through some price gouger on Ebay now.

Do you know what it came with? an artbook and a necklace? anything else?

ThatSassyKid 15-06-16 15:23

I'm still annoyed that Steph was nothing more than a canned concept :hea:

Athukraz 15-06-16 15:27


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 7592101)
saw that TR was second best seller on Ps3 for May :)

and still SE hates PS users, oh well.

Good news.

Heartache 15-06-16 18:28


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 7598424)
Do you know what it came with? an artbook and a necklace? anything else?

it came with the official guide. still plenty available

lance6439 15-06-16 23:51


Originally Posted by Heartache (Post 7598555)
it came with the official guide. still plenty available

Where can I buy?

Sir Launcelot 16-06-16 02:05

Looks like you can still get them new from Amazon for 30 bucks:

lance6439 17-06-16 03:10

^ does it come with the necklace & all? :pi:

Sir Launcelot 17-06-16 07:15

It should, there's a reviewer complaining that the necklace string is too short. :D

You can always email Amazon if you need confirmation on the necklace.

OrangeJuice 19-06-16 23:34

I was replaying TR2013 and I was wondering, am I the only one who after getting used to ROTTR's MOVA finds it difficult to watch the reboot's cutscenes?

ThatSassyKid 19-06-16 23:48


Originally Posted by OrangeJuice (Post 7601034)
I was replaying TR2013 and I was wondering, am I the only one who after getting used to ROTTR's MOVA finds it difficult to watch the reboot's cutscenes?

God, no. You aren't the only one believe me! I know just how you feel.

Shark_Blade 20-06-16 00:18

MOVA = Museum of Videogame Art?


Heidi_w_ 20-06-16 00:36


Originally Posted by OrangeJuice (Post 7601034)
I was replaying TR2013 and I was wondering, am I the only one who after getting used to ROTTR's MOVA finds it difficult to watch the reboot's cutscenes?

Well we are looking at less advanced tech, so no, it's completely understandable -- when I look at TR2013 now the facial animations in particular seem so "old school", even though they were so impressive at the time lol

Amazing what two years can do in the computer industry....just imagine TR11!

OrangeJuice 20-06-16 01:53


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 7601055)
MOVA = Museum of Videogame Art?




Originally Posted by Heidi_w_ (Post 7601066)
Amazing what two years can do in the computer industry....just imagine TR11!

I don't know why but I think there's going to be a smaller gap between ROTTR and TR11 than between TR2013 and ROTTR graphically speaking.

ThatSassyKid 20-06-16 01:54


Originally Posted by Heidi_w_ (Post 7601066)
Amazing what two years can do in the computer industry....just imagine TR11!

I've been saying this! Bit nervous :o

R41D3R 20-06-16 17:35


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 7601055)
MOVA = Museum of Videogame Art?


Shark_Blade 21-06-16 05:12

Cheers. :tmb:

Heidi_w_ 21-06-16 09:10


Originally Posted by OrangeJuice (Post 7601094)
I don't know why but I think there's going to be a smaller gap between ROTTR and TR11 than between TR2013 and ROTTR graphically speaking.

I dunno, CD have made the last two TR games their graphical centerpiece -- I think they'll want to keep pushing the tech along. We've seen the hyper realistic sweat effects in the 5K version of Rise, maybe that and continued refinements of PureHair will be part of the enhanced graphical goodies for TR11?

anthonycraig 21-06-16 10:13

I don't mean to derail this into a hair debate thread, but I wonder if CD could make a braid work with Pure Hair. Is it exclusively just TressFX improved or was that entirely abandoned? This dev blog sheds light on the technical aspects of the hair so I'm wondering how they'd make it work with other styles, even if Lara had her hair down it'd take a lot of tweaking for the physics to work - they seem to get away with it with the ponytail as it's tightly positioned and only sways when moving plus her fringe is short enough to only move in strong wind.

Nice to see CD pushing the technology like this though.

Heidi_w_ 21-06-16 15:50

I'd like to see at least a cutscene in the next game in which Lara wears her hair down (I.e., not restrained in any way) -- am curious to see how PureHair would perform :)

laralives 21-06-16 17:52

^ I'm guessing a bit like this:


ThatSassyKid 21-06-16 17:59

^ Is that Tarzan? :confused:

anthonycraig 21-06-16 19:57


Originally Posted by Heidi_w_ (Post 7601759)
I'd like to see at least a cutscene in the next game in which Lara wears her hair down (I.e., not restrained in any way) -- am curious to see how PureHair would perform :)

I'd be worried that it'd look exceedingly floaty, like she'd be underwater. It's always such a stange thing because you don't really picture her with her hair down as it's so long too. I think it might push the limits, but judging from how far they were pushed with Rise it may have a chance at working well. It's relatively new after all, at least I haven't seen anything like it before.

lizardspock110 21-06-16 20:54


Originally Posted by laralives (Post 7601818)
^ I'm guessing a bit like this:[


She looks like she has a tummy ache! Classic Lara better take some medicine and go to doctor ASAP :p

I'm dying LOL :vlol:
Classic Lara has some weird renders **cough** Spooky teen Lara **cough**

Athukraz 21-06-16 21:55

I probably played this game a thousand times waiting for ROTTR :cry:

Jorje Croft 21-06-16 22:24


Originally Posted by ThatSassyKid (Post 7601822)
^ Is that Tarzan? :confused:

I'm dead:jmp::jmp::jmp::jmp::jmp::jmp::jmp:

AntRaidsTombs 21-06-16 22:40


Originally Posted by thatsassykid (Post 7601822)
^ is that tarzan? :confused:


Revenge 21-06-16 23:35


Originally Posted by ThatSassyKid (Post 7601822)
^ Is that Tarzan? :confused:

No it's his father actually.

Shark_Blade 22-06-16 02:43

I must say she still looks great even when she let her hair down.

ThatSassyKid 22-06-16 06:03


Originally Posted by Jorje Croft (Post 7602027)
I'm dead:jmp::jmp::jmp::jmp::jmp::jmp::jmp:


Originally Posted by AntRaidsTombs (Post 7602036)

Shhhhhhhhhhh :vlol:


Originally Posted by Revenge (Post 7602054)
No it's his father actually.

Well dank, he must eat a lot of chicken ;)

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