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nottombraider 25-01-19 22:50


Originally Posted by Ahmier (Post 8034261)
Welcome. Cool that you been introduced to the series in a new way. I’d recommend all of the other tr titles if you get the chance. :)

As for the quote, it was a reference to older tr games where you can break certain windows. It’s a cute little joke.

Huh. I do wonder if there's a window somewhere in the 2013 version that you can break somewhere.

Ahmier 25-01-19 23:41


Originally Posted by nottombraider (Post 8034270)
Huh. I do wonder if there's a window somewhere in the 2013 version that you can break somewhere.

Hmm I’m not sure but I think there’re windows you break in the multiplayer section. They were used as little shortcuts or alternate paths.

nottombraider 26-01-19 00:35


Originally Posted by Ahmier (Post 8034282)
Hmm I’m not sure but I think there’re windows you break in the multiplayer section. They were used as little shortcuts or alternate paths.

There's a sequence when you're on board the ship to rescue Alex, there's a bunch of windows there. I remember shooting the one in Lara's room with nothing happening though :/

TrustyBow 26-01-19 00:47

Was looking through a Guiness World Records book today. This is apparently the most liked action-adventure game on Steam. Congrats :tmb:

Maverin 26-01-19 19:26


Originally Posted by TrustyBow (Post 8034301)
Was looking through a Guiness World Records book today. This is apparently the most liked action-adventure game on Steam. Congrats :tmb:

Really? That's great! :D

killchan 29-01-19 13:43

you know what, I'll just drop this here.

FanosCroft 31-01-19 08:57

Well I guess wbk that since we had photo mode in sottr

killchan 31-01-19 14:06


Originally Posted by FanosCroft (Post 8035932)
Well I guess wbk that since we had photo mode in sottr

eh but you can't see her in motion in photomode

Grizzly Bear 31-01-19 19:30

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition has been added to Xbox game pass; will this be an advantage for the franchise?
Rise is already part of it.

New Dwight 05-02-19 05:19


Originally Posted by Grizzly Bear (Post 8036097)
will this be an advantage for the franchise?


TrustyBow 05-02-19 13:31


Originally Posted by Grizzly Bear (Post 8036097)
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition has been added to Xbox game pass; will this be an advantage for the franchise?
Rise is already part of it.

Possibly. I can see it getting more people interested in the franchise. They might not have played Rise because they wanted to play TR13 first.

za.parry 06-02-19 03:33

Does anyone know where I can find an HD version of the Making of the Game Informer Cover video??

Cat Woman 24-02-19 15:36

Tomb of the Lost Adventurer
Just got a used physical copy of the Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider for xBox One ( I have played it before on xBox 360). On line, it says the DLC TOTLA came out if you pre-ordered the game when it first came out. I cannot see it through Microsoft Store?

tlr online 24-02-19 16:21


Originally Posted by za.parry (Post 8038007)
Does anyone know where I can find an HD version of the Making of the Game Informer Cover video??

We might have it here, check the videos section.

Lara_Fan1 24-02-19 23:27


Originally Posted by Cat Woman (Post 8046823)
Just got a used physical copy of the Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider for xBox One ( I have played it before on xBox 360). On line, it says the DLC TOTLA came out if you pre-ordered the game when it first came out. I cannot see it through Microsoft Store?

It's already unlocked in the game if you have the Definitive Edition of the game so no need to be looking on the store to download it.

Cat Woman 25-02-19 17:40


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 8047016)
It's already unlocked in the game if you have the Definitive Edition of the game so no need to be looking on the store to download it.

I did not have this edition for the xBox 360. Didn’t realize it came with the Definitive Edition. So, once I play it on the xBox One, where will the DLC unlock and show up? Thanks

Lara_Fan1 25-02-19 22:02


Originally Posted by Cat Woman (Post 8047202)
I did not have this edition for the xBox 360. Didn’t realize it came with the Definitive Edition. So, once I play it on the xBox One, where will the DLC unlock and show up? Thanks

The Tomb is located in the Forrest section where Lara needs to update her axe at the beginning of the game. It’s on the right hand side of the map next to a document you pick up.

Cat Woman 25-02-19 22:21


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 8047335)
The Tomb is located in the Forrest section where Lara needs to update her axe at the beginning of the game. It’s on the right hand side of the map next to a document you pick up.

Wow..... nice to know. :) I just got the used copy. It might say on the jacket but I did not read the fine print. I am excited now. Thanks :jmp:

FanosCroft 05-03-19 15:06

Happy Birthday sweetie

TrustyBow 05-03-19 15:22

Happy Birthday! Wouldn't be here without you :)

FanosCroft 05-03-19 17:23


Originally Posted by TrustyBow (Post 8052426)
Happy Birthday! Wouldn't be here without you :)

Sad we are the only 2 ppl to give a ****.

NoahCrofRaider 05-03-19 17:24

Happy birthday beautiful you! Hoping I get around to trying to play you sometime very soon.

TRExpertgamer 05-03-19 20:44


Mikky 05-03-19 21:19

Happy 6th, Tomb Raider. You're making me feel old, bitch xoxo

Athukraz 05-03-19 21:44

6 years oh my god. :cry:

Happy birthday you gorgeous

TRExpertgamer 05-03-19 22:28

YES!! ABSOLUTELY!! :D Today Tomb Raider 9 is 6 years old right now as far as it made up into a 12 hour cycle in & out there!! PLUS!! :cool: I totally certainly to consider this as a flashback story of this young 21 year old Lara Croft's story as much as I sure certainly absolutely do like the concept that they just started to use Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles when she was 16 as a very funny source of inspiration!! :vlol:

iWANEX 06-03-19 00:29


Originally Posted by TrustyBow (Post 8052426)
Happy Birthday! Wouldn't be here without you :)

Awww. I’ll always have good memories of this game. It was such an amazing time to be a TR fan. The game was everywhere.

OrangeJuice 06-03-19 00:43

how has it been 6 years already rip

happy birthday tr2013, you're still my fav one in the trilogy.

OrangeFr3ak 06-03-19 01:01

Glad it’s been six great years! Not gonna lie; there’s plenty of fight and life to go around with the series.

Ellioft 06-03-19 01:05

Already 6 years, as the time fly :)

I remember the release date because it was the day I have especially chosen to make my coming out to my family.
Just after my father and I go into the gamestore searching for the deluxe edition I have open myself on the road back home. He wasn't surprised even a little suspicious :D
After that I have talked to my sister and it was much more difficult for her to take at first but now everything is okay :)

This game I can't tell the excitement I had when I played it, it was so awesome to finally take the hand on Lara's new beginning after all these years speculating on every rumors (mostly alone and with my father) with the leaks pictures. I still remember the teasing with the shipwreck boat on the beach. No one knows what it was, I was so excited. Then the cover on Gameinformer and my god I wasn't ready for this. The gorgeous CGI trailer who blows my mind. The wait for the official trailers gameplay,every day anticipating something new. So much memory and the game hasn't disapointed me it was what I wanted a new fresh take on the character with blowing action sequences and a much more darker and character driven story. The beauty of the Yamatai, the palace burning,Saaaaaaam, Himiko and the badass fight at the end. :jmp:

I remember to have myself spoiled the ending before I've got the game (like I have done with Underworld) but that doesn't have canceled the pleasure of the discovery, thankfully :D (but I never have done this again).

So yeah I have an attachement with the reboot since the start and wich each games I have evolved as a person just like Lara. :)

TrustyBow 06-03-19 02:38

@ Ellioft Woah, great story. Glad to see you have a personal attachment to the game.

I remember I didn't even play it until a year after it came out. I remember seeing all the hype for the game in 2012/2013 but I never really felt the desire to play it. I only brought it because there was an insane sale on the game and I was bored looking for something to play.

Oh man, I wasn't prepared at all. I found the story to be exciting in a way that I had never seen before. I know people don't like he whole "relatable" Lara angle but it 100% worked on me and was part of why I liked the game so much. It was cool seeing her go from timid to a badass explorer. I felt like I was actually Lara in playing the game. After finishing, I instantly became a fan of the series.

I played this game when I was in my freshman year of college and it's fitting that Shadow ended up coming out in my last semester :p

GRiannisRaider 06-03-19 10:00

Happy birthday TR2013 ! You have a special place in my heart ! :cln::hug:

Grizzly Bear 06-03-19 22:16

TR13 really reignited my love for this series; I played it at the beginning of 2014 (I don't know why I didn't bought it earlier honestly); I was already a big fan of the series (I mean Legend, Annniversary and Underworld) but TR13 just had something unique I really liked, I really enjoyed Yamatai's atmosphere.

I honestly can't believe how much time has already passed since then...

lance6439 07-03-19 02:54

I'm replaying this masterpiece of a game. Lara being in Japan spikes up my weaboo-ism. Also going to place this here from the GC thread because I also think its pretty relevant here :p


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8053507)
"I'll kill all of you if i have to!" :vlol:

this woulda been iconic

also the model here looks pretty

Athukraz 07-03-19 10:43

I'll kill you all if I have to lmao Camilla/Lara have come so far from tr2013.

Also Reyes/Lara duo is badass!

Enigma92 07-03-19 12:11

Happy belated birthday TR2013!

While I dislike how they handled the sequels (primarily because I felt they were needlessly stretching Lara's already finished origins story into a rather boring and pointless trilogy because they were fully out of ideas) I do really love this game. I remember seeing the demonstration at E3 where Lara is stuck in that claustrophobic, creepy-looking scavenger's den and just eating up the concept of a Tomb Raider game purely focused on survival. One of the things I love about TR4 especially is the thrill you'd experience when Lara suddenly got trapped in a dark, creepy tomb (e.g. Tomb of Semerkhet) and was struggling to reach the surface. There were a lot of moments in this game that really captured that feeling of survival for me. Not to mention, so many incredible and memorable action set pieces, seeing Lara gradually evolve over the course of the game into a no-nonsense badass, and that epic moment at the end when she picks up her signature weapons to show that she's now become Lara Croft - all of these moments were just great. If I had to criticise one thing, it would be the over-indulgence in combat, but seeing at the time this was the first action-heavy Tomb Raider title I think its forgivable.

ROTTR undid a lot of her evolution, but it was still a fun ride. SOTTR I just found insufferable. If I had my way, I would have had the second reboot game be what the fourth reboot game will inevitably be about if it gets made: Lara actually being Lara Croft and not still trying to evolve into her or 'realise her destiny' *cringe* as a Tomb Raider. But oh well.

Scilli 07-03-19 16:33

TR 2013
Played that game probably 5 times.
It always amazes me. Japan as a Setting is spectecular.
The mix between combat and exploration/story driven elements is almost driven to perfection.
Collectibles are not overdone here and searching for weapon parts to upgrade your already existing weapon is more satisfying than choosing between 10 bows.
Tombs fall short though, which is a bit sad, but other than that its simply an amazing game.

MelikeLara 09-03-19 19:09


Originally Posted by Scilli (Post 8053714)
TR 2013
Played that game probably 5 times.
It always amazes me. Japan as a Setting is spectecular.
The mix between combat and exploration/story driven elements is almost driven to perfection.
Collectibles are not overdone here and searching for weapon parts to upgrade your already existing weapon is more satisfying than choosing between 10 bows.
Tombs fall short though, which is a bit sad, but other than that its simply an amazing game.

Totally agree with all you said!
Happy Birthday TR2013!
Might go and replay her soon!

TR1249 17-03-19 15:02

Why they had to include the MP Trophys for the Platinum? So dumb :o

Athukraz 19-03-19 19:17


Originally Posted by TR1249 (Post 8058054)
Why they had to include the MP Trophys for the Platinum? So dumb :o

I never got the Platinum because of this

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