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ThatSassyKid 31-03-19 05:28


Originally Posted by TR1249 (Post 8058054)
Why they had to include the MP Trophys for the Platinum? So dumb :o

The MP trophies are super easy though.

Cat Woman 01-04-19 15:25

I am just replaying TR2013 on a new platform and for the DLC content. I remembered that I really enjoyed this one. I forgot you only have so many arrows in the beginning, and I injured a deer but ran out of arrows and saw it crying w/arrows in it. But had to move on. Went back at a campfire to kill it. It is only a game, but the graphics make it seem so real. Anyone else wanting to track and make sure the animals are dead.

Edit: I went back but did not find an injured deer. Maybe they do not reappear.

MicheleMouse 02-05-19 15:25


Originally Posted by VictorXD (Post 8083412)
^ Yup. One of the nice little touches I appreciated in the reboot. Ironically I had never noticed that when Vladimir hits her with his pistol that Lara's cheek is cut until one of the devs confirmed the scar is from that encounter (during Rise's promotion).

This quote is from Shadow's General Chat, I hope it's okay to continue talking about this here, so it's not off-topic.

To be honest, I thought that scar is made-up bs. But I had to realize it's not... yesterday. :vlol: Well, my bad. :) I remember the hit, but not the wound.

It's not surprising that I didn't notice it on my first playthrough. It's a tiny detail, and my focus was all over the place - like always with a fresh, new game.
On my umpteenth replays however... :cln: I have to admit though that I never liked this part. It's very scripted, I (the player, the controller!) have barely anything to do or concentrate on. So what I do when I reach this segment is... looking around my room, or out of the window, or at my TV or phone... and constantly thinking: is it over yet?? I just take glimpses at the computer screen. Or when I have to shoot, then obviously that's where my focus is.
And as soon as you reach that climbing part (before meeting with Roth) the cut magically disappears from her face.

I wonder what's up with the wound on her arm though. It looked serious.
By the way, for a long time I thought a pistol caused it, not an arrow. I discovered this detail just a few month ago. ^^'

It's funny that in Rise her other upper arm gets injured. :D But none of these scars are acknowledged later. Oh well.

Anyway, I took some screenshots.
The wound textures are there too, but in bad quality, so it can't be used.

Grizzly Bear 06-05-19 18:16

I still can't get over the way they treated Sam. I mean, she didn't have to go to Syberia or Peru, but they way they made her disappear completely was a bad choice (I know she is in the comics but I don't think it's enough).

I know lots of people didn't like her character (I wasn't a huge fan either) but I think that the fact that she was still possessed by Himiko had potential, she could have become a better version of Amanda from Legend.
(Just imagine an epic old-style boss battle against Sam/Himiko... it would have been epic and so iconic, too).

TrustyBow 06-05-19 23:25


Originally Posted by Grizzly Bear (Post 8085365)
I still can't get over the way they treated Sam. I mean, she didn't have to go to Syberia or Peru, but they way they made her disappear completely was a bad choice (I know she is in the comics but I don't think it's enough).

I know lots of people didn't like her character (I wasn't a huge fan either) but I think that the fact that she was still possessed by Himiko had potential, she could have become a better version of Amanda from Legend.
(Just imagine an epic old-style boss battle against Sam/Himiko... it would have been epic and so iconic, too).

Unfortunately, it was just a case of CD listening to the majority over the minority. Most people didn't like Sam, so I can see why they decided to finish her arc in the comics instead of the games. I didn't mind her character, and in fact, I think she actually would've worked as a better moral compass for Lara than Jonah, but I didn't really miss her either.

A Sam/Himiko boss fight would've been great. I really wish they would've stuck with the original ending for the game, with Sam dying. Though I do get where the devs were coming from. Lara suffered enough loss in the game. She deserved some kind of reward.

Athukraz 07-05-19 08:00

Sam was badass in the comics. Wish we could have seen those parts ingame. She actually was resourceful enough to pick up that gun in the Solarii Fortress and kill a few people because she knew they wouldn't do anything to hurt her. You can actually see her killing someone before ziplining down to her location

biscuits 07-05-19 10:26


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8085546)
Sam was badass in the comics. Wish we could have seen those parts ingame. She actually was resourceful enough to pick up that gun in the Solarii Fortress and kill a few people because she knew they wouldn't do anything to hurt her. You can actually see her killing someone before ziplining down to her location

I miss Sam

MBog 17-05-19 11:55

I saw something on tweeter that the game has an update (after 5 years). Any interesting info in the log ?

TR1249 18-05-19 15:11

Appearently they patched out the English Language lol

Zsott 21-05-19 16:33


Originally Posted by Grizzly Bear (Post 8085365)
(Just imagine an epic old-style boss battle against Sam/Himiko... it would have been epic and so iconic, too).

I don't know for sure, but originally Sam was supposed to die, then Lara would have to fight Himiko; there are some concept arts about Himiko transforming into some kind of black monster...
If I remember correctly, the idea was ditched, because the testers weren't statisfied, because of too much death/ there's no resolution etc.

TRExpertgamer 23-06-19 01:10

At the beginning of the development for this Tomb Raider game, Aleksandar Dimitrijevic was the soundtrack composer to stay into the same direction of Peter Connelly's soundtracks from TRAOD to use that to start the inspiration. Then later on I got kind of upset that it just couldn't be it as it all gradually changed for no reason at some point. So how many of you are a huge fan of Aleksandar Dimitrijevic & would you even like for him to become the next soundtrack composer for the next Tomb Raider game with Peter Connelly? How does that idea sound like? :)

James_Rutland 17-07-19 21:31


Originally Posted by TRExpertgamer (Post 8103380)
At the beginning of the development for this Tomb Raider game, Aleksandar Dimitrijevic was the soundtrack composer to stay into the same direction of Peter Connelly's soundtracks from TRAOD to use that to start the inspiration. Then later on I got kind of upset that it just couldn't be it as it all gradually changed for no reason at some point. So how many of you are a huge fan of Aleksandar Dimitrijevic & would you even like for him to become the next soundtrack composer for the next Tomb Raider game with Peter Connelly? How does that idea sound like? :)

I loved his music, I even recut the trailer years ago with his music and the tone was quite different

Evil Doggos 19-07-19 00:21

Ok. I am not here to troll or to bait anybody here. To those that like TR 2013, why? Now I must confess that this was my first Tomb Raider game and I bought it on release day. Enjoyed it and completed it 100% on hard within 2 days.

As unexpected I immediately regretted it. There was no incentive to come back and do it all over again. Pointless xp. Useless skill points. Very little tombs to raid. Hand holding and auto crouch because the game thinks you are completely stupid. And my conclusion to this day is that it deserves a 4/10 as a Tomb Raider game simply because it is a bad survival horror game with little to no tombs. Only Tomb Raider in name. There is nothing Tomb Raiding about it.

As for an average game it is a soulless 6/10 rental experience. For a modern single player only game that consists of point, shoot, cover and heal when hurt, this fits the definition of a stale 3rd person shooter like Gears of War except Gears was aware of how ridiculous it is and at least fun. Sound track was a copy paste bore fest of the same **** I hear in any other high budget Hollywood garbage.

To not add gasoline to a fire a may have caused, why do you like this game? I am thankful I experienced Tomb Raider the original after this one as I realized what makes this franchise special. Now I did recently finish the reboot trilogy and I am on my way to completing Underworld and the original. And I have to say I am sadden that Tomb Raider came back as a bland 3rd person shooter game that greatly deviates and devolves to what it once was. Rise and Shadow did improve but no one will care that these games existed. They will be forgotten.

LuckyEdge10 19-07-19 00:29


Originally Posted by Evil Doggos (Post 8111376)
Ok. I am not here to troll or to bait anybody here. To those that like TR 2013, why? Now I must confess that this was my first Tomb Raider game and I bought it on release day. Enjoyed it and completed it 100% on hard within 2 days.

As unexpected I immediately regretted it. There was no incentive to come back and do it all over again. Pointless xp. Useless skill points. Very little tombs to raid. Hand holding and auto crouch because the game thinks you are completely stupid. And my conclusion to this day is that it deserves a 4/10 as a Tomb Raider game simply because it is a bad survival horror game with little to no tombs. Only Tomb Raider in name. There is nothing Tomb Raiding about it.

As for an average game it is a soulless 6/10 rental experience. For a modern single player only game that consists of point, shoot, cover and heal when hurt, this fits the definition of a stale 3rd person shooter like Gears of War except Gears was aware of how ridiculous it is and at least fun. Sound track was a copy paste bore fest of the same **** I hear in any other high budget Hollywood garbage.

To not add gasoline to a fire a may have caused, why do you like this game? I am thankful I experienced Tomb Raider the original after this one as I realized what makes this franchise special. Now I did recently finish the reboot trilogy and I am on my way to completing Underworld and the original. And I have to say I am sadden that Tomb Raider came back as a bland 3rd person shooter game that greatly deviates and devolves to what it once was. Rise and Shadow did improve but no one will care that these games existed. They will be forgotten.

Ok so I agree with the part where you say that TR2013 only has TR title and it has little tombs and, in general, it's not Tomb Raider at all.

But I completely disagree in the part where you say that as an average game it is 6/10. TR2013 might not be a Tomb Raider but it is a great game. It's a solid 8/10 for me as an average game. It's not just point, shoot, and heal. The story, the platforming, the voice acting is just very good.

And I am speaking as a person who has put TR2013 as the worst TR after Underworld, huh.

johnanonymouz 19-07-19 08:49

I agree with LuckyEdge10. For me, Tomb Raider (2013) is kinda like Resident Evil 6. Games that are not good for what they were supposed to offer based on their franchises' history but freaking great and fun games overall.

Patrick star 20-07-19 10:26


Originally Posted by Evil Doggos (Post 8111376)

I'm sorry you didn't like the game .

For me , it's an amazing game . It still had the pillars of Tomb Raider but they didn't have a good tailoring/balance . Other than that it's a ridiculously memorable game , with jaw-dropping atmosphere , beautiful visuals , great art-direction and an unbeatable sense of thrill and adrenaline-filled adventure.

The release of the first trailer from this game (Turning Point) will forever be one of the most joyful and impactful moments in my gaming life , I was literally shivering with excitement . Good times .

TrustyBow 20-07-19 12:49

TR13 was my introduction to the franchise, so I really wasn't judging it for being a Tomb Raider-like game. I was honestly amazed with the story and the games overall direction. The set pieces were breathtaking, the game had an amazing atmosphere and I really resonated with Lara.

Having played the classics, I see why fans of the series might not have liked this game, but even so, I would say TR13 is the most ambitious title in the series since the very first entry.

biscuits 20-07-19 16:55

TR13 is my second favorite game of all time

Evil Doggos 20-07-19 17:51


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 8111889)
I'm sorry you didn't like the game .

For me , it's an amazing game . It still had the pillars of Tomb Raider but they didn't have a good tailoring/balance . Other than that it's a ridiculously memorable game , with jaw-dropping atmosphere , beautiful visuals , great art-direction and an unbeatable sense of thrill and adrenaline-filled adventure.

The release of the first trailer from this game (Turning Point) will forever be one of the most joyful and impactful moments in my gaming life , I was literally shivering with excitement . Good times .

It had the best video game trailer of all time. I will never deny that.

za.parry 23-07-19 02:37


Originally Posted by Evil Doggos (Post 8111376)
Ok. I am not here to troll or to bait anybody here. To those that like TR 2013, why? Now I must confess that this was my first Tomb Raider game and I bought it on release day. Enjoyed it and completed it 100% on hard within 2 days.

As unexpected I immediately regretted it. There was no incentive to come back and do it all over again. Pointless xp. Useless skill points. Very little tombs to raid. Hand holding and auto crouch because the game thinks you are completely stupid. And my conclusion to this day is that it deserves a 4/10 as a Tomb Raider game simply because it is a bad survival horror game with little to no tombs. Only Tomb Raider in name. There is nothing Tomb Raiding about it.

As for an average game it is a soulless 6/10 rental experience. For a modern single player only game that consists of point, shoot, cover and heal when hurt, this fits the definition of a stale 3rd person shooter like Gears of War except Gears was aware of how ridiculous it is and at least fun. Sound track was a copy paste bore fest of the same **** I hear in any other high budget Hollywood garbage.

To not add gasoline to a fire a may have caused, why do you like this game? I am thankful I experienced Tomb Raider the original after this one as I realized what makes this franchise special. Now I did recently finish the reboot trilogy and I am on my way to completing Underworld and the original. And I have to say I am sadden that Tomb Raider came back as a bland 3rd person shooter game that greatly deviates and devolves to what it once was. Rise and Shadow did improve but no one will care that these games existed. They will be forgotten.

Honestly, it’s hard to give a definitive answer. For me personally, I need a good solid story that spikes my adrenaline through gameplay and story and keeps me interested. And to me, that’s exactly what Tomb Raider 2013 had to offer. I’ve played most games from every era of Tomb Raider, and I appreciate each of them for what they are. That’s not an exception for TR2013. I like the set-pieces, the action, Lara’s character arc, Lara herself, the style and aesthetic. The music is kinda bland, but it doesn’t ruin the game for me. Neither do the dull survival elements. I can see past all of the ****ty parts of the game, so to me, it’s not bad at all.

After playing shadow I really recognized how important complex gameplay is for Tomb Raider. Platforming, puzzle solving etc. It would’ve been nice for TR2013 to have those elements, but I don’t despise it because it doesn’t. It’s still a solid game to me. Every reason you have for not being fond of the game are completely valid, but TR2013 is far from boring to me and that’s what matters the most imo.

Cat Woman 23-07-19 16:11

I’m just replaying the game to get 100% in all the areas. I find some of the challenges are hard to find everything. Easier though when I have access to the map and can follow when marked. Not everything is shown on the map though.

killchan 29-07-19 11:58

well I played the game again the other day, after 2 years I think and... it feels reaaaaaally outdated, limited and basic, but also very, very tight.

It asks you to perform actions all the time. Nothing too complicated, sure, but at least it wants/allows you to move in more ways than one for a specific purpose. And even when it doesn't, you can reach any location by jumping around, running on rooftops and stuff. The lack of magical bushes and all that bs makes the option of the stealth approach relatively riskier and more satisfying. Also, you want to collect scraps for the explosive arrows and the silencer, or save exp points for the scramble-jump :D
I still laugh like an idiot at every bird I shoot down, every deer I make FLY... :D
Everything is about right. Linearity done about right.
I still find those 2 long, easy climbing segments to be insufferable, but other than that 2013 has the kind of the moment-to-moment gameplay that make games fun. Not a Tomb Raider, but still a nice adventure.

and now I'm sad. great.

Athukraz 29-07-19 21:48

Maaan this reboot had so much potential. TR2013 was such an amazing game. I remember thinking about this reboot's future and now I'm like... that was it? Lmao. Imagine going back in time and spoiling rise and shadow years before their announcements

TRExpertgamer 07-08-19 21:13

I certainly do love the concept when this game have aimed to put into a darker direction like how it all went with AOD right on the pre-production for this game. That's the concept I have expected for it to be like instead of changing the concept from this very special darker direction to something light as I really never expected for it to change that way. But other than that, I'm absolutely very indifferent for it to look into inspiration when I always play as Lara Croft when she was a 16 year old girl from TR4 & TR5. :cool:

tlr online 08-08-19 14:45

Some posts were removed and marked as spam.

OrangeJuice 08-08-19 15:35


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8115237)
Maaan this reboot had so much potential. TR2013 was such an amazing game. I remember thinking about this reboot's future and now I'm like... that was it? Lmao. Imagine going back in time and spoiling rise and shadow years before their announcements

exactly like the amount of directions they could've gone in after tr2013 and we ended up with rise and shadow lmao
which are fine gameplay wise but when it comes to telling an origin story! yikes!

Grizzly Bear 08-08-19 18:59


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8115237)
Maaan this reboot had so much potential. TR2013 was such an amazing game. I remember thinking about this reboot's future and now I'm like... that was it? Lmao. Imagine going back in time and spoiling rise and shadow years before their announcements

We went from endless combat to gradually tombs, puzzles and exploration as the main focus again; it's the right direction for me.

If you're talking about the story, maybe yes, I feel like TR13's story was really good, better than the two sequels.

OrangeJuice 09-08-19 12:22


Originally Posted by Grizzly Bear (Post 8119304)
We went from endless combat to gradually tombs, puzzles and exploration as the main focus again; it's the right direction for me.

If you're talking about the story, maybe yes, I feel like TR13's story was really good, better than the two sequels.

yeah i think he meant story-wise. the gameplay is quite good.

MicheleMouse 18-09-19 17:48

Not a big deal, but I thought I'd share it.
I was fooling around with a free camera mod, when I noticed that during the cutscene after defeating Mathias, the general's sword appears on the ground not far from Lara and Sam.

I know that Lara took it with her, but this is so random! You can see it in the cutscene itself too.
I was just wondering if it supposed to had any purpose, or it's a simple mistake. Did I miss something?

Amunet 18-09-19 18:15


Originally Posted by MicheleMouse (Post 8132510)
Not a big deal, but I thought I'd share it.
I was fooling around with a free camera mod, when I noticed that during the cutscene after defeating Mathias, the general's sword appears on the ground not far from Lara and Sam.

I know that Lara took it with her, but this is so random! You can see it in the cutscene itself too.
I was just wondering if it supposed to had any purpose, or it's a simple mistake. Did I miss something?

Since Sam was originally supposed to die, maybe she would've been killed by that sword and so its presence in that cutscene may be a leftover from the original ending (like Lara carrying Sam was originally Lara carrying Sam's dead body).

Matie 18-09-19 18:16

Wasn't she supposed to stab Himiko with that sword? I foggily remember having read something like that somewhere, maybe it was just a theory. It seems pretty random how there was a separate cutscene with her taking that sword, but she never actually used it, and she stabbed Himiko with a torch instead (which I found pretty strange if you ask me).

Sometimes models/assets that are used during a cutscene are placed on the map somewhere close by or far away off the map, at least this is what I've noticed when I used the camera tools. It might mean she was indeed supposed to use the sword in the cutscene at some point, but it was changed later on.

Edit: might be what Amunet's saying as well, it seems to be a leftover either way.

JsotoTRSaga 18-09-19 18:54

That is so bizarre? Maybe it fell from Lara's pockets when she was struggling with Mathias. But if that were the case why is the Chou Dynasty Helmet not on the floor as well? :ponder:

MicheleMouse 18-09-19 19:27


Originally Posted by Amunet (Post 8132516)
Since Sam was originally supposed to die, maybe she would've been killed by that sword and so its presence in that cutscene may be a leftover from the original ending (like Lara carrying Sam was originally Lara carrying Sam's dead body).

I hope so. :cln: (I will forever prefer that ending, btw.)


Originally Posted by Matie (Post 8132517)
Wasn't she supposed to stab Himiko with that sword? I foggily remember having read something like that somewhere, maybe it was just a theory. It seems pretty random how there was a separate cutscene with her taking that sword, but she never actually used it, and she stabbed Himiko with a torch instead (which I found pretty strange if you ask me).

Interesting. Yeah, that's a possibility too. Definitely would've looked better than the torch.


Originally Posted by Matie (Post 8132517)
Sometimes models/assets that are used during a cutscene are placed on the map somewhere close by or far away off the map, at least this is what I've noticed when I used the camera tools. It might mean she was indeed supposed to use the sword in the cutscene at some point, but it was changed later on.

Indeed. You'd think it's there for a reason.

At first I thought that I glossed over important information from a description or a cutscene, that tells how important it is or something. But yeah, it rather seems like a leftover. Aww.

lance6439 19-09-19 21:20

I made sure I had the entire game 100% complete before fighting the final boss/last level. Everything was done. 100%

then at the end it said I only had 99% completed :confused: (this is the DE)

JoelCaesar 21-09-19 06:43


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8132811)
I made sure I had the entire game 100% complete before fighting the final boss/last level. Everything was done. 100%

then at the end it said I only had 99% completed :confused: (this is the DE)

Check cliffside bunker. Its the only place with collectables that doesn't have a fast travel basecamp. So it won't appear on the fast travel menu, you have to manually walk there from shipwreck beach.

Athukraz 28-09-19 19:24

The game is on sale on PS4 for only 6 dollars if anyone is interested. Also cool to see TR being acknowledged again with this silence and all lol

TRExpertgamer 16-10-19 06:48

I have a great idea!! I think we should add the TR4 16 year old classic Lara skin into this game. How about that? :cool:

JoelCaesar 16-10-19 09:15


Originally Posted by TRExpertgamer (Post 8140119)
I have a great idea!! I think we should add the TR4 16 year old classic Lara skin into this game. How about that? :cool:

Oh, while that would be *lovely* I think what be even better is the FMV teen Lara. That's the outfit we deserve for DLC8...

TRExpertgamer 16-10-19 12:51


Originally Posted by JoelCaesar (Post 8140211)
Oh, while that would be *lovely* I think what be even better is the FMV teen Lara. That's the outfit we deserve for DLC8...

Not for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. But for Tomb Raider 9 will fit in well for this one because according to the plot of this game, Lara Croft turns out to be SO BLIND & NAIVE like the 16 year old girl that she is right inside the brain of her own. :vlol: :cool:

OrangeJuice 18-10-19 23:09

just finished another playthrough of this game and yeah it's still a special one to me. it's got many many flaws but it's such a memorable, fresh, thrilling experience and nothing feels overdone (lookin at yall rise and shadow).

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