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UroshUchiha 07-10-21 07:40


Originally Posted by Ellioft (Post 8323604)
I completely forget Kurtis existance LMAO :D

Same. Kurtis is the least exciting thing I've yet to see come to TRR. Meh.

I also had no idea about the meme. Never heard of anything similar about Kurtis in my life.

Tombraider95 07-10-21 08:18

If you reach far enough you can tie anything to race. Never heard of the shower thing before and it was completely unnecessary to bring up race in this instance. Another example of being offended for other people.

It'll be good to see Kurtis outside of AOD. Don't think it's happened before.

Raxel 07-10-21 09:59


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8323606)
I'm happy about Kurtis, I love him and would love to see him return in this franchise in some capacity.

Yeah, me too. It's great to see him again.

Ellioft 07-10-21 11:59

What role will he take in Reloaded anyway ?

The Angel and the Devil are already taken by Anaya/Winston and Von Croy unless they want to add a third NPC randomly in the room wich isn't honestly the best way to do.

I think the inclusion of Winston is cute but rather unecessary when Lara enter in a room when Anaya is there.

charmedangelin 07-10-21 12:48

I wonder if he will be added as a playable character. That's the only thing that's missing from Reloaded that's in all the other Archero type games.

DVDSpike 09-10-21 01:32

Currently wondering how it takes 10 months to reskin Archero and slap in some new character models for the angel.

This game should be out right now - the hype was already non-existent when the trailer dropped. This game is doomed.

Brendanlovesu1 09-10-21 07:14

Tease for the TR3 Nevada Outfit? looks to be a close up of the belt

So we now have confirmation of the following things coming to Reloaded:

- Kurtis
- AoD Double Denim Outfit
- Legend Biker Outfit -
- TR3 Nevada Outfit

CheshireBitch 09-10-21 08:37

Never heard the shower joke before about Kurtis and it's so dumb. I don't even get it, it's just mean...

anyway excited to see him in a new game even if it's mobile ! Can't wait to see Lara's new outfit too and of course... can't wait to finally play the game. It's been forever since the announcement...

LNSNHGTDS 09-10-21 08:56

Kurtis... Really...?

About the shower joke, I personally had no idea he was part Native American and I'm pretty certain people say he's dirty / smelly / disgusting because he looks like a 00s lives-in-his-mums-basement-and-doesnt-shower stereotypical gamer and not because of his heritage. People just hate him because he groped Lara, not because he's Native American.

Really happy about the outfits though. I really hope the game gets an official release soon.

Mikky 10-10-21 14:25


Originally Posted by Brendanlovesu1 (Post 8323883)
Tease for the TR3 Nevada Outfit? looks to be a close up of the belt

So we now have confirmation of the following things coming to Reloaded:

- Kurtis
- AoD Double Denim Outfit
- Legend Biker Outfit -
- TR3 Nevada Outfit

Haven't heard about the double denim outfit yet. Was there a tease for that too?

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