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_Seth 28-10-21 18:23

When actually is this to be released?

Because people have commented as if they've been playing for months... :confused:

UroshUchiha 28-10-21 18:27

We have been playing it for months. The Early Access version of the game which is not globally available yet. You can get it through various other means though.

_Seth 28-10-21 19:13


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8327406)
We have been playing it for months. The Early Access version of the game which is not globally available yet. You can get it through various other means though.

I see, thanks. :)

Mikky 29-10-21 11:09

There was a new update a couple of days ago but it honestly didn't add anything. I think a new level right now would be good to keep up the momentum. There's literally nothing to do in the game right now and that sucks.

charmedangelin 30-10-21 04:31

I really want balancing difficulty adjustments. They said they will down the road when the games more near the end so until then I don't really play Reloaded anymore.

bekim 30-10-21 15:27

Still stuck in Tomb of Qualopec.

The final boss is impossible

jackali 30-10-21 21:19

^ Recommend you keep moving as much as possible. Other than that, hope for good abilities on the way giving you more damage and criticals. As always, grind, grind and grind some more. Level your gear and try again and again.

charmedangelin 31-10-21 00:02


Originally Posted by bekim (Post 8328021)
Still stuck in Tomb of Qualopec.

The final boss is impossible

Just cheese it, when you die close the game and reload. You will spawn back in the room with full health. That boss is BS and never should have made it into the game. Having all those projectiles that fire everywhere and bounce and stun and do massive damage is beyond broken.

andre_costa 02-11-21 17:56

So I finally managed to install the game on my phone. However the game does not start. It is frezzed at 40% and below has a message that says "Adventure awaits! TR Reloaded will download 200 mb of new content for you to explore". It has been like this for about 5 minutes :(

UroshUchiha 02-11-21 20:40


Originally Posted by andre_costa (Post 8328618)
So I finally managed to install the game on my phone. However the game does not start. It is frezzed at 40% and below has a message that says "Adventure awaits! TR Reloaded will download 200 mb of new content for you to explore". It has been like this for about 5 minutes :(

I think that's the recent bug. I've seen a few people on Discord ask about the "Loading game issue", and the Community Manager said that it SHOULD be resolved this week. Or at least have answers about the issue.

Not sure if it's related to your problem, haven't really been paying too much attention to the chat there.

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