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CheshireBitch 06-03-23 14:06


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8392496)
That's terrible. :(
Go to the discord of the app, a lot of people are experiencing the same issue, especially on iOS devices.

Thanks for your answer ! :hug: I’m on IOS too and glad to hear I’m not the only one in this case ! I hope they’ll fix it soon !

Soma Holiday 07-03-23 16:56

I haven't been getting any relics after the first one even though I've repeated levels alot. I keep hearing this chiming sound on certain puzzle levels and I'm wonderful if that's the relic and I'm doing something wrong? Even though I get the blue crystals every time I still don't get relics. Any advice?

Also I thought Lara was supposed to speak she hasn't spoken any the whole game so far and I was never able to select a voice actress.

Yuna´s Wish 07-03-23 23:30

OMG, I've farmed the damn flying enemies for the freaking Mystic Chest in an hour or so (with just half an hour for the deadline) and I didn't like what I got from the chest XD

On the bright side, I got all the Peruvian relics. Yay. Now I have no excuses not to reattempt St Francis' Folly.

Chamayoo 08-03-23 00:03


Originally Posted by Soma Holiday (Post 8392629)
I haven't been getting any relics after the first one even though I've repeated levels alot. I keep hearing this chiming sound on certain puzzle levels and I'm wonderful if that's the relic and I'm doing something wrong? Even though I get the blue crystals every time I still don't get relics. Any advice?

Also I thought Lara was supposed to speak she hasn't spoken any the whole game so far and I was never able to select a voice actress.

Relic parts are extremely rare to get. Lara spoke only during cutscenes and there is one cutscene at the start of every country (this means only two so far).
Classic voice actresses will be added in a next update.


Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8392658)
On the bright side, I got all the Peruvian relics. Yay. Now I have no excuses not to reattempt St Francis' Folly.

Lucky you are !

Yuna´s Wish 08-03-23 01:15


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8392663)
Lucky you are !

Can't say I'm not (here, at least) :p Just completed St. Francis' Folly. Everything after floor 30 is way easier than the rest of the chapter.

The fact that it has 25 side tombs is annoying, but I'm probably going to tackle those before attempting Colosseum.

EDIT: Skipped the 25 tombs and went directly for Colosseum. I beat it on my first try :eek: Enemies were bullet sponges (I spent like 40 minutes there) but waaaay easier than St. Francis.

Chamayoo 08-03-23 20:42

Is there a way to report adds ? There is one add that includes a game inside, this made my phone to ram to death and restarted Reloaded against my will, and I lost my current game. Infuriating.

Yuna´s Wish 09-03-23 02:41

^ I've had lots of ads restarting my game for the last few days. I'm even afraid to revive using ads when I'm close to finishing a run :(

Chamayoo 09-03-23 18:26

^I had the same problem last week, it is really annoying :(

I have a friend who played the game since only one week, and he already completed two relics and just one part left for the third one in Peru ???? :yik:
How is that possible ? I played since day one and I only have 2 parts and nothing completed, nothing else ! :cln:

EDIT: Just collected one part, must complain more frequently I guess. :p

Yuna´s Wish 09-03-23 20:42

Complaining works like a charm :vlol:

Jokes aside, do Tomb of Qualopec over and over and over until you can play the chapter blind while eating and walking at the same time.

I farmed 6 out of 9 pieces there in a couple of hours (4 tops). I don't know if the RNG was messed up then (it wouldn't surprise me, a lot of the game itself is messed up) but it worked.

UroshUchiha 09-03-23 21:05

Ever since the game went global, it takes ~2 minutes for the game to load for me. It always gets stuck at 75% and then it stays there for a long time.

My phone is not "high end", Samsung A52, but this is not some high tech game that would require lord knows what specs. And besides, it never did that prior to global release.

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