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jackali 19-12-20 14:30


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8262088)
Really, you managed to get passed level 2? Lol

What they showed was mostly shooting, but from what I played there was puzzle sections and platforming sections that they didn't show off much.

Yes, I'm currently on Vilcabamba.

From there, you start getting waves of enemies in each room.

There's no platforming at all. The puzzles just require you to have one or several pressure plates pushed down.

Traps which come in later (I've had arrows shot from the walls, and later swinging blades) don't really add much.

charmedangelin 19-12-20 19:38

So the first level is the only place where they had that section where the ceiling collapses and you have to run passed the blades and all?

The first level led me to believe that they would really expand on the puzzle aspect given that there are specific sections where like you said you have to press the switch or push blocks like in classic TR.

Hmm.......I'll have to progress more before I can give my final opinion. I will say the game does become very grundy after level 1. I'm stick stuck on level 2 which is very slow for Lara to progress. The game seemed initially fine, especially in later staged of level 1, but now it's like I can't progress much at all.

Also really annoyed that the purple gems only come when you level Lara up. That is not how you got them in the original Archero game. Archero you got the purple gems on each run and also got major bonuses just from logging in.

The energy in Archero would also be something you found in the original easily so you could actually stack them up and never worry about not being able to play.

I'll admit I was a bit too gleeful when I initially reviewed it because the first level was so promising, but now it's really a major pain in the rear. Especially getting gear. I don't know how the hell that one guy got Lara's shotgun, but jesus christ does it seem impossible.

UroshUchiha 19-12-20 19:55


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8262157)
I don't know how the hell that one guy got Lara's shotgun, but jesus christ does it seem impossible.

From what I noticed you get a free gear gift once a day in the store or something? Maybe that's how they got the shotgun? I only got a bracelet and an amulet so far.

charmedangelin 19-12-20 20:09


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8262162)
From what I noticed you get a free gear gift once a day in the store or something? Maybe that's how they got the shotgun? I only got a bracelet and an amulet so far.

Ah I see, I still have 4 hours remaining. I also hate how when you level up you don't actually increase your stats. You have to pay for the stats to increase. And you need runes which are hard to come by in level 2 and I'm not willing to replay level 1 for ages just to make progress.

I've been playing for a few hours now and I give up on it. The game is way too grindy. I'm sure I could best it if I spend several days on it running and dying a bit each day, but I'm already on level 7 on Archero and I only installed that a week or two ago. That game is easy to make lots of progress, this game is too much of a pain.

I know it seems a bit flip floppy of me, but the game changed course after you beat the first level. It's just not good in its current state.

Strayyy_ 19-12-20 20:16


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8262163)
Ah I see, I still have 4 hours remaining. I also hate how when you level up you don't actually increase your stats. You have to pay for the stats to increase. And you need runes which are hard to come by in level 2 and I'm not willing to replay level 1 for ages just to make progress.

I've been playing for a few hours now and I give up on it. The game is way too grindy. I'm sure I could best it if I spend several days on it running and dying a bit each day, but I'm already on level 7 on Archero and I only installed that a week or two ago. That game is easy to make lots of progress, this game is too much of a pain.

I know it seems a bit flip floppy of me, but the game changed course after you beat the first level. It's just not good in its current state.

Yikes, they need to learn from Dissidia Final Fantasy OperaOmnia

Chamayoo 20-12-20 11:17

I also managed to play the game. It's not as uninterested that I thought. The art style in the environment is awful but the rest is alright. Despite the only thing you have is to move, you have to be precise and fast in some situations. My version is slow and Lara isn't that much responsive that it could be infuriating sometimes.
I didn't have to pay or wait to play, it's a good thing. However it could be awful to replay the stages again and again and again to succeed.
The updates seem to be useful, that's a good point.
I didn't talk about the music, it's good and nostalgic ! :)

I'm at chapter 2 for the moment. I would say 5/10 for the moment. It's ok, could be more.

UroshUchiha 21-12-20 08:22

@charmedangelin I just got the shotgun from that free daily gear crate. Now we know how to get it hahah

Chamayoo 21-12-20 10:24


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8262447)
@charmedangelin I just got the shotgun from that free daily gear crate. Now we know how to get it hahah

I wish to have this as well. :D
However today I won a relic I don't really know its use. I have an additional bar that filled with the number of your kills. When it's full I don't know what to do with this. :ponder:

UroshUchiha 21-12-20 10:38


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8262462)
I wish to have this as well. :D
However today I won a relic I don't really know its use. I have an additional bar that filled with the number of kills. When it's full I don't what to do with this. :ponder:

During a level I randomly got an item, an amulet. Once I was done with the level you get to see the "stats" and what you picked up. I clicked on the amulet and there was a popup text saying that if I use it, I get attack speed each time I enter a room.
Thankfully I read that there at the end level screen cause in the inventory the item has no description whatsoever xD I don't even know how much % the attack speed is increased hahaha.

So yeah, there's work to be done in this game for sure.

Chamayoo 21-12-20 11:08


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8262463)
During a level I randomly got an item, an amulet. Once I was done with the level you get to see the "stats" and what you picked up. I clicked on the amulet and there was a popup text saying that if I use it, I get attack speed each time I enter a room.
Thankfully I read that there at the end level screen cause in the inventory the item has no description whatsoever xD I don't even know how much % the attack speed is increased hahaha.

So yeah, there's work to be done in this game for sure.

I agree, it's difficult to read into the stats... especially as an APK, I have code names instead of real names. :cln:

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