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Quebsenuef 12-01-21 18:52

I can think of one user who had some transphobic comments in recent weeks.

As for homophobic comments, I haven’t seen any.
Fatphobic comments I can’t think of any I’ve seen either.

I haven’t been active in all corners of the forum tho so maybe it’s been in some low traffic areas?

Tombraider95 12-01-21 18:57

I'm confused. Where does he say TRF in that video clip? How does this link to the forum? But if he IS talking about TRF, yes there's plenty of arguing just like any fans, but I've not seen any homophobic or fatphobic comments especially to the extreme he's suggesting?

ESCachuli 12-01-21 19:27


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 8268740)
This is Ed Perkins, Director of Mobile Publishing (Tomb Raider Reloaded) for Square Enix London, talking about why he left the forum during a Twitch stream. Can anyone give me some examples of the comments he's talking about?

In case this isn't clear, everyone is welcome on this forum so please help us keep Tomb Raider Forums a friendly and inclusive venue by reporting any offensive and/or rule breaking comments.

There were plenty of transphobic coments by certain user (I think I'm remembering the name but I'm not sure so I won't be pointing fingers), so what he's saying might be true.

BTW how are you playing the game?

tlr online 12-01-21 19:40

I think I know who you are referring to and this person was immediately suspended. I called them out publicly on their conduct.

We did receive an email from Ed in November 2020 asking to deactivate his account and citing hostility on the forum as the reason. I looked into his claims and I did find some very harsh comments about the game so I can certainly understand why he wouldn't want to participate here. However there was no mention of us tolerating homophobic comments in his email and this very suggestion is unfathomable to me since we are predominantly LGBT. :confused: If these comments do exist I really would appreciate assistance in finding them.

To answer your other question, I'm not playing the game.

Tombraider95 12-01-21 19:58

Okay I saw the stream and it is indeed about TRF.


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 8268795)
We did receive an email from Ed in November 2020 asking to deactivate his account and citing hostility on the forum as the reason. I looked into his claims and I did find some very harsh comments about the game so I can certainly understand why he wouldn't want to participate here. However there was no mention of us tolerating homophobic comments in his email and this very suggestion is unfathomable to me since we are predominantly LGBT. :confused:

So perhaps he mainly left because of the response to Tomb Raider Reloaded and didn't want to say that on stream and gave those reasons instead. He left in November and it was revealed on the 23rd. But as you say, we're mainly LGBT, so TRF as a whole isn't homophobic/transphobic etc... at all. There might be an individual or two, but these are usually dealt with. But yes he's right with fans going at each other, but it's usually a handful and not the whole forum, but I do think it's gotten better more recently especially. hmm

Quebsenuef 12-01-21 20:19

I was gonna say if he left due to hostility I completely understand where he’s coming from.

We have a few bad apples on both sides that just wind each other up and make it almost insufferable to have a conversation.

jackali 12-01-21 23:14

As someone who has tried the game and didn't think a great deal of it, I'll be the first to hold up my hands and say that I have said some harsh things about it. Perhaps some of my comments were stronger than I had intended, and if something I have said had contributed to his desire to leave the community, I apologise. That doesn't change how I feel about the game, but if others feel my posts have been too harsh and have been offensive, please feel free to report them as violating the T&C, and another member of the team will be sure to moderate me.

UroshUchiha 13-01-21 00:11

I only visit the classics, LAU and the mobile sections of the forums and I have not seen any of said behaviour in those corners of the forum.
I stay away from the reboot section cause those can get very heated so it might have happened there idk.

Caesum 13-01-21 07:56


Originally Posted by jackali (Post 8268870)
As someone who has tried the game and didn't think a great deal of it, I'll be the first to hold up my hands and say that I have said some harsh things about it.

Honestly same. Although my comments were mostly directed at Square and not the devs. I think most of the bad comments about the game were due to its rather unfortunate advertising. It was like the 14th/15th anniversary (?) and we've got that cute trailer showing 3D cartoon characters in TR1 environments and it really hyped people up for some remake or remaster, all that while TRAE story was fresh again thanks to Ash. And then we've got actual gameplay video and it turned out to be just an arcade shooter game for mobiles, which was quickly compared to Diablo Immortal drama. It was just a really bad timing.

tlr online 13-01-21 10:46

Ed has responded on Twitter and I appreciate his clarification. If you are on Twitter give him a follow, he seems like a good guy.

As a reminder, everyone is welcome on this forum so please help us keep Tomb Raider Forums a friendly and inclusive venue by reporting any offensive and/or rule breaking comments.

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