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griffabee 17-02-21 20:41

This is personally not my cup of tea at all, but I hope that others enjoy it, and its reception is not a detriment to future full game releases.

andre_costa 17-02-21 21:00


Originally Posted by Los Angeles (Post 8280163)
People actually play this garbage?

I've only play it once on my boyfriend's phone and I found pretty entertaining, actually. Not the best mobile phone ever, sure, but I think of it as a beautiful nod to the first game. If I am not mistaken, the game so far as levels of the first game, but I wouldn't mind if it had levels of the other classic games

Mikky 24-02-21 16:00

There was a big-ish update yesterday. Woo... *small fanfare* Just a few things I noticed while playing through the game again:
  • The theme on the main menu has been extended and somehow made more awesome, which I didn't think was possible. It starts off the same but then turns into a Game of Thrones/reboot, epic orchestra extravaganza (but in a good way)
  • There's also new music and sound effects in all the levels
  • Interestingly, according to the update notes, chapters 3-5 have been rebalanced, although I can't comment on this myself because I'm waaay OP at this point so it feels the same to me. But I imagine it's good for newcomers.
  • Target rewards are now available. You actually get rewarded for reaching stage and chapter milestones. While the idea is great, the rewards themselves are disappointing. But that's just me.
    (Side note: the reward menu has some neat concept art for the chapters)
  • General stability and graphics improvements. I've noticed the frame rate has improved significantly, at least on my device. There's new effects for enemy attacks and other stuff. Lara has new poses on the upgrade menu (random, but appreciated)
  • There's a new boss. That eagle boss with the tornado attacks has been replaced by a large version of those charging raptors. He's much easier to defeat, with a very basic attack pattern (I'd suggest the devs rebalance him; I feel he's a bit too easy for that stage in the game)

There's a few other small things I've noticed but those are the major ones. Anyway, probably no-one cares at this point but I figured I'd share because this definitely feels like the most significant update so far; you can really see the differences as soon as you load up the game.

It's kinda weird to think how different still the game will look like in full release.

UroshUchiha 24-02-21 18:27

They also fixed the issue where you could not continue the game at the stage you closed the game at. So now you can freely close the app halfway into the level and continue from there next time you return.

Mikky 24-02-21 18:46

Yes, true. Very useful. No recharged health exploit this time, though :p

Chamayoo 25-02-21 08:47

I really like the new update, it's more stable and more complete. Chapter 3-5 have been rebalanced ? I still found the peak of difficulty insane at the very start of Lost Valley. Stage 3 and 4 still are the hardest moments of the game, the rest after them ultimately feels easy.

dg1995 25-02-21 11:58

When do they make Tomb Raider Revolutions ?:ton:

Laralicious 01-03-21 23:40

I haven't had the chance to play it yet but from the gameplay footage I have seen, I really like the iconography for this game. I do wish that the focus would be put on puzzles rather than all the shooting because I feel that this works better for mobile games, but it is what it is and it hasn't put me off from at least trying it in the future.

charmedangelin 08-03-21 02:25

This game cancelled or what? Didn't they say this is coming early 2021?

Perhaps Sqeenix got the memo. :pi:

Chamayoo 08-03-21 07:17


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8284028)
This game cancelled or what? Didn't they say this is coming early 2021?

Perhaps Sqeenix got the memo. :pi:

Still have updates so I don't think so. :D

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