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Mikky 02-06-21 01:42

Does the game's graphics automatically scale depending on the device? I'm not sure exactly what it is about it but your game looks better than mine

What are those yellow projectiles, though? Your bullets got stuck in mid-air? 😅

charmedangelin 02-06-21 03:34


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8301849)
Does the game's graphics automatically scale depending on the device? I'm not sure exactly what it is about it but your game looks better than mine

What are those yellow projectiles, though? Your bullets got stuck in mid-air? ��

Yeah it scales with your phone's screen size and aspect ratio.

The yellow are the bullets from the shotgun getting stuck in the recent update.

Compared to last updates the graphical improves are noticable. It also plays in a much smoother frame rate. But bosses will be impossible to kill until the next update.

Mikky 02-06-21 09:40

Ah, I didn't know a new update was released yesterday. I'll have to try it out, see if I encounter that same problem

UroshUchiha 02-06-21 11:00

The new update requires you to clear your data and cache before you boot up the game. Otherwise you'll have issues like being unable to attack bosses cause of the projectiles hanging in mid air and such.

Mikky 02-06-21 14:07


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8301891)
The new update requires you to clear your data and cache before you boot up the game. Otherwise you'll have issues like being unable to attack bosses cause of the projectiles hanging in mid air and such.

And you're sure we won't lose our progress by doing that? I mean, mine is linked to my Google account but that still sounds risky to me

UroshUchiha 02-06-21 14:46

My game is connected to the Google Play Games thingy (says so in the menu as well) so it will be fine. I hate to say it but I've cleared my Game Data in TRR more times than I'd like to admit to fix various issues. It always restores my data from the cloud.

Mikky 02-06-21 15:33

I did it and it fixed the bugs and restored my progress. Thanks.

Finally, there's a lucky wheel that guarantees gems

Mikky 20-06-21 21:33

The daily rewards haven't worked in a while. Anyone know what's up with that?

UroshUchiha 21-06-21 07:51


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8305627)
The daily rewards haven't worked in a while. Anyone know what's up with that?

They are working on it apparently. But so far no news.
I think it's safe to say that the stuff we missed is gone and we won't get compensated.
Apparently the daily rewards work fine for new accounts cause they add "two calendars" with the latest update cause of some changes and those changes made a mistake for the original calendar and now we are stuck.

We are pushing a new Update (0.8.6) to the Stores today and it will be rolled out to everyone in the next few days.

It's quite small and includes only fixes:
Daily Login Calendar won’t trigger Unhandled exception pop up again and players should have the correct calendar again.
Free Coins pack now gives out the correct amount of coins.
No more Unhandled exception pop up in the Spider boss stage.
Lara can’t transition into the next stage before she kills the Spider boss.
Few devices were added into the group with lower game graphics to improve their FPS.

Chaoscookie 25-06-21 16:18

Does anyone know when or if it will be released in germany?

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