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CBS_TombRaider 12-02-13 16:10


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6647260)
It's true, though :pi: I am not a fan of the classics, having not played them, but even I have to admit that the braid reacted marvelously in TR2. I don't agree with the rest of Dustie's post, however.

I was trying to disprove said claim with a screenshot, but my computer was being a bugger and wouldn't load it :p To be honest, I'm not biased against the braid. I'm perfectly fine with them implementing a braid if they so choose. I am against people demanding they put it back in, simply because Classic Lara had one. Let CD do their thing. We'll see if they will reap rewards from the choices they've made, or if they will regret those. Regardless, I doubt a braid would make any kind of substantial difference.

... I guess I'm a little biased towards a ponytail, simply because I believe it looks nicer, but eh :p

TippingWater 12-02-13 16:11

Spoliers guys https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...16780243_n.jpg Whitman dies also it the track listing showcases the order of the events!

CBS_TombRaider 12-02-13 16:13


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6647283)
Spoliers guys https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...16780243_n.jpg Whitman dies also it the track listing showcases the order of the events!

Ermagherd :eek: Nicely spotted! :tmb:

LNSNHGTDS 12-02-13 16:14

As long as Sam or Lara don't die the whole island can explode for all I care :p !

SpyrosMonster 12-02-13 16:15


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6647283)
Spoliers guys https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...16780243_n.jpg SPOILER D: also it the track listing showcases the order of the events!

How do you know?

TheShadowOfMe 12-02-13 16:15


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6646929)
but why why why cant they do hair like this

and please don't tell me it's unnatural or whatsoever, looks much better. 100x better.

It's floating too much... Like she's underwater... :s

CBS_TombRaider 12-02-13 16:16


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6647295)
How do you know?

One of the tracks is called Whitman's Demise, which is pretty obvious. The final one is called "The Tomb Raider" :jmp::jmp:

Jfmeplayer 12-02-13 16:16

omg people don't. quote the white text please u.u

SpyrosMonster 12-02-13 16:18


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6647302)
One of the tracks is called D:, which is pretty obvious. The final one is called "The Tomb Raider" :jmp::jmp:

You can't be sure though, the image is so blurry...

Weemanply109 12-02-13 16:20

****, I read that white text accidentally thinking it was going to be less of a huge spoiler. :pi: I'm not surprised about it, though

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