The bow, despite being used in many games nowadays, is the best implemented from them all and the most fun to play with. It's probably my favourite weapon from all entire series, even over dual guns because even tough they are iconic, it offer nothing but shooty-bang bang.
The only time I ever like the bow is outside of combat, it has practical uses for traversal and puzzle-solving that are far more fun to me than it being just a weapon.
You have to use it in certain parts. |
Well I never used it when I wanted to fight. I have a shot gun, why would I want to be flinging oversized toothpicks?
Like, you have these guys running towards you. And I'm like trying to reel the bow back really fast. It wasn't working for me. |
You could just fire the arrows into their ankles and then ride one into their neck if that happens. The bow is extremely versatile and the best weapon in the game imo.
From the Screenshot Thread:
Though this is one of the most annoying parts in the game - when Lara shouts, whines for Sam :rolleyes: -, and she is not annoying, she is tough. :eek: That's unbelievable. *_* |
TR9 will be free on PS+ from March 5th :cool:
Bet all you PS3 owners feel silly now for rushing out last year and buying the game on day one :tea: |
Um, no not at all. PS+ does not give you the game. You only have the game for as long as you have Playstation Plus. So, that's a $60 rental.
They got me with that when I got Underworld. |
and when i got to be showed in cutscnenes i tougth it was my fault for not switching before but she would do it on purpose >; |
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