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Lara_Fan1 28-06-15 20:19

The YLOD can happen at any time. It doesn't matter how long your console is on for nor how long it actually is. So, you can keep your console on 24/7 for all you like. Your risk of getting it won't be higher.

peeves 28-06-15 20:53

Oh ok. But if it overheats it'll get the YLOD.

Lara_Fan1 29-06-15 09:21


Originally Posted by peeves (Post 7388544)
Oh ok. But if it overheats it'll get the YLOD.

It won't. If it over heats it'll shut off for a while while it cools down.

peeves 29-06-15 13:59

OK Now i gotta get all the collectibles for shipwreck beach, cliffside bunker, Research base, and then chasm shrine then I'll be all set.

spyrostr 29-07-15 01:33

i dont know if anyone has posted this.. not anything interesting for most in here but i find it cool

lovechin 07-08-15 21:33

Does someone know if the Definitive Edition has inverted camera controls for both x and y axis?
It was a pain in the *** to play the "normal" edition, cause I only play with inverted camera controls.

WWETombRaider 08-08-15 03:10


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 7413390)
i dont know if anyone has posted this.. not anything interesting for most in here but i find it cool

This pic is badass. I like it.

AimlessThunder 09-08-15 13:23

I just discovered that if Lara is near a campfire and she's on the radio, she is still able to use the campsite. Also the radio appears in her hand. Nice attention to details CD!

Phlip 09-08-15 16:03

^Probably a glitch.

larafan25 09-08-15 21:12

So... remember back after TRU, when Tomb Raider's fate was unclear?

"Saved For Real"


i. cannot.

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