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lovechin 12-08-15 15:53


Originally Posted by Trenton (Post 7425196)
If I remember correctly there are also some improved effects (weather/fog, lighting), higher resolution textures, the new Lara model has TressFX hair like on high end PC (although not quite as good) instead of the dead squirrel she had on her head on last gen versions. Those are the things that springs to mind right now. :)

Thank you! :) so just graphical upgrades? No added mechanics oder extra stuff?

AimlessThunder 12-08-15 23:26


Originally Posted by lovechin (Post 7425822)
Thank you! :) so just graphical upgrades? No added mechanics oder extra stuff?

Same game, better graphics, and all the DLC is included.

TheRCroft 13-08-15 21:18


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 7424496)
Is it official?

I'm guessing it is the portfolio of someone who worked on the reboot, so I'd say it's official but I'm not too sure.

SamCactus101 16-08-15 03:37

Don't let this thread die!

That is all. :)

Reggie 16-08-15 11:49


Originally Posted by SamCactus101 (Post 7428457)
Don't let this thread die!

That is all. :)

Firstly it has only been inactive for a few days. Secondly, please don't bump threads. Its against forum rules. You have been warned.

ivaneiroX 17-08-15 11:09 have anyone done this before? :) i was bored haha

Edit: more xD

Pi4oran 23-08-15 10:18

Here's another camera bug I encountered on PS4:

BTW, not sure why PS4 uploads such bad quality videos. Is there a setting which should be updated?

mileylover04 23-08-15 16:36


Originally Posted by Pi4oran (Post 7433285)
Here's another camera bug I encountered on PS4:

BTW, not sure why PS4 uploads such bad quality videos. Is there a setting which should be updated?

Kinda like that angle tbh. Also, the quality looks fine. Maybe you just tried to watch to soon after uploading. YouTube sometimes just takes a while to process, because the video looked fine and was in 720p for me.

Mikky 25-08-15 18:44

I encountered this interesting bug after I got down from the radio tower where the camera stayed stuck in a strange position (last three screens). I could aim in a unique camera angle, although I can't imagine it being very useful. :p And those first two screenshots are... Well, he was stuck and I couldn't loot him from there, so I shot and shot arrows, but still, he wouldn't move. :I The struggle for salvage is real.

AimlessThunder 26-08-15 20:04

Really cool! :D

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