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larafan25 23-11-20 21:53


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8255109)
An unnecessary one

indeed. and shes titties 2 small

lance6439 23-11-20 21:55


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 8255112)
indeed. and shes titties 2 small

Yeah I refrained from saying something but I noticed that other people brought it up too. Why are her boobs small? CLara had big boobs. She an exotic, racially ambiguous woman. She's curvy n thick!

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 21:55


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255110)
People forget that, it's a shame.

Ikr? A shame really...

charmedangelin 23-11-20 21:56

I couldn't care less about her breast size tbh.

Swiz19 23-11-20 22:01

So I guess the tomb raider 1 remake is out of the question now? Good.

I dont see them doing a rehash of TR1 for mobile, just for it also to be the focus of the next main game.

charmedangelin 23-11-20 22:02


Originally Posted by Swiz19 (Post 8255118)
So I guess the tomb raider 1 remake is out of the question now? Good.

I dont see them doing a rehash of TR1 for mobile, just for it also to be the focus of the next main game.

Who says the mobile is a TR1 remake?

It's inspired by it but no one said it was an actual remake.

Yeauxleaux 23-11-20 22:05

I don't care about her boobs and overall I like the model, but yeah I wish they'd make her a smidge more tanned. Her facial features aren't whitewashed though, they're on point actually they look just like the classic character.

Athukraz 23-11-20 22:09

Anyways I think it's safe to bury all the leaks. So many of them and nobody saw this irrelevant game coming

lance6439 23-11-20 22:11


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8255122)
Anyways I think it's safe to bury all the leaks. So many of them and nobody saw this irrelevant game coming

So true

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 22:14


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8255122)
Anyways I think it's safe to bury all the leaks. So many of them and nobody saw this irrelevant game coming

Time to forget the Tomb Raider Unnecessary Experience nonsense for good.

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