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larafan25 24-06-12 15:37


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6278646)
Can anybody clear up what's going on with TR's DLC, please?


- DLC for pre-ordering the game: So if you preorder the game you get the DLC

- DLC Lost Fleet map: A tricky map, you win a prize when you complete it

- DLC timed exclusive: This could be the above DLC or different DLC which will be a timed exclusive for xbox players

Linoshi Croft 24-06-12 15:37


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6278646)
Can anybody clear up what's going on with TR's DLC, please?

The first piece will be on Xbox360 first but only for a limited time period. Probably a month. After this time period the rest of the systems will get the DLC. The content of the DLC is unknown.

klona 24-06-12 15:40

What's a "Timed DLC"?
It's only available for a limited time then disappear forever?

larafan25 24-06-12 15:42


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6278658)
What's a "Timed DLC"?
It's only available for a limited time then disappear forever?

Nopey nope, it is out first on 360, but that exclusive period only lasts a certain amount of time.

Like when GOL came out first on 360. That's timed exclusivity.

klona 24-06-12 15:44

I'm a PS3 user, so for example will I be able to buy all the DLCs 3 years later? (EXAMPLE)

NRO. 24-06-12 15:44

If PC doesn't get an y dlc, I'm going to slap a hoe.

lcroft_lc 24-06-12 15:45


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6278651)
- DLC Lost Fleet map: A tricky map, you win a prize when you complete it

Multi-player map? :confused:

larafan25 24-06-12 15:45

^Maybe. Who knows.


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6278668)
I'm a PS3 user, so for example will I be able to buy all the DLCs 3 years later? (EXAMPLE)


The DLC will be available forever, essentially, I assume, like any DLC.

It's just that we'll have to a month or something to download the DLC because it'sn out first on xbox.

klona 24-06-12 15:47

Thanks for answering everyone. :)

Adrenaline 24-06-12 15:54

Dios Mios I'm still confused. :/

larafan25 24-06-12 15:55

I read the random quote wrong.

The treasure hunting game is actually DLC for the game...but it's pre-order DLC, though it says by playing the game you unlock things for when the game comes out, which implies it is out before the game, which makes no sense.

So yeah I'm confused.

Let alone the fact that the quote might just be random untrue crap.

Adrenaline 24-06-12 15:57


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6278703)
I read the random quote wrong.

The treasure hunting game is actually DLC for the game...but it's pre-order DLC, though it says by playing the game you unlock things for when the game comes out, which implies it is out before the game, which makes no sense.

So yeah I'm confused.

Let alone the fact that the quote might just be random untrue crap.


Lets wait for CD to make announcements.

larafan25 24-06-12 15:58

They better make em soon, I can't handle this anymore.

Rai 24-06-12 15:58


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6278703)
I read the random quote wrong.

The treasure hunting game is actually DLC for the game...but it's pre-order DLC, though it says by playing the game you unlock things for when the game comes out, which implies it is out before the game, which makes no sense.

So yeah I'm confused.

Let alone the fact that the quote might just be random untrue crap.

Well the quote can be found on

But yeah, it is confusing.

larafan25 24-06-12 16:01


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6278713)
Well the quote can be found on

But yeah, it is confusing.

Hmmm....the article is from a while ago.

To me it makes more sense that the treasure hunting game be something similar to the geocaching which will unlock stuff for when the game is released.

Rai 24-06-12 16:04


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6278723)
Hmmm....the article is from a while ago.

To me it makes more sense that the treasure hunting game be something similar to the geocaching which will unlock stuff for when the game is released.

It seems odd that Game somehow knows about this when no-one else has revealed it. I think it is more likely to be either the geocaching thing or similar. At least CD have already talked about geocaching.

larafan25 24-06-12 16:10


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6278736)
It seems odd that Game somehow knows about this when no-one else has revealed it. I think it is more likely to be either the geocaching thing or similar. At least CD have already talked about geocaching.

Yeah it could be the geocaching thing.

I hope the other DLC is true, about the Lost Fleet tricky map.

just*raidin*tomb 24-06-12 16:15

I wonder if we ever actually find the lost fleet. That's what the whole expedition was for but they could tie that bit up by saying they crashed on this island and not ever mention again and the focus being shifted to all dis cray stuff.

larafan25 24-06-12 16:17


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6278762)
I wonder if we ever actually find the lost fleet. That's what the whole expedition was for but they could tie that bit up by saying they crashed on this island and not ever mention again and the focus being shifted to all dis cray stuff.

That's what I thought would happen.

Maybe the DLC is going back to find the lost fleet? Or something.

Because that bit of thing mentions a tricky map being called Lost Fleet.

edit: The Lost Fleet map makes me think of a large cavernous maps with crumbling rock platforms and a watery bottom, with ships jutting out of the rock walls and lying below in the graveyard.

NRO. 24-06-12 16:36

Maybe if you pre-order the game with Steam and such, you automatically get the download for the DLC? :confused:

Weemanply109 24-06-12 16:36


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6277904)
“@LudwigK: @CrystalDKarl How about an appearance in PlayStation All-Stars?”.......<----yeeee.....NO!

Well its not that. :p Do I sense some bitterness in regards to Sony?

Probably, but I guess that they don't want Lara being associated with other games like that when it might redact from their new mature, serious direction.

She should stay away from those type of games anyway.


Originally Posted by Keir (Post 6278353)
I still do. I just lurk. <3 you guys.

Gurl, I can't believe you replied to my month old comment. :vlol:

True lurker. I know you love me, bew. ILY2. xoxo


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6278651)

- DLC for pre-ordering the game: So if you preorder the game you get the DLC

- DLC Lost Fleet map: A tricky map, you win a prize when you complete it

- DLC timed exclusive: This could be the above DLC or different DLC which will be a timed exclusive for xbox players

What? 3 DLC contents?

Get out (after you give me the receipts).

larafan25 24-06-12 16:40

^Get your own receipts.


I want Lara in PS All Stars thank you.

Weemanply109 24-06-12 17:03


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6278825)
^Get your own receipts.


I want Lara in PS All Stars thank you.

This is a forum, if you have nothing to back up your statements, bew. They're rendered invalid.

Begone, stan.

Weemanply109 26-06-12 03:08

Has anyone reported one of Camilla's latest tweets?


@camilluddington: Something tells me this week will be interesting..

Stevo505 26-06-12 03:09


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6282902)
Has anyone reported one of Camilla's latest tweets?

I noticed that too. Very curious indeed :p

larafan25 26-06-12 03:09

Yes, someone has.


Weemanply109 26-06-12 03:10

Bitch is the new VA. You guys were right. :pi:

Once she announces it via twitter, I'll send her a tweet saying "We all knew, bew. xoxo".

larafan25 26-06-12 03:11


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6282906)
Bitch is the new VA. You guys were right. :pi:

Once she announces it via twitter, I'll send her a tweet saying "We all knew, bew. xoxo".


The funniest mental image ever.

Spong 26-06-12 03:14


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6282902)

@camilluddington: Something tells me this week will be interesting..

Probably talking about getting her boobs out for whatever cheesy show she's appearing in at the moment. That's the only talent she's got. And the funny thing is, her boobs aren't even all that. That's why she had to go to America to do it, no one in the UK cared.

Stevo505 26-06-12 03:16

Or because there is more acting opportunity in Hollywood :pi:

Carbonek_0051 26-06-12 03:18


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6282914)
Probably talking about getting her boobs out for whatever cheesy show she's appearing in at the moment. That's the only talent she's got. And the funny thing is, her boobs aren't even all that. That's why she had to go to America to do it, no one in the UK cared.


larafan25 26-06-12 03:26

In case anybody wants a good laugh...

Or to cry of frustration.

Weemanply109 26-06-12 03:27

I don't get it..

Tomb_of_Darkns 26-06-12 03:28


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6282943)
In case anybody wants a good laugh...

Or to cry of frustration.

I really wish they just left it at Mountain Rendezvous lol Whatever, i'll just ignore it since i usually don't pay attention to things like that haha

larafan25 26-06-12 03:28


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6282947)
I don't get it..

You get 1 skills point for that too.

Stevo505 26-06-12 03:29

You get skill points just for breathing, I swear -.-

Spong 26-06-12 03:29


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6282943)
In case anybody wants a good laugh...

Or to cry of frustration.

Honestly, they go on about removing the HUD because it's synthetic and breaks immersion, yet they're happy to flood the screen with notification text and bloody hints :rolleyes::hea:

larafan25 26-06-12 03:32


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6282954)
Honestly, they go on about removing the HUD because it's synthetic and breaks immersion, yet they're happy to flood the screen with notification text and bloody hints :rolleyes::hea:

It's everything the casual player needs to know...

- Where the **** am I going?
- What the Hell am I doing?
- And what do I get?

leglion 26-06-12 03:33


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6282954)
Honestly, they go on about removing the HUD because it's synthetic and breaks immersion, yet they're happy to flood the screen with notification text and bloody hints :rolleyes::hea:

They're off for most of the playtime though.

Stevo505 26-06-12 03:33

So we'll probably pick up keys or whatever, and the game will probably tell them where we need to use them instead of letting us figure it out for ourselves. Goodbye to the days of picking up keys and having no freaking idea what they do :p

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