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larafan25 06-03-12 15:26


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6020408)
We would see plenty of video and info before September. :D

Oh, well then.

Bring on June.

Lukass 06-03-12 15:27


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6020401)
OH! D:

Sweet, bring on September.


No! We'll see something in April!

larafan25 06-03-12 15:28

^I'm not even going there.

I'm just waiting for June.


NRO. 06-03-12 15:29

Atleast we can estimate a release date. Any time after September 2012

Lukass 06-03-12 15:30

E3 is too late.

larafan25 06-03-12 15:32


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6020428)
Atleast we can estimate a release date. Any time after September 2012

OOOHHHH riiight. Good thinking.

hm. :/


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020430)
E3 is too late.

Yes, yes it is, for my personal taste it is way to late.

But that's how long we'll be waiting, I'm sure.

Lukass 06-03-12 15:34

I still fail to see...if the combat is the last thing they are going to reveal at E3, when we are going to see the other things, then? :confused:

NRO. 06-03-12 15:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020444)
I still fail to see...if the combat is the last thing they are going to reveal at E3, when we are going to see the other things, then? :confused:

They don't have any other things.

larafan25 06-03-12 15:38


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6020453)
They don't have any other things.


We haven't seen the axe yet, or any platforming (the leak isn't "official" reveal).

We also don't know crap all about the hub system, or crafting. The deets. :/

Lukass 06-03-12 15:42


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6020453)
They don't have any other things.

Traveling, platforming, enemies, the island itself, healing, hub system....

just*raidin*tomb 06-03-12 15:42

Guys you can see the things when the game is released and you buy it. lol

NRO. 06-03-12 15:42

I'm going to do some psychic magic:

There will be no crafting system nor you will be able to climb with the axe. The only function the axe will have is fighting. CD will only say "technical difficulties" and dismiss the whole thing. Remember all those things promised for TRU? Yeah.

larafan25 06-03-12 15:44


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6020475)
Guys you can see the things when the game is released and you buy it. lol



But that is too far away. ._.

Lukass 06-03-12 15:55


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6020476)
I'm going to do some psychic magic:

There will be no crafting system nor you will be able to climb with the axe. The only function the axe will have is fighting. CD will only say "technical difficulties" and dismiss the whole thing. Remember all those things promised for TRU? Yeah.

It could happen. I won't blame you for that opinion. :/

larafan25 06-03-12 16:02

Although I don't think it happened to such an extent with TRU, it could happen as a worst case scenario.

Considering this game actually has a lot of cool new features which are very impactful.

Things which reared their head only for a split second or as concepts in the past may now be given the spotlight they deserve.

One thing is for sure, we're going to need a lot more speculation to keep us sane until June. :/

slavo120 06-03-12 16:35

CD not need GDC for releases gameplay trialer...this strategy is realy stupid..
We know nothing except basic information about the game .. we saw E3 demo with a lot of stupid QTE....


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020473)
Traveling, platforming, enemies, the island itself, healing, hub system....



Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020444)
if the combat is the last thing they are going to reveal at E3, when we are going to see the other things, then? :confused:

and this ...
Where is something really relevant about game ?
We have a million promises from CD
I don't buy it after Underworld fiasco
I want see these things traveling, platforming, enemies,combat in motion realy work !!!! and if combat on E3 is last thing then is time show something us !:mad:

Maybe we should all be moved on official eidos Tomb Raider forum because here CD/Karl/Meagan do not see our moods, feelings and I have feelings like CD ignoring us
Maybe would be something changed...I see any communication, willingness from the CD

Lukass 06-03-12 16:52

^ Honey, they don't care about our feelings and moods. They do care about our money and to get them, they are using this weird strategy.

As for the info about the island, traveling, healing, platforming etc., I think they will reveal it via magazines.

lcroft_lc 06-03-12 17:05


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020444)
I still fail to see...if the combat is the last thing they are going to reveal at E3, when we are going to see the other things, then? :confused:

They will release those medias after the game release. :p


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020623)
As for the info about the island, traveling, healing, platforming etc., I think they will reveal it via magazines.

Oh dear not again.

klona 06-03-12 17:15


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020623)
^ Honey, they don't care about our feelings and moods. They do care about our money and to get them, they are using this weird strategy.

I think we all will be happy to inform them that...

Lukass 06-03-12 17:18

^ Ikr? But what we can do about that? :/

And I hate your signature :/ it's scary.

Stevo505 06-03-12 17:24

They should just title one of their new IPs "Soon." :pi:

Lukass 06-03-12 17:27

Have just received reply from Meagan. I asked her two days ago whether we'll se TR at GDC.



Hey Lukass!

As we stated on the last podcast, we can't quite share the dates of our next drop! When we do, though, I bet the news will make it's way to you in two seconds flat. Information travels quickly around the Tomb Raider community. :P



klona 06-03-12 17:31


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020652)
And I hate your signature :/ it's scary.

That's the point. :/

lcroft_lc 06-03-12 17:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020652)
And I hate your signature :/ it's scary.



Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020674)
Have just received reply from Meagan. I asked her two days ago whether we'll se TR at GDC.


Typical answer. :pi:
Where did you ask her it? Twitter or E-mail?

Lukass 06-03-12 17:55

On the official Eidos Forums...

_Tomb_Raider 06-03-12 17:59


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020738)
On the official Eidos Forums...

That place...

Lukass 06-03-12 18:04


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6020757)
That place...

I know :p

But it's like the only place where you have at least tiny chance to get reply.

Tonyrobinson 06-03-12 18:20

I cannot wait to hear what their new game that they are recruiting for at GDC will be and I am so looking forward to playing it in four years time! :D

_Awestruck_ 06-03-12 18:34

Well if you're a half glass full kinda person, you'll notice that she didn't explicitly deny them being at GDC. :p

Spong 06-03-12 18:38

^lcroft_lc's post was pretty clear, about there being no TR9 at GDC anyway.

NRO. 06-03-12 18:39

They were at GDC with a new IP. Not TR.

_Awestruck_ 06-03-12 18:42


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6020828)
^lcroft_lc's post was pretty clear, about there being no TR9 at GDC anyway.

I hadn't seen that. Oh well. :p

Spong 06-03-12 18:46

^You may as well drink the rest of that milk you were talking about, it'll only go off if you wait for some TR9 news :p

_Awestruck_ 06-03-12 18:49


I actually hate milk, so anyone else can feel free.

Phlip 06-03-12 18:50


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6020847)

I actually hate milk, so anyone else can feel free.

Mikky loves it.

slavo120 06-03-12 18:57


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6020674)
Have just received reply from Meagan...............

Ah, sweet jesus why Megan..nothing relevant:hea:

Mikky 06-03-12 20:07


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6020476)
I'm going to do some psychic magic:

There will be no crafting system nor you will be able to climb with the axe. The only function the axe will have is fighting. CD will only say "technical difficulties" and dismiss the whole thing. Remember all those things promised for TRU? Yeah.

I lol'd at this so much. :vlol:


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6020854)
Mikky loves it.

And you love that I love it. :pi:

Guys, remember two years ago, CD made an April Fool's joke about GoL, saying that Lara would have blond hair? Remember? Well, maybe they'll do this one this year and we'll have a joke-new screenshot, with Kurtis photoshopped into it or something! And then, the day after, they'll release that screenshot properly with no Kurtis and we'll finally have something new! YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT!! /desperation

But, seriously, an April Fool's joke would be hilarious, especially to see how many people would fall for it. :pi:

Lukass 06-03-12 20:10

There's no room for jokes. Not anymore :pi:

Charlie91 06-03-12 20:12

That blonde joke was enough. Nevermore!

Spong 06-03-12 20:13


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6021072)
There's no room for jokes. Not anymore :pi:

You sound like a man who's been pushed too far :vlol:

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