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**LARA LOVER** 17-08-22 14:41

I really love the art design of this game :D

jackali 22-08-22 13:35

Trying out the latest update.

Who's bright idea was it to have to replay the 3rd chapter 25 times?! By the third time it's already boring. 25? Why would anyone bother?

UroshUchiha 22-08-22 13:55


Originally Posted by jackali (Post 8370300)
Trying out the latest update.

Who's bright idea was it to have to replay the 3rd chapter 25 times?! By the third time it's already boring. 25? Why would anyone bother?

Yeah I saw that too. Logged into the game after half a year or more just to see if my progress was saved cause of their announcement that they are moving to a new server in order to speed things up.

My progress is saved, but I don't see anything being sped up. Claiming stuff from the various menus is still as slow as it ever was.
Then I checked the global "achievements" and saw that everything I already did a gazillion times before wasn't retroactively given to me so I started replaying the game from chapter 1 and then I saw the absurdity of chapter 2 where you have to replay it 25 times for the final reward. That's 250 rooms in total.

Logged out and I have no plans to return until something significant gets added.

charmedangelin 23-08-22 19:21

Yeah idk about Reloaded anymore. I was excited by the new update adding the daily tasks because I finally got Epic gear and believed I would finally progress and beat chapter 6, nope. Still got destroyed by the bosses and I haven't played again since.

JuditePrince12 26-08-22 22:15

The render of her riding in Egypt at night is so cool. I would love a level in a future installment where Lara rides back and forth at night in this vast space solving little puzzles in certain areas to unlock one big tomb :)

Cezar 05-09-22 18:06


Originally Posted by JuditePrince12 (Post 8371141)
The render of her riding in Egypt at night is so cool. I would love a level in a future installment where Lara rides back and forth at night in this vast space solving little puzzles in certain areas to unlock one big tomb :)

What render? Could you post it?

Lara_Fan1 05-09-22 18:57


Originally Posted by Cezar (Post 8372555)
What render? Could you post it?

It’s on the last page (116).

Bughye 08-09-22 21:26

When this game will be released? Currently on iOS. Is there any way to install it, since it is region locked? Thanks!

Tombcool 15-09-22 23:58

This game was fun for the first two chapters but clearing 25-30 stages each time after that gets so boring.

charmedangelin 16-09-22 03:42

I don't see this game being successful at all. It will likely flop quickly and they will shut down the servers within a year or two.

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