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Weemanply109 20-05-12 20:27

I expect the plane scene to be QTE, tbh.

skylark1121 20-05-12 20:30


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6179093)
I need more and more and more and more and more of such comments like this one! :jmp:

I don't care whether the plane scene is QTE or not, I can't wait to see it anyway! It looks pretty amazing and just to see her moving and the plane falling down...oh Gawsh! Plus the scene with the poor deer! I must see it right ****ing now! D':

+1000! It's gonna be amazing. ;_;


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179106)
I expect the plane scene to be QTE, tbh.

I bet there will be some QTE, but I really doubt that all of the scene will be QTE.

Weemanply109 20-05-12 20:33

Wee need an anti-QTE thread and everyone needs to petition against it in any future Tomb Raider.

Evan C. 20-05-12 20:34


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179116)
Wee need an anti-QTE thread and everyone needs to petition against it in any future Tomb Raider.

That's so 2008 and the GRO's threads (Get Rid Of) :p

larafan25 20-05-12 20:35


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179106)
I expect the plane scene to be QTE, tbh.

From the looks of it, it doesn't need to be QTE.

If we walk across or in the plane and it falls, we can stumble, fall, grab on, fall some more, all while still having control of Lara.


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179116)
Wee need an anti-QTE thread and everyone needs to petition against it in any future Tomb Raider.


MuhaBagci 20-05-12 20:36


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179116)
Wee need an anti-QTE thread and everyone needs to petition against it in any future Tomb Raider.

I would like it, if it would be like in Legend. You know, when you nearly finnished the Level a QTE is coming...

trlestew 20-05-12 20:37

I actually envisioned a way in which QTEs aren't so intrusive.

Don't play a cutscene which requires a button to be pressed at certain intervals.

Instead, portray a scene which can not be done within the bounds of the control scheme or animation set, and have the player interact with continous, button movements which make sense and flow together. For example, if climbing the plane was a QTE, how about we pushed up while alternating between the left and right trggers? It wouldn't be as obtuse as "PRESS X HERE NOW", and watching Lara magically fling herself up the plane.

Weemanply109 20-05-12 20:39


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6179124)
From the looks of it, it doesn't need to be QTE.

If we walk across or in the plane and it falls, we can stumble, fall, grab on, fall some more, all while still having control of Lara.

This is CD we are talking about, though. They love to make things dramatic and QTE's help emphasize that.

Lukass 20-05-12 20:39

I don't mind the QTE's as long as they are not there TOO often. It's certainly better to be involved in cutscenes too etc. Still, the plane scene doesn't necesserily have to be QTE.

I hope Cam is ready to be announced :D

Stevo505 20-05-12 20:42

I think QTEs are fun :D

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