I have a question a forgive me if it's been posted before, but are the monsters from the concept art in the game?
If not do you think they will be released in a sidquest dlc? |
I was on youtube when I saw this comment: "Well. Buy Uncharted instead. The game sucked."
There is a bunch of streams on twitch.tv right now.
Although most players are constantly using survival instinct. Like one guy couldn't figure out the FIRST puzzle in the game. After the cave he was like "Where to I go now???" It was actually smart of CD. I didn't know there were a bunch of idiots living on this planet. |
And I agree about that last bit. It's quite depressing to see how much players this generation need hand-holding. They wouldn't stand a chance with the classics. They would most likely blame the game and the controls. :vlol: |
Reminds me of this tbh.
I am going to try my hardest not to use survival instinct xD And when/if I do, I shall [mentally] kick myself.
I pity 'casual' gamers nowadays as well. to think that when I first played TR (back when I was 3), I could still play the game better than that guy, and here I am, no 18 years old, breezing through TR1-5 as far as controls go. You know it's sad when a young child can play it better. I understand that times are changing, but it's getting ridiculous when most games have to have a hint system to appeal to the casual crowd. I know it's optional, but still. :p |
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