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Lukass 12-05-12 16:05

^ The octopus gif is hilarious :p

Weemanply109 12-05-12 16:07


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6164090)
^ The octopus gif is hilarious :p

'Tis Squidward, m'dear.

Anyway, I think we deserve a treat on the 31st. It would be CD's way of saying "Soz, babes for the wait. Here's a gameplay trailer a tad earlier than expected. xoxo".

Lukass 12-05-12 16:11

I can't wait for the trailer, but I'm scared at the same time. We'll probably see the release date at the end of the trailer. Anyone remember the shock when there was Fall 2012 at the end of the Turning Point? :'( I hope we won't see 2013. That would kill me :/

Love2Raid 12-05-12 16:13


I'm already collecting .gif's for the big moment.

Weemanply109 12-05-12 16:13


I bet it is delayed! OMFG. LOL, if it was.

We all expect it to be this year, but they announce the delay via the gameplay trailer.

After we're ate awe shock at how crap or good the gameplay is and then a white screen emerges and says "Summer 2013".


Lukass 12-05-12 16:18

^^ :vlol: I should start to collect some too. I bet it's gonna be hilarious gifs galore! D:

@Weemanply109 Hell naw! :'(

TippingWater 12-05-12 16:19


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6164098)

Anyway, I think we deserve a treat on the 31st. It would be CD's way of saying "Soz, babes for the wait. Here's a gameplay trailer a tad earlier than expected. xoxo".

I just hope they won't give us an almost impossible challenge like raising the likes on Facebook by 100.000 or something like that for just for a teaser trailer.

Weemanply109 12-05-12 16:21

They'd be silly to, they attempted it before and it failed. :vlol:

The fanbase is too small for those kind of tasks.

TippingWater 12-05-12 16:53


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6164150)
They'd be silly to, they attempted it before and it failed. :vlol:

The fanbase is too small for those kind of tasks.

You are right :p, but things could change especially if the the game will feature multiplayer :p.

GenyaArikado 12-05-12 16:57


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6164122)

I'm already collecting .gif's for the big moment.


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