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The1andOnlyTR 07-12-12 08:02


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6554465)
...Angelina is definitely American.

Hahahaha. :vlol:
I know that. That whole thing was misconstrued. :p

TippingWater 07-12-12 08:40


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6554466)
Hahahaha. :vlol:
I know that. That whole thing was misconstrued. :p

I know, read the white text :).

The1andOnlyTR 07-12-12 09:26


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6554474)
I know, read the white text :).

Ah. Thought you'd fallen off your rocker. :p

TippingWater 07-12-12 10:56


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6554483)
Ah. Thought you'd fallen off your rocker. :p

No way :D. Not when there's a new trailer just around the corner :).

supasaba 07-12-12 13:23

Bioshock Infinite has been delayed again... New release date is March 26!


Adamaru 07-12-12 13:29


Originally Posted by supasaba (Post 6554661)
Bioshock Infinite has been delayed again... New release date is March 26!


Kinda good news for us, TR fans :cln:

princebenidere 07-12-12 13:34


Originally Posted by supasaba (Post 6554661)
Bioshock Infinite has been delayed again... New release date is March 26!


well lets hope TR doesn't get delayed again too!
typing this while ( imitating Lara's quote "well lets hope we will not become murderers too",lol )

brand.seph 07-12-12 15:01

This might have been discussed already, but just putting it out there. Lara's pistol in the concept looks a lot like Roth's in the image. Another clue of Lara getting Duals maybe?

princebenidere 07-12-12 15:02


Originally Posted by brand.seph (Post 6554838)

This might have been discussed already, but just putting it out there. Lara's pistol in the concept looks a lot like Roth's in the image. Another clue of Lara getting Duals maybe?

yes she got it from roth , she maybe have both but she is just gonna use one gun at a time :p

LNSNHGTDS 07-12-12 15:09


Originally Posted by brand.seph (Post 6554838)

This might have been discussed already, but just putting it out there. Lara's pistol in the concept looks a lot like Roth's in the image. Another clue of Lara getting Duals maybe?

Ooor, a clue that she'll kill him :jmp: !!!

The first pistol she acquires is from Big-Bad-Russian-Guy, so maybe she combines them?

just*raidin*tomb 07-12-12 15:11


Originally Posted by supasaba (Post 6554661)
Bioshock Infinite has been delayed again... New release date is March 26!


:( Nooo.

MyRaider4Life 07-12-12 15:13

I'm a tad confused. How long until the VGAs? D:

just*raidin*tomb 07-12-12 15:14


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6554878)
I'm a tad confused. How long until the VGAs? D:

11 hours-ish.

trfanX34 07-12-12 15:14

11 hours.

TippingWater 07-12-12 15:15


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6554880)
11 hours.

Hmm :o. Just enough time for a good night's sleep :D.

MyRaider4Life 07-12-12 15:17

Thank you, guys~

Evan C. 07-12-12 15:20


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6554862)
Ooor, a clue that she'll kill him :jmp: !!!

The first pistol she acquires is from Big-Bad-Russian-Guy, so maybe she combines them?

I think it responds more to the upgrading rather than taking it from Roth.

brand.seph 07-12-12 15:43


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6554862)
Ooor, a clue that she'll kill him :jmp: !!!

Nooooo. Roth'd rather hand her a pistol one by one if you ask me. :(

LNSNHGTDS 07-12-12 17:30


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6554890)
I think it responds more to the upgrading rather than taking it from Roth.

I thought that the dual pistols' appearance would be the upgrade of the single pistol but I don't know anymore, I'm really confused D: .


Originally Posted by brand.seph (Post 6554929)
Nooooo. Roth'd rather hand her a pistol one by one if you ask me. :(

If she kills him afterwards I'm fine with that version :) .

just*raidin*tomb 07-12-12 18:49

Watching this video, I really wish they would get rid of the water effects during cutscenes. It's distracting. Especially when they fall in front of the characters faces. It's like... a film and someone forgot to cover up the camera and its getting wet or something. It kind of breaks immersion from the situation.

Stevo505 07-12-12 18:59


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6555158)
Watching this video, I really wish they would get rid of the water effects during cutscenes. It's distracting. Especially when they fall in front of the characters faces. It's like... a film and someone forgot to cover up the camera and its getting wet or something. It kind of breaks immersion from the situation.

What about continuity between gameplay and cutscenes? I agree, the water effects are distracting, but I think it's nice that they're trying to keep the cutscenes continuous with the gameplay. It makes it flow more seamlessly IMO.

just*raidin*tomb 07-12-12 19:01


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6555174)
What about continuity between gameplay and cutscenes? I agree, the water effects are distracting, but I think it's nice that they're trying to keep the cutscenes continuous with the gameplay. It makes it flow more seamlessly IMO.

They flow seamlessly as it is. This is just an added effect that's trying make you feel like you're there? I guess? But its more distracting than anything. I tend to watch the droplets and then it gets worse when they fall in front of a characters face.

Stevo505 07-12-12 19:04


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6555181)
They flow seamlessly as it is. This is just an added effect that's trying make you feel like you're there? I guess? But its more distracting than anything. I tend to watch the droplets and then it gets worse when they fall in front of a characters face.

Agreed. They're annoying especially when it's during gameplay and the drops are huge. I want to see the environment and Lara, not drops of water.

just*raidin*tomb 07-12-12 19:06

It actually doesn't bother me during gameplay too much.

brand.seph 07-12-12 19:16

Am I the only one here, who actually likes that effect? :/

Weemanply109 07-12-12 19:19

I love the camera and water effects, it makes it seem more realistic, imo.

tampi 07-12-12 19:26


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6555158)
Watching this video, I really wish they would get rid of the water effects during cutscenes. It's distracting. Especially when they fall in front of the characters faces. It's like... a film and someone forgot to cover up the camera and its getting wet or something. It kind of breaks immersion from the situation.

Every time I see the 0:20 of this video I have pain. Lara almost touches the wound of Roth. Would have been nice he did a little scream. lol

I'm not sure about the raindrops. I think it adds an extra difficulty and realism too. It's something I should see for myself.

TheRCroft 07-12-12 19:28


Originally Posted by brand.seph (Post 6555214)
Am I the only one here, who actually likes that effect? :/

I like it, but I have to admit it's distracting sometimes.

Tear 07-12-12 20:02

I love the water effects. Anything that's going to immerse me into that world is fine by me.:tmb:

January_Snow* 07-12-12 20:03

I like the water effects, such an awsome idea, I don't think it's been done before :pi:

Phlip 07-12-12 20:11

The water on the screen is a nice idea, but it often goes overboard, like a hold wishy-washy screen effect when a barrel is blown up in front of her.

tampi 07-12-12 20:13

But that's cool. It makes you lose visibility for a while and add immersion to the game.

just*raidin*tomb 07-12-12 20:16


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6555320)
The water on the screen is a nice idea, but it often goes overboard, like a hold wishy-washy screen effect when a barrel is blown up in front of her.

I actually like that. It makes the combat more intense. I just don't like it during cutscenes. Mainly the tiny falling rain droplets.

TippingWater 07-12-12 20:19


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6555174)
What about continuity between gameplay and cutscenes? I agree, the water effects are distracting, but I think it's nice that they're trying to keep the cutscenes continuous with the gameplay. It makes it flow more seamlessly IMO.

Thank goodness that Lara doesn't automatically clean herself after each cutscene ala Underworld.

Stevo505 07-12-12 20:40


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6555327)
I actually like that. It makes the combat more intense. I just don't like it during cutscenes. Mainly the tiny falling rain droplets.

That's true. If you were in Lara's position, you wouldn't be able to see anything if a barrel exploded all over you :p

supasaba 07-12-12 22:25

I think we may be getting more than a new trailer at the VGA's. I think we could be getting a live orchestral version of Tomb Raiders main theme. Both Karl and Geoff Keighly have been posting hints the last couple pf days :O

Geoff Keighley
Rehearsals underway for VGAs

Karl Stewart ‏@CrystalDKarl
Just listened to the most awesome thing I've heard in a long long time. So stoked for @tombraider at the #VGA's this Friday. #epicness

shockwave_pulsar00 07-12-12 22:44

^ Well thats exciting!

just*raidin*tomb 07-12-12 22:46

TippingWater 07-12-12 22:47


Originally Posted by supasaba (Post 6555579)
I think we may be getting more than a new trailer at the VGA's. I think we could be getting a live orchestral version of Tomb Raiders main theme. Both Karl and Geoff Keighly have been posting hints the last couple pf days :O

Geoff Keighley
Rehearsals underway for VGAs

Karl Stewart ‏@CrystalDKarl
Just listened to the most awesome thing I've heard in a long long time. So stoked for @tombraider at the #VGA's this Friday. #epicness

My heart will stop and I will just drop dead :D. Bring it CD! Too bad Rhianna won't sing as well, you know her latest hit "Diamonds", let's hope Camilla will replace her for the time being :D.

skylark1121 07-12-12 23:07


Originally Posted by supasaba (Post 6555579)
I think we may be getting more than a new trailer at the VGA's. I think we could be getting a live orchestral version of Tomb Raiders main theme. Both Karl and Geoff Keighly have been posting hints the last couple pf days :O

Geoff Keighley
Rehearsals underway for VGAs

Karl Stewart ‏@CrystalDKarl
Just listened to the most awesome thing I've heard in a long long time. So stoked for @tombraider at the #VGA's this Friday. #epicness

Ghaa!! OMG I'm soooo stoked!! :jmp: :D

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