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LaraDuh 02-05-13 01:45

Please be Ascension but with a diff female lead ;-;

skylark1121 02-05-13 01:52


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6771107)

Exciting! :D I hope it's TR sequel with all of the cutting edge environment stuff they talk about. :pi:

spyrostr 02-05-13 01:52

from neogaf


I think they might make another gol type game just not with new lara.
From this guy's linkedin
[Undisclosed Title]
- Lead AI programmer for multi-SKU project. Oversee AI team providing vision and direction. Responsible for combat and stealth, as well as NPC awareness and ambient behaviors.

[Undisclosed Title]
- Gameplay programmer for downloadable project. Responsible for player combat, projectile and weapon systems, power-up and scoring system, as well as other programming necessary to support a small team.

[Undisclosed Title]
- Lead programmer responsible for a small team of engineers and artists. Researched new platform for establishing future titles on hand-held device.

This guy's linkedin also talks about a new IP

Stevo505 02-05-13 01:55


Originally Posted by LaraDuh (Post 6771114)
Please be Ascension but with a diff female lead ;-;

A game about a shipwreck on an island with a female lead right after a game about shipwreck on an island with a female lead. Genius.

Evan C. 02-05-13 02:07


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6771120)
A game about a shipwreck on an island with a female lead right after a game about shipwreck on an island with a female lead. Genius.

The game will be called: Oops, you did it again!

FearEffect 02-05-13 02:48


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6771117)
from neogaf

Probably Lara Croft Reflection then :jmp:

egypt_gypsie 02-05-13 04:25

If they were brought into future games, she could possibly find them in an antique shop. (seems like something this Lara would do)

Wouldn't have to be an in game cutscene or anything. Maybe, if we get the Manor, she could have them in her bedroom, and when she puts them on the first time, she talks about the back story.

Edit: Talking about her glasses, btw.

Gamd1011 02-05-13 06:20


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6771120)
A game about a shipwreck on an island with a female lead right after a game about shipwreck on an island with a female lead. Genius.

Maybe they could just change the story and location, and just use the mechanics they had to create something truly awesome.

Cristina 02-05-13 06:28


Originally Posted by LIN (Post 6771038)
i really want to say that
i hated the game wen she had to kill the deer

tomb raider not a survival game
it's about mystery and action

i didn't like that
she have to kill bad guys or legendary monsters .....etc
not peacefully animals

that what i think
if the all the game'll be like this i don't think'll continue't
that was so sad


Originally Posted by LIN (Post 6771044)
no i'm not

but i don't think all the animal made to be eaten
the deer so beautiful

why it wasn't a fish ?
sorry but i really like animals


Originally Posted by LIN (Post 6771056)
i know
it's an Expression i like all kind of animals :)

But then you loved the classics? you kill countless of animals in TR1 and the rest of the franchise excluding AOD(only the dogs), and you hate the reboot because Lara killed animals,and you complain about action?reboot have lots of action is explosions everywere and have more action sequances than in some classics,also you complain the game is about to kill bad guys, wat you doing in the reboot then? killing bailarinas 90% of the game?i canīt even...
"why it wasn't a fish" "i like all kind of animals" this make sence? but you didn't sayed before you loved animals to kill bad guys instead of them? is the same as the deer they both can be eaten and the fish is a animal :p

hayden 02-05-13 06:31

^ :vlol:
I agree. I think the same thing every time I see somebody complain about that stuff.

Cristina 02-05-13 06:39

Tomorrow someone will complain about laraīs underwear :p

hayden 02-05-13 07:36

And then QTEs some more :pi:

I saw on the Eidos Forums a long list of things that people wanted changed, and one of them said that the QTEs where you press F/Triangle/Y at the right time should give you more time to press it, but straight after that, they said that they want QTEs to be more challenging!

:vlol: :vlol:

Cristina 02-05-13 07:46

:vlol: omg

motoleo 02-05-13 10:28

They should take out QTE's.

Lara_Fan1 02-05-13 10:32

No, I like QTE. Especially in this game, there wasn't that many.

Shark_Blade 02-05-13 10:34

They should make QTEs faster like Bayonetta.

motoleo 02-05-13 10:44


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6771349)
No, I like QTE. Especially in this game, there wasn't that many.

But it's like an arcade game. Why don't they just do slow motion QTE with existing controls. That way it doesn't seem so awkward.

hayden 02-05-13 10:50

The QTEs are fine just the way they are.
Slow motion would make it look too out of place, and when they are actually used, they are used correctly, not overdone.

Lara_Fan1 02-05-13 10:50


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6771355)
But it's like an arcade game. Why don't they just do slow motion QTE with existing controls. That way it doesn't seem so awkward.

Like they did in Underworld? No I hated that, I prefer the buttons.

hayden 02-05-13 10:54

I don't understand why people are complaining about the QTEs.
They improved greatly since the QTEs in Legend and Anniversary, at least these aren't simple buttons that show up, they have to actually be pressed at an exact moment, or mashed in order to proceed. It adds to intensity and slight challenge.

Linoshi Croft 02-05-13 11:10


Originally Posted by hayden (Post 6771361)
I don't understand why people are complaining about the QTEs.
They improved greatly since the QTEs in Legend and Anniversary, at least these aren't simple buttons that show up, they have to actually be pressed at an exact moment, or mashed in order to proceed. It adds to intensity and slight challenge.

I kinda agree, I didn't mine QTE.

motoleo 02-05-13 22:47

I got lost while playing. You know, sometimes when you just have to stop and think, have I ever seen a game that looks this good?

Richard_Croft 02-05-13 23:03


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6772053)
I got lost while playing. You know, sometimes when you just have to stop and think, have I ever seen a game that looks this good?

IKR? The environments, characters and animals feel so real that I can't believe we have such a detailed game! The team at Crystal really did an amazing job with it, it's certainly Game Of The Year - at least for me!! :hug: :D

SurvivorReborn 03-05-13 01:41

I think with every Tomb Raider game, there's at least two environments I stop to enjoy. The atmosphere, Lara... it's pretty great.:D

Ora Dagger 03-05-13 01:49

Just finished the game. Loved it. I didn't think I would like it at first but I did. The environments and Lara herself are very beautiful. I ran into a few glitches: a invisible man (I could only see his knife) and while on the endurance trying to save whats his face the music was skipping. My only complaint is tune down the shooting, just a tincy wincy bit.

The1andOnlyTR 03-05-13 05:08

I know people have considered the possibility that Lara Croft: Reflecions is the next Tomb Raider and all but did anyone notice that, on the Tomb Raider Instagram Crystal Tidbit, the game is "called" Lara Croft: Ascention? Maybe Lara Croft: Reflections is a placeholder for Tomb Raider: Reflections.

_Ninja_ 03-05-13 08:59

But did the trademark "Lara Croft: Ascention"?

Spong 03-05-13 09:15


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6772276)
...did anyone notice that, on the Tomb Raider Instagram Crystal Tidbit, the game is "called" Lara Croft: Ascention?


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6772396)
But did the trademark "Lara Croft: Ascention"?

They used an incorrectly spelt name? It's Ascension, not Ascention :p


Originally Posted by Ora Dagger (Post 6772194)
My only complaint is tune down the shooting, just a tincy wincy bit.

Good to see you liked it overall :tmb:
If the shooting was set to ten in TR9, I think they should turn it down to at least a five. The first half of the game, because of all the exploration, was much better than the second half, which seemed to be endless gunfights :(

SpyrosMonster 03-05-13 09:17

I sometimes think that if all those optional tombs were puzzles in the actual story gameplay, It would have been perfect!

_Ninja_ 03-05-13 09:20

Am I the only one who thinks gunfights were actually pretty brief? I would have liked them to be harder.

Spong 03-05-13 09:26


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6772408)
I sometimes think that if all those optional tombs were puzzles in the actual story gameplay, It would have been perfect!

Get a job at Crystal. Now. Before they start making TR10.


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6772411)
Am I the only one who thinks gunfights were actually pretty brief? I would have liked them to be harder.

Play the game on Hard, the battles aren't laughable then. But they're still far too frequent no matter what the difficulty, Tomb Raider isn't a third-person shooter.

princebenidere 03-05-13 09:34

since its general discussion i just want to say that my dream of forest in a TR game has been fulfilled , i just loved the atmosphere in the coastal and summit forest and those tree platforms are just awesome.. teehee

Spong 03-05-13 09:38


Originally Posted by princebenidere (Post 6772420)
since its general discussion i just want to say that my dream of forest in a TR game has been fulfilled , i just loved the atmosphere in the coastal and summit forest and those tree platforms are just awesome.. teehee

I quite liked the coastal forest and summit forest too. Coastal forest is a nice and peaceful place, but summit forest is quite scary in comparison with all the stealth and having to hunt down the Scavengers. I wished they'd used those tree platforms some more, it was vaguely reminiscent of Assassin's Creed 3, I liked being up in the tree canopy :tmb:

Valentino 03-05-13 11:28


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6772423)
I quite liked the coastal forest and summit forest too. Coastal forest is a nice and peaceful place, but summit forest is quite scary in comparison with all the stealth and having to hunt down the Scavengers. I wished they'd used those tree platforms some more, it was vaguely reminiscent of Assassin's Creed 3, I liked being up in the tree canopy :tmb:

So there is something you like about this game :o
I thought the woodland area after the parachute scene and just before you slip down the hill into the shanty town was beautiful. The browns and golds and the sunlight shining through was really well done.

Spong 03-05-13 11:52


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6772500)
So there is something you like about this game :o



_Ninja_ 03-05-13 12:21


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6772414)
Play the game on Hard, the battles aren't laughable then. But they're still far too frequent no matter what the difficulty, Tomb Raider isn't a third-person shooter.

I only played on hard. But the big battles are far and between. I don't know what people are complaining about when they say it has too much combat.

Overall the pacing was good I thought. The game kept ramping up the intensity and then giving you a break so it didn't feel monotone.

motoleo 03-05-13 12:28

I liked the motivations in this games. Our first objective was to get off the island, while the bigger mystery slowly unraveled in the background.

It wasn't, find artifact, some guy takes it away, get it back.

kevindatsun 03-05-13 12:38


Lara_Fan1 03-05-13 12:40


haha! It's more like 20 seconds then 20 minutes though lol.

motoleo 03-05-13 13:01


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6772524)
I only played on hard. But the big battles are far and between. I don't know what people are complaining about when they say it has too much combat.

Overall the pacing was good I thought. The game kept ramping up the intensity and then giving you a break so it didn't feel monotone.

Agree ~ I loved the fighting sequences. It kept it interesting. I like how the would always bring out the guys running up to you with a sword.

"You're gonna die!"

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