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lance6439 24-11-20 18:11

"tHiS Is wHy sQuArE EnIx nEvEr dOeS AnYtHiNg fOr uS" mindset is so stupid how do i even explain

Rai 24-11-20 18:27


Originally Posted by killchan (Post 8255475)
you people, :vlol:

it's a low budget, free to play, arcade shooter for mobile.

Free to play.
For mobile.

Infinite series of arenas with thingies to tap or aim at to make 'em go poof and get points.
It'll be a miracle if you'll be in control of Lara's movements.

Not a big deal. Possibly a lesser deal than the Brawlhalla crossover.

I think you're jumping to conclusions. SE/CD have described it as "Action Arcade" game. While it may have shooting in it, that doesn't mean it's only that. I think we should wait for gameplay before judging it as such. For all we know, there could be puzzles to solve. lc:GoL, LC:ToO and LC:Go all had elements of puzzles in them, which, imo, bodes well for more mobile/arcade style games for Lara Croft/Tomb Raider.

leoarcie 24-11-20 18:29


amiro1989 24-11-20 18:31


Originally Posted by leoarcie (Post 8255485)

Oh lord. Just what Square Enix needs, another lootbox flop. :ton:

Evan C. 24-11-20 18:34


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 8255484)
I think you're jumping to conclusions. SE/CD have described it as "Action Arcade" game. While it may have shooting in it, that doesn't mean it's only that. I think we should wait for gameplay before judging it as such. For all we know, there could be puzzles to solve. lc:GoL, LC:ToO and LC:Go all had elements of puzzles in them, which, imo, bodes well for more mobile/arcade style games for Lara Croft/Tomb Raider.

Being honest, Square Enix and "free" are not two words you can read together without feeling stupid. The game will have both in-game purchase or will have publicity, wich is a pain in the ass IMO. This is why I understand the concern around fans, wich are eager to know more about their favourite franchise and know for sure what we are gettinh instead of playing with the tease. So I don't see how negativity is a bad thing. Blizzard "Do you guys not have phones"? is the first thing that comes to my mind. Because, despite it's going to be a fantastic game, I don't play with my mobile, I do it on my PC or my Xbox. This is marking and trying to sell a product to mass consumers (oh, for free, action arcade) and knowing how the world spins I won't download an app for constant publicit. I don't support hate and suspicious, but I do understand. And Jaywalker tweeting does not help either. Either way, I won't play this game and If I do, I will forget quickly about it because mobile games are not my cup of tea.

Rai 24-11-20 18:39


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 8255487)
Being honest, Square Enix and "free" are not two words you can read together without feeling stupid. The game will have both in-game purchase or will have publicity, wich is a pain in the ass IMO. This is why I understand the concern around fans, wich are eager to know more about their favourite franchise and know for sure what we are gettinh instead of playing with the tease. So I don't see how negativity is a bad thing. Blizzard "Do you guys not have phones"? is the first thing that comes to my mind. Because, despite it's going to be a fantastic game, I don't play with my mobile, I do it on my PC or my Xbox. This is marking and trying to sell a product to mass consumers (oh, for free, action arcade) and knowing how the world spins I won't download an app for constant publicit. I don't support hate and suspicious, but I do understand. And Jaywalker tweeting does not help either.

I don't know why you quoted me, tbh. I didn't say a thing about the negativity. Or try to say people shouldn't have misgivings about it. Relic Run had microtransactions and it's still a very enjoyable game, imo and I haven't spent a penny on it. I was just suggesting that the assumption it's nothing more than a shooter could be wrong.

ANoDE 24-11-20 18:45


Originally Posted by leoarcie (Post 8255485)

Well, well, well. That's one more point for the negative side, then.

I hope we'll get a gameplay trailer soon, so I can finally judge the game on hard facts.

Shirley_Manson 24-11-20 18:48

And if you look at their Facebook page the comments are worrying over there too....

Lara_Fan1 24-11-20 18:58

Tomb Raider could be different; give them a chance at least. Judging an unreleased game based on an older game they’ve made isn’t quite plausible. I know people are just trying to get an idea of what the company is like and how their games play.

lance6439 24-11-20 19:01

"Tomb raider fans need to be grateful and not negative!!!"

everyone else:


no one is excited or cares about a mobile game. Who seriously thought about this idea? :tea:


meanwhile, this TR1 Lara cosplay is going viral:

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