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killchan 25-11-20 09:30


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255667)
Meh cuz it’s a mobile game. Who cares lol

but you have to click on the thing to know it's a mobile game

SoraSakai 25-11-20 09:35


Originally Posted by killchan (Post 8255672)
but you have to click on the thing to know it's a mobile game

Exactly how much widespread games-media coverage do you expect there to be for a F2P mobile game though?

killchan 25-11-20 09:37

you're fantastic at missing the point

SoraSakai 25-11-20 09:45

There’s not much coverage because there just isn’t that much to talk about. I’m sure once the game is released, or it’s crappiness is more clearly revealed, there will be more people talking about it and how badly predatory it is.

But at the moment there’s nothing to talk about.

thabani33 25-11-20 10:01


Originally Posted by RAID (Post 8254904)
Mobile? Really? :confused: With the new consoles just out, they're going with MOBILE???

"Don't you guys have phones?" - (Blizzard guy, 2018)


New Dwight 25-11-20 10:59

The latter may not can see it, but it's quite clear, SE is only using, exploiting classic Lara in mobile platforms alone. That way, people can't claim classic Lara is forever gone.
It's their way of keeping both versions of Lara alive. Using Tomb Raider Reloaded as sort of a cushion for the later true reveal of either TR12 or (TRUE) per se, featuring never erasing reboot Lara and her traditionally handy bow. And only to come back with: "You have classic Lara in the new TR: Reloaded!".

Tombraider95 25-11-20 11:09

I do like that there shouldn't be anymore comments from people saying nothing classic related will ever be made again because the market isn't big enough as that's "not how business works", but here we have Square producing a F2P mobile game to a even smaller market. :vlol:

larafan25 25-11-20 11:16


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255692)
I do like that there shouldn't be anymore comments from people saying nothing classic related will ever be made again because the market isn't big enough as that's "not how business works", but here we have Square producing a F2P mobile game to a even smaller market. :vlol:

Good point, good point

LNSNHGTDS 25-11-20 11:43

I got really excited that we're getting something finally. I hope if it's anything like GO that it does well enough to receive a PlayStation release like Go did.

I don't really care for the art style but I guess that since it's a spinoff it's okay.

I'm curious to see more.

Square Enix's mobile games are relatively okay I think so I hope Reloaded is no exception.

Costel 25-11-20 11:52


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255692)
I do like that there shouldn't be anymore comments from people saying nothing classic related will ever be made again because the market isn't big enough as that's "not how business works", but here we have Square producing a F2P mobile game to a even smaller market. :vlol:

Yea a free to play mobile game and not a AAA game for purchase.

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