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Khaled 10-05-12 19:12

@ Rai, I can tell you honestly , sometimes I have a feeling that TR will delay , because the lack of info and 11 months with no news . ! . Look to Hitman we always hear about a new gameplay, trailers and finally the release date +_@ . Something strange around TR or maybe they're busy to working on Beta to give us gameplay from Beta stage . It's 20 days to getting a new trailer and we will see the release date .

klona 10-05-12 19:14


Originally Posted by Khaled (Post 6160977)
I can tell you honestly , sometimes I have a feeling that TR will delay , because the lack of info and 11 months with no news . ! . Look to Hitman we always hear about a new gameplay, trailers and finally the release date +_@ . Something strange around TR or maybe they will busy to working on Beta to give us gameplay from Beta stage . It's 20 days to getting a new trailer and we will see the release .

Maybe they want to surprise us or something.
But yeah, it's really strange.

Lukass 10-05-12 19:16


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6160987)
Maybe they want to surprise us or something.
But yeah, it's really strange.

Thank you very much for such surprises :/

just*raidin*tomb 10-05-12 19:16

I think the reason they're being so secretive about it and everything is because everything is knew. Especially the combat and stuff like that. I guess they want to properly show it before they release clues as to how it plays as to not allow misconceptions and false interpretations to ruin it when it is finally is shown at E3. Maybe they want people to see it for what it is, but whatever they're doing it better be amazing and wow people.

Bomb Fighter 10-05-12 19:21

^ I donīt get why they coudnīt stick with combat being the last thing theyīll reveal. They could show us more locations or characters or screens from areas already shown...none of that would be interpreted uncorrectly, imo

Khaled 10-05-12 19:27

@just*raiden*tomb , If they announce the release date in October . I'll never care about waiting and lack of info . Maybe that will makes me more excited .

just*raidin*tomb 10-05-12 19:30

Well just 20 days till GTTV so maybe they'll premier a trailer there FOR GOD SAKE aldkfja;k.

Lukass 10-05-12 19:32

All they did in the last 11 months was that they disappointed us. I can't anymore.

Mikky 10-05-12 19:33


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6161021)
Well just 25 days till E3 so maybe they'll premier a trailer there because seeing the trailer on GTTV is just a pipe dream.

I think so, too. :p

Sir Croft 10-05-12 19:35

Maybe they're just afraid their marketing campaign would burn out quickly (Happened to Underworld, eventually they had to show so much that it spoiled the game and still didn't convince people) so they have waited to launch it a few months before the release.

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