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just*raidin*tomb 10-05-12 19:37


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6161031)
I think so, too. :p

:pi: what

Khaled 10-05-12 19:46


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6161045)
:pi: what

He meant that TR has been delayed .:p

Weemanply109 10-05-12 19:48


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6160926)
^ Yeah, but I want to download it, 1 part and in HD. (not 2 parts)

I combined the two videos together, I'll upload it. (The best I could do, tbh).


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6160992)
I think the reason they're being so secretive about it and everything is because everything is knew. Especially the combat and stuff like that. I guess they want to properly show it before they release clues as to how it plays as to not allow misconceptions and false interpretations to ruin it when it is finally is shown at E3. Maybe they want people to see it for what it is, but whatever they're doing it better be amazing and wow people.

You have a point. Maybe they've learned from their mistakes from Underworld. During the pre-release stage of Underworld, they basically released a lot of details, lots of which didn't actually make it into the final product, and resulted in a lot of displeased fans. I think maybe that's why they're quiet? So they don't disappoint us by giving us false info or stuff that's not guaranteed to stick till the product release.

_Awestruck_ 10-05-12 19:54


Originally Posted by Sir Croft (Post 6161037)
Maybe they're just afraid their marketing campaign would burn out quickly (Happened to Underworld, eventually they had to show so much that it spoiled the game and still didn't convince people) so they have waited to launch it a few months before the release.

This'd be my guess. If they reached alpha months ago, they should be perfectly on schedule with the development of the game.

SpyrosMonster 10-05-12 19:56

Podcast please.! :o

slavo120 10-05-12 20:03

I feel big frustration here and not surprising to me....totally weird what CD doing with their marketing strategy...or advertising this game is in hand of SE ?? because Hitman comes in november and Sleeping Dogs in august and both have great presentation in these months :(

Weemanply109 10-05-12 20:05

Why are y'all constantly repeating yourselves?

Mikky 10-05-12 20:08


Originally Posted by Khaled (Post 6161074)
He meant that TR has been delayed .:p

No, I didn't. :pi:


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6161101)
Why are y'all constantly repeating yourselves?

They're all stuck on auto-mode.

slavo120 10-05-12 20:08


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6161101)
Why are y'all constantly repeating yourselves?

because CD doing same with their soon on the horizont bla bla stuff

leglion 10-05-12 20:15


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6161107)
because CD doing same with their soon on the horizont bla bla stuff

CD does it when asked when something is happening, when do you do it.

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