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NRO. 14-03-12 20:45

Why do they even bother making these podcasts if they're talking about the same thing all over again. ._.

Meh, all I want is some alpha vs beta screens or something.

scuse the broken english. It's late.

Mikky 14-03-12 20:52


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6037641)
Why do they even bother making these podcasts if they're talking about the same thing all over again. ._.

Meh, all I want is some alpha vs beta screens or something.

scuse the broken english. It's late.

Vs screenshots would be nice, especially to see how the graphics have improved since we last saw the game, but tbh, I would much rather see new places. Something that makes me go "Wow!" and get me excited for the game again. If the only thing they released was 5 new screens before E3, I would be happy. But if they release them, like, 2 weeks before E3, what would even be the point, right? That's why they should release some stuff next month, at least.

Lukass 14-03-12 21:21


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6037623)
Well, it's true though. xD As fascinating as it is to hear about how they make cutscenes and their excuses for not giving us new stuff, I want to hear something that I'm actually interested in. Knowing more about the game's plot would be nice, for starters. I mean, apart from a vague summary, what do we really know about it? Close to nothing. I'm sure they could give us more details without ruining anything too major.

I agree with you of course. I loled because you said it in funny way, although it's rather sad.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6037661)
Vs screenshots would be nice, especially to see how the graphics have improved since we last saw the game, but tbh, I would much rather see new places. Something that makes me go "Wow!" and get me excited for the game again. If the only thing they released was 5 new screens before E3, I would be happy. But if they release them, like, 2 weeks before E3, what would even be the point, right? That's why they should release some stuff next month, at least.

And I couldn't agree more with this too. It almost looks like something went wrong. Their constant lying that they're not ready to whatever is really funny. 5 screenshots won't hurt them and certainly couldn't spoil the game in any way and at all.

larafan25 14-03-12 21:23


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6037661)
Vs screenshots would be nice, especially to see how the graphics have improved since we last saw the game, but tbh, I would much rather see new places. Something that makes me go "Wow!" and get me excited for the game again. If the only thing they released was 5 new screens before E3, I would be happy. But if they release them, like, 2 weeks before E3, what would even be the point, right? That's why they should release some stuff next month, at least.

If they were going to do comparison shots, wouldn't they do them once the games hit beta? And do pre-alpha and pre-beta shots?

Does anyone have a good prediction of when the game hits beta?

Lukass 14-03-12 21:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6037720)
If they were going to do comparison shots, wouldn't they do them once the games hit beta? And do pre-alpha and pre-beta shots?

Does anyone have a good prediction of when the game hits beta?

I've heard that the developers usually reaches beta stage two months after alpha. But it know. And let me remind you, that we are still talking about Crystal Dynamics.

larafan25 14-03-12 21:27


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6037723)
I've heard that the developers usually reaches beta stage two months after alpha. But it know. And let me remind you, that we are still talking about Crystal Dynamics.

Well I don't think it being Crystal Dynamics is any indication that they may be behind, perhaps if it were Core though.

How long ago did they reach Alpha? January?

Lukass 14-03-12 21:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6037725)
Well I don't think it being Crystal Dynamics is any indication that they may be behind, perhaps if it were Core though.

How long ago did they reach Alpha? January?

Yeah, I think it was in January.

jhs270694 14-03-12 21:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6037733)
Yeah, I think it was in January.

end of January

larafan25 14-03-12 21:34

Well CEE DEE just need to release some comparison screens so fans can bitch and complain.


CD, I dub you CEE DEE until I hear something note worthy about the game. :pi:

jhs270694 14-03-12 21:36

CD=Compact Disc.. yeh i have a dry sense of humour :vlol:

amiro1989 14-03-12 21:44

So they would reach beta at the end of this month! :O

Interesting. :D

P.S.: Would be nice of them to stop pretending they were working for the NSA, CIA or any other governmental agencies, and start releasing information now.

Linoshi Croft 14-03-12 21:46

Oh, never mind:pi:

Mikky 14-03-12 21:47


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6037755)
So they would reach beta at the end of this month! :O

Interesting. :D

If they do each Beta by the end of this month, maybe that's what next month's podcast will be about. :p


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6037759)
Oh, never mind:pi:

No, I want to mind. :mis:

Lukass 14-03-12 21:48

I'm sooo "looking forward" to see what a load of candy they've got for us on Friday :vlol:

amiro1989 14-03-12 21:49

They might talk about it in this podcast a bit. I still think we're getting something in April. Especially, if they reach the Beta stage at the end of this month.

jhs270694 14-03-12 21:49

if they go according to their schedule then they 'should' be done with even the beta by the end of may, perfect timing to show of combat at e3 june

i recall a website saying that it should take around bout 2 months for alpha and another 2 months for beta, i cant remember the website but google it up.

larafan25 14-03-12 22:04


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6037767)
if they go according to their schedule then they 'should' be done with even the beta by the end of may, perfect timing to show of combat at e3 june

i recall a website saying that it should take around bout 2 months for alpha and another 2 months for beta, i cant remember the website but google it up.

They've been in alpha for a month and a bit now, so why would it take until May?

jhs270694 14-03-12 22:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6037786)
They've been in alpha for a month and a bit now, so why would it take until May?

End of jan+2 months is end of march. plus another 2 is end of may. im only recalling a website saying that karl said it. im not sure myself -this is one of them - here is another saying the same thing

larafan25 14-03-12 22:26

But why the other 2 months? Until the end of May? What is that?

Stevo505 14-03-12 22:32


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6037798)
End of jan+2 months is end of march. plus another 2 is end of may. im only recalling a website saying that karl said it. im not sure myself -this is one of them - here is another saying the same thing

They'd need another 4 months to reach beta? That doesn't make sense.

just*raidin*tomb 14-03-12 22:33


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6037301)

If we make his dreams come true he will fulfil ours.


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6037304)
Operation Pink Pony -Start!
Everyone send this picture!

Wtf is going on?

amiro1989 14-03-12 22:50


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6037807)
But why the other 2 months? Until the end of May? What is that?

To finish the beta and reach GOLD.

jhs270694 14-03-12 22:50


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6037813)
They'd need another 4 months to reach beta? That doesn't make sense.

Dont forget these articles were written in jan, so they mean the 4 months from that time frame. And whats not to make sense? they said ATLEAST, not that it will. makes enough sense to me. as to why it would take another two months for beta, ask that to karl. i dont know lol

larafan25 14-03-12 22:54

Yeah, so 2 months for Alpha, which should end around the end of March (if it were a perfect world I guess) and then 2 months for Beta.

But by the time beta starts they could have pre-Alpha and pre-Beta comparison shots.

amiro1989 14-03-12 22:57


In addition to confirming its alpha status, they went on to clarify that they expect to be in this stage for a minimum of two months, with another two or so dedicated to work with the beta version. So, with at least another four months to go, we can reasonably expect to see Tomb Raider go gold during the end of May at the earliest.

Don't forget that.

My guess is that Alpha will be less longer than Beta. So they might reach Beta at the end of this month, but they'll work on the Beta until release which is probably somewhere around September/October.

just*raidin*tomb 14-03-12 23:11

What is the point of this speculation? O.o

larafan25 14-03-12 23:12

It's the stupidest speculation actually...:p

We're speculating the date of when the Beta stage might begin as we've speculated we might get comparison screens. :/

amiro1989 14-03-12 23:14

Oh we're so desperate.

CLF 14-03-12 23:23

My guess is that you have all gone ****ing mad. :)

larafan25 14-03-12 23:26

elohel I wunt pleze has medya. :(

amiro1989 14-03-12 23:28

LaraFan25 you iz crazy.

larafan25 14-03-12 23:31

eye no.

But that's how it feels.

Welll...apparently we're getting the podcast Friday, so maybe some secrets will be revealed.

just*raidin*tomb 14-03-12 23:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6037887)
eye no.

But that's how it feels.

Welll...apparently we're getting the podcast Friday, so maybe some secrets will be revealed.

Wait. How do we know this?

tampi 14-03-12 23:32


Months guys. Only months!:yah:

This race began long ago!

amiro1989 14-03-12 23:33


HAHAHAHAHAHA Galore. Something new in a podcast? That is so not the point of a TR podcast. A TR podcast just let us know what happens behind a game development, not the actual game.

Lukass 14-03-12 23:40


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6037890)

HAHAHAHAHAHA Galore. Something new in a podcast? That is so not the point of a TR podcast. A TR podcast just let us know what happens behind a game development, not the actual game.

:vlol: I agree! But...I just...somehow feel like they'll say something INTERESTING for us on Friday.

amiro1989 14-03-12 23:46


*Wait for it.... Wait for it.... Wait for it.....!*



Stevo505 14-03-12 23:52


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6037885)
LaraFan25 you iz crazy.

No :mad: He's funny :D

Lukass 15-03-12 00:04


:vlol: I think she never mentioned cosplaying in a podcast...

larafan25 15-03-12 00:05

I don't think we should make fun of Meagan for her cosplaying, sure we can make fun of CD (Meagan's a part of) for their silliness...

But Meagan probably has a hard enough time as it is just because she cosplays, it's probably worse when you're female too, being accepted into the industry and seen as professional. :/

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