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A villain that is unknown is so much more threating and of course mysterious... and the island and Tomb Raider should be all about a mystery. :)
Interesting... though I'm not convinced.
Seems simple enough, two pistols.. What more do you need?
It resembles them so littlely, though.
Not just random l_ |
They are pistols for sure. They might be related to Roth since he has dual pistols though :D Um no, I know she'll get them D:
I think Lara will have twin pistols by the end of the game, maybe two separate holsters overlapping around the waist... a matter of survival. :)
So it seems like nothing is officially coming very soon. After seeing what kind of music lara was listening on the trailer? thread I think we can make some thread like that and make fun for timepassing. :p Here are some suggestions based on Turning Point trailer:
I've noticed Roth's pistols holsters has two thigh straps which I really wouldn't like on Lara for some reason, it just looks odd to me :/
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5462/6...31d1dafc_b.jpg http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5340/6...3456d5438c.jpg Edit: He probably has three pistols...there's one more...:pi: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7117/6...a07eb09d_z.jpg |
Usually they're all over this stuff. Who actually noticed this image? |
^ It's been taken down very quickly from the website, so that's maybe the reason no gaming site reported it.
DLC? Are you ****ing kidding me? ._.
Chillax...the DLC might be some stupid pack of costumes. It doesn't necessary mean additional levels or something that would affect the game as such.
And yeah, two thigh straps is awful and pointless. =/ |
I always thought it was a comic wink CD was doing to Uncharted. lol http://i.imgur.com/gdkJX.jpg Take that Naughty Dog:p |
While it's fair enough to say the image contained possible hints at multiplayer & DLC, a gaming website has to be objective and also consider the fact the image was taken down because of some coma-inducing administrative error. |
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__...LaraAngel0.jpg |
We were talking about the thigh straps, not the holsters themselves, though.
I like her new holsters to be honest.
I was kind of hoping for concentration camps in there.
The Turning Point trailer shows what happened in the ship of Uncharted 3, jk :p |
I don't want Nathan to drown.
You people are savages. |
we are definitely in stage "bored to the dead":pi: what next ? pls no again Lara's eyes:tea: |
[IMG]http://desmond.**************/Himg860/scaled.php?server=860&filename=tr63byoxxashxxod3hx 3n2.jpg&res=landing[/IMG] [IMG]http://img841.**************/img841/4544/1800801tombraiderturnin.png[/IMG]
Lara's B:mis::mis:bies http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/20...lz-d30cns2.jpg |
*sigh* This is embarrassing, and probably not because I'm gay.
The hell is going on here? :rolleyes:
It's not funny at all to me....just saying :/ |
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