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larafan25 29-04-12 03:47


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6138538)

You're a genius.

Eye no.

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 03:50

Everything makes sense and nothing's Tomb Raider.

Stevo505 29-04-12 03:52

Nothing is Tomb Raider because Crystal.

larafan25 29-04-12 03:54

Tomb Raider is nowhere.

I have four tabs open right now.

TRF - Always open

Eidos forum TR media thread - Always open

Youtube - usually open

photobucket - always open

and whenever I go to the photobucket tab I see this still I took of the leaked gameplay, and Lara is in the middle of running, and she looks so good, the way her body moves yall.

It makes me imagine controlling her, and just running through the environment, and then jumping over and over again through the environments on my fiftieth play because I'm sick of running.

I'm surprised there is an artifact system in the game, we collect artifacts.

I have this feeling that the main discover of the game is actually some tech we must destroy.

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 03:59


I don't even know.

Someone tweet Karl this picture begging for screenshot because I'm bored...

wel i gess we ant gehten noe tewm raydar

This is like the face of TRF right now.

Stevo505 29-04-12 04:00

We should have planned a TRF meet at E3 and then we could all gather around and play the demo and freak out and then get kicked by the security guards because of our disruptiveness and then break back in so we could play TR some more. That sounds great.

larafan25 29-04-12 04:01

I often imagine myself walking into a store to find Meagan and Karl demoing the game and I'm like "OMG give me an exclusive!" and they give me an exclusive.

Oh God! <3

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 04:02

Yes it sounds wonderful, but I live on the east coast bro. :((((((((

One day I will go to E3.

And it will be marvelous.

larafan25 29-04-12 04:04

I live in Curmadur an dat ****s fur fur awayeee.

I'll just wait until I'm actually making the next TR game, and I'll go spread the sensational hype like butter.

Stevo505 29-04-12 04:04


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6138568)
I live in Curmadur an dat ****s fur fur awayeee.

I'll just wait until I'm actually making the next TR game, and I'll go spread the sensational hype like butter.

omg. You better leak some infos to us. Screw the nondisclosure agreement :D

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 04:05

And..... ya fired.

larafan25 29-04-12 04:06


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6138570)
omg. You better leak some infos to us. Screw the nondisclosure agreement :D

I'll risk my job to pose as a spy in Germany and take a photo of my computer screen leaking le concepts onto the Interwebz leik yes.

There will b spoilurz evurware guuise!

skylark1121 29-04-12 04:15


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6138574)
I'll risk my job to pose as a spy in Germany and take a photo of my computer screen leaking le concepts onto the Interwebz leik yes.

There will b spoilurz evurware guuise!

Actions speak louder than words you non-disclosed CD traitor-to-be. :vlol:

lcroft_lc 29-04-12 05:06


@rauper thanks for the recommendation sir. London in 10 days time......dinner, round 2??
So Karl is going to London again! And want to dinner with this rauper guy who run! Maybe he will give them something. :D

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 05:25


MyRaider4Life 29-04-12 07:09

Maybe is doing a big reveal of new info? @.@

Bomb Fighter 29-04-12 08:08


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6138565)
Yes it sounds wonderful, but I live on the east coast bro. :((((((((

One day I will go to E3.

And it will be marvelous.

Thereīs no chance for me to go to E3. But if TR will be at Gamescon in Cologne, I might go. But itīs till far. And as I donīt speak german, Iīm kind of afraid to go there alone :(

Lukass 29-04-12 08:26


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6138605)
So Karl is going to London again! And want to dinner with this rauper guy who run! Maybe he will give them something. :D

And who said it has anything to do with Tomb Raider?

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 08:36


slavo120 29-04-12 08:40


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6138703)
And who said it has anything to do with Tomb Raider?

Maybe dinner with eurogamer guy have nothing to do with Tomb Raider, but travel to London is definitely about Tomb Raider...but I donīt understand now, Karl was in London for some coordinate activity with SE about marketing plan etc...and then we got nothing new and now Karl going to the London again :confused:

btw. In may is E3 Judges week

aussie500 29-04-12 08:49


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6138703)
And who said it has anything to do with Tomb Raider?

If Karl is seeing someone from Eurogamer, Tomb Raider is bound to come up in the discussion, even if they are only meeting for a friendly drink and to catch up.

I wonder if Tomb Raider will be making an appearance at the Eurogamer Expo in September?

Lukass 29-04-12 08:52


Originally Posted by aussie500 (Post 6138724)
If Karl is seeing someone from Eurogamer, Tomb Raider is bound to come up in the discussion, even if they are only meeting for a friendly drink and to catch up.

I wonder if Tomb Raider will be making an appearance at the Eurogamer Expo in September?

I think it will, but honestly, who cares about September at the moment? Everyone is looking forward the E3 :p

Edit: Wait...the event is going to be in the UK :eek: I'm so going there...!

NRO. 29-04-12 08:59

UGH, why September? I was planning to go to England in July. ._.

aussie500 29-04-12 09:00


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6138726)
I think it will, but honestly, who cares about September at the moment? Everyone is looking forward the E3 :p

Edit: Wait...the event is going to be in the UK :eek: I'm so going there...!

And they will start making the announcements of what will be appearing at the Eurogamer Expo starting from June, so maybe they they would discuss it. All the plans for E3 are likely already finalised.

Khaled 29-04-12 11:01

Guys , what is this ? It's everywhere in the game and you can see them in the screenshots .

tomee 29-04-12 11:03


NRO. 29-04-12 11:03

Ugh, those obnoxious shiny things. There are a lot of them in the leaked demo.

Khaled 29-04-12 11:11


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6138857)
Ugh, those obnoxious shiny things. There are a lot of them in the leaked demo.

You alright , here's another one

I highly wonder , how can I use them ? They're in everywhere .

Bomb Fighter 29-04-12 11:21

Iīve just realised that there is waterfall under Laraīs left leg :eek:

Rai 29-04-12 11:21

They're lamps. It's been hinted they do lead the 'correct' way, and you don't have to follow them. I think it's been implied that you can choose not to light them up as well.

January_Snow* 29-04-12 12:18


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6138881)
Iīve just realised that there is waterfall under Laraīs left leg :eek:

O_O I saw that pic a hundred times but still I never noticed it..

Lukass 29-04-12 12:23


Originally Posted by January_Snow* (Post 6138953)
O_O I saw that pic a hundred times but still I never noticed it..

Because it's not a waterfall. It's a shadow from that plane wing and it makes it look like there's a waterfall.

Bomb Fighter 29-04-12 12:45


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6138959)
Because it's not a waterfall. It's a shadow from that plane wing and it makes it look like there's a waterfall.

Really? It looks like that waterfall on top of the village for me. :confused:

TippingWater 29-04-12 13:30


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6138959)
Because it's not a waterfall. It's a shadow from that plane wing and it makes it look like there's a waterfall.

You are right, it's just a rock texture.

Tonyrobinson 29-04-12 13:33

How much do you think we will get at E3 after the long wait. Usually there is a four month hype period before a game or movie to market it with screenshots, trailers, gameplay videos, demos and interviews. Assuming that E3 kicks of the hype train then they will most likely give lots of proper information in July for the months leading to an October-November release for Fall. I am willing to bet E3 kicks off the media storm that has been long coming. :)

lcroft_lc 29-04-12 13:37

Brian Horton worked on Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb before as Art Director & I love the art direction of that game. I hope he brings some of the fabulous art direction like I have seen it in IJ game specially Tombs, night levels and Istanbul parts. :)

Lukass 29-04-12 13:38

I expect the gameplay trailer 31st of May, combat footage, open spaces and traversal sytem at E3 (not necessarily videos, they may just talk about certain things without showing them - that's what they love to do). That's all I expect. I don't think they're going to give us tons of info. They are going to be very careful with what they show. And I've lost all my hopes about any new exclusive magazines previews.

lcroft_lc 29-04-12 13:43

Jason Graves said on his Facebook:

Let the E3 playable demo/trailer madness continue. And.....GO!
When I asked which game it is then he replied:

Unfortunately sworn to secrecy for now...I'll spill the beans when I'm allowed! Lots of exciting news.
Still chance Jason Graves to be the composer of Tomb Raider. :D

Tonyrobinson 29-04-12 13:43

The wait might actually have been a good marketing strategy to allow them to announce a big load of stuff during the lead up to release without spoiling the story. If they release small unspoilerish things like actors, writers, composers and screenshots and if they do not show much storyline gameplay it will still seem big because we have gotten next to nothing. Karl is smart in building hype but not giving spoilers. This has been their plan all along so people can be interested in the game without story specifics. :)

One big hype storm at the end that will seem like a lot of media but only because we have nothing much to go on. We go into the game spoiler free because of it and sales go up. :D

Lukass 29-04-12 13:52


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6139119)
Jason Graves said on his Facebook:

When I asked which game it is then he replied:

Still chance Jason Graves to be the composer of Tomb Raider. :D

Why do you keep thinking that everything must be TR related? :confused:

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