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MyRaider4Life 05-05-12 10:57


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6150487)
He assumes that Tomb Raider will be on MS E3 conference

That's all he ever seems to do. -_-

I for one, do hope that TR will be featured in Microsoft's E3 conference, since Sony don't seem to give two ****s about Lara.

lcroft_lc 05-05-12 10:59


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6150487)
He assumes that Tomb Raider will be on MS E3 conference

No, at that time E3 press conference will be finished for Microsoft, EA and UBISOFT plus 1 hour of Sony's. Hope Tomb Raider will be shown within that period. :)

Lukass 05-05-12 11:03


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6150602)
No, at that time E3 press conference will be finished for Microsoft, EA and UBISOFT plus 1 hour of Sony's. Hope Tomb Raider will be shown within that period. :)

Hope....and I though you're more confident. It's confusing to read you sometimes, because you always seem so confident like you knew exactly when and what time something is gonna be shown or revealed.

aussie500 05-05-12 11:34


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6150257)
The cutscenes are motion capture, not the in game movements though.

What makes you think the animations in the game are not motion captured? I am pretty sure no one from Crystal Dynamics would have said that. The TRU animations were motion captured, I doubt they would be going back to hand animating everything. You cannot get all the secondary animations to make it look realistic doing it by hand, and the animations in the game looked pretty realistic to me.

tomee 05-05-12 11:43

Umm it has been stated somewhere. Cutscenes are motion captured, while the rest is animated.

aussie500 05-05-12 11:52


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6150635)
Umm it has been stated somewhere. Cutscenes are motion captured, while the rest is animated.

Cutscenes were motion captured for TRU, hardly earth shatering news that. Facial animations were motion captured for the cutscenes in the new game, which is a first for Tomb Raider. The original comment was concerning movement animations, not facial, they would be the same as TRU, motion captured. I never read all the magazine articles I admit, but I dare anyone to find any official comment saying they hand animated Lara's animations in the game.

The transitions between animations are hand done, and that was what needed more polish in TRU to get the timing right.

Lukass 05-05-12 12:28


Originally Posted by aussie500 (Post 6150624)
What makes you think the animations in the game are not motion captured? I am pretty sure no one from Crystal Dynamics would have said that. The TRU animations were motion captured, I doubt they would be going back to hand animating everything. You cannot get all the secondary animations to make it look realistic doing it by hand, and the animations in the game looked pretty realistic to me.

The cutscenes are motion captured. The in-game animations are 50:50. Half motion captured, half hand animated or something like that. They're not 100% motion captured...I think I've heard in the podcast with Noah Hughes or I've read it somewhere.

motoleo 05-05-12 12:36

I'd like to know, because my suspicions are it's mostly motion capture with a little bit of animation.

Weemanply109 05-05-12 13:21

I'd expect 100% motion captured animations throughout the game, tbh.

lcroft_lc 05-05-12 13:23


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6150606)
Hope....and I though you're more confident. It's confusing to read you sometimes, because you always seem so confident like you knew exactly when and what time something is gonna be shown or revealed.

Did I ever tell you I have very low vocabulary limit? :o

larafan25 05-05-12 15:07

The in game animations are by hand.

Carbon 05-05-12 15:09


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6150993)
The in game animations are by hand.

Good, cause in my experience, Motion Capture (Underworld) against Virtual (AoD)… the latter wins.

larafan25 05-05-12 15:11


Originally Posted by Carbon (Post 6150996)
Good, cause in my experience, Motion Capture (Underworld) against Virtual (AoD)… the latter wins.

I don't know why it's like that, but I agree (well sort of).

It seems to me that animation by hand is usually more exaggerated and nice looking. However I liked the TRU motion captured run better than the AOD run.

Though because this new Tomb Raider is cinematic and contextual in some instances, I wouldn't be surprised if they use an animation from a cutscene in the game for something, but I'm sure the base of the in game animations are not motion captured. It's not about regression either, it's just knowing better and doing better.

Tonyrobinson 05-05-12 15:12

I don't really care about the animations too much from what I've seen the look fine. :)

It is fluency that is key. If she doesn't control well that is bad.

Carbon 05-05-12 15:14


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6151011)
I don't really care about the animations too much from what I've seen the look fine. :)

It is fluency that is key. If she doesn't control well that is bad.

If the animations were awful, you'd soon care :p They make the game look woful!

larafan25 05-05-12 15:15

I think Crystal often sacrifice long transitional animations for quick cuts between movements to allow for more responsive controls, which I like.

Carbon 05-05-12 15:19


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6151020)
I think Crystal often sacrifice long transitional animations for quick cuts between movements to allow for more responsive controls, which I like.

Some look rushed though, which just bothers me tbh :o

larafan25 05-05-12 15:21


Originally Posted by Carbon (Post 6151036)
Some look rushed though, which just bothers me tbh :o

Well if you can look at them and just say they aren't rushed, then it doesn't bother you, right?

I think people think the animations look too fast, but maybe that's just because they're not letting the transitions play between the moves?

In my opinion the actual animation for each move looks well animated.

klona 05-05-12 15:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6151042)
Well if you can look at them and just say they aren't rushed, then it doesn't bother you, right?

It still does, actually. :p

Tonyrobinson 05-05-12 15:26


Originally Posted by Carbon (Post 6151018)
If the animations were awful, you'd soon care :p They make the game look woful!

But from I've seen they look fine to me though that is what I'm trying to say. It would be different had I not seen any footage. I think the leaked footage gives the best sense of relaxed gameplay and traversal. The E3 is very rushed and frantic. :p

klona 05-05-12 15:31


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6151055)
I think the leaked footage gives the best sense of relaxed gameplay and traversal. :p

The animations there were fantastic! :eek:
How she runs, jumps...
The only thing that looked fast was when climbing up and i'm not sure about the wall scramble. (it wasn't really clear)

MyRaider4Life 05-05-12 15:43

Some jumps looked pretty clunky, but I'm sure they'll be fixed. They also looked like that in the E3 demo, but still.

Phlip 05-05-12 19:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6151020)
I think Crystal often sacrifice long transitional animations for quick cuts between movements to allow for more responsive controls, which I like.

But in Anniversary and Legend the animations were a lot less ****, while being just as responsive...

Weemanply109 05-05-12 20:17

I'm probably in a minority when I say I preferred Underworlds animations over the rest of the series.

larafan25 05-05-12 20:18


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6151494)
But in Anniversary and Legend the animations were a lot less ****, while being just as responsive...

Compared to what? The reboot?

I like the reboot animations better.

Weemanply109 05-05-12 20:18

No, I think he's comparing the animations between Underworld and Anniversary/Legend.

Lukass 05-05-12 20:42

I cannot wait to see her animations once she'll get more experienced. What if there will be 3 levels of her animations improvements? There are three phases of the game right? So it would make sense...would it? :p

Weemanply109 05-05-12 21:10

Would be a ****ing lot of animations to be in a game, that's for sure. Usually animations are consistent throughout a game, but if her animations and movements change as the game progresses, just imagine how many animations there will be. :o

Lukass 05-05-12 21:13


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6151708)
Would be a ****ing lot of animations to be in a game, that's for sure. Usually animations are consistent throughout a game, but if her animations and movements change as the game progresses, just imagine how many animations there will be. :o

Hasn't it been confirmed her animations will change as the game progresses? I'm sure it has...

Weemanply109 05-05-12 21:15


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6151714)
Hasn't it been confirmed her animations will change as the game progresses? I'm sure it has...

It has, hence why I said it must be a ****load of animations in the game.

I kinda badly worded my last post, so excuse moi.

Lukass 05-05-12 21:17


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6151718)
It has, hence why I said it must be a ****load of animations in the game.

I kinda badly worded my last post, so excuse moi.

I love her clumsy and inexperienced pulling up and jumping animations so I hope once she'll get experienced it's not going to look like Underworld jumping and liftin' herself up animations. :/

Weemanply109 05-05-12 21:18

I loved Underworlds animations. :/

Lukass 05-05-12 21:18

The jumping too? :o

Phlip 05-05-12 21:21


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6151612)
Compared to what? The reboot?

I like the reboot animations better.


Weemanply109 05-05-12 21:23


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6151729)
The jumping too? :o

Yep. I like how fluent and quick it felt.

Stevo505 05-05-12 21:25

The only animations I liked in underworld were the grabbing animations. The swan dive kinda sucked.

NRO. 05-05-12 21:26


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6151751)
The only animations I liked in underworld were the grabbing animations. The swan dive kinda sucked.

No, the swan dive REALLY sucked. =/

Alexander990 05-05-12 21:30


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6151726)
I loved Underworlds animations. :/


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6151738)

Seriously guys?:confused:

There's nothing lovable in my view. Animations run extremely fast, robotic and not to mention her jumping distance ---.
Reboots animations look perfect to me, even her clumsy moves, which are much heavy,realistic,remarkable...imo

Weemanply109 05-05-12 21:30


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6151762)
in my view.

See, that's the thing; It's your opinion. Which I could also question.

The only thing I wasn't keen on was the Swan Dive.

Lukass 05-05-12 21:31


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6151762)
Seriously guys?:confused:

There's nothing lovable in my view. Animations run extremely fast, robotic and not to mention her jumping distance ---.
Reboot's animations look perfect to me, even her clumsy moves, which are much heavy,realistic,remarkable...imo

Oh my God, I seem to agree with you! +1 :vlol:

But they liked it, it's their opinion.

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