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Rai 06-05-12 15:36

Well I hope there will be an animation. Because as of the leaked demo, it doesn't look like a scramble :p. I imagined her to be frantically reaching for the edge, her feet moving and her fingertips scraping the wall.

larafan25 06-05-12 15:39


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6152857)
Well I hope there will be an animation. Because as of the leaked demo, it doesn't look like a scramble :p. I imagined her to be frantically reaching for the edge, her feet moving and her fingertips scraping the wall.

That's what imagined too, sort of like how in TRA when you jump up to a ledge she would almost paw at the wall in some circumstances.

But maybe it's just supposed to be a wall kick like this...

You can see in this video at 6 seconds in, the guy jumps at the wall and quicker goes up to the ledge above.

Rai 06-05-12 15:51

The thing is, that edge of the roof that Lara jumps to doesn't seem that high. I wonder how the player missed it. I'm guessing you'd need to be precise with the aim to get it right. Which is good in that it feels less magnetic, more real.

larafan25 06-05-12 15:54


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6152897)
The thing is, that edge of the roof that Lara jumps to doesn't seem that high. I wonder how the player missed it. I'm guessing you'd need to be precise with the aim to get it right. Which is good in that it feels less magnetic, more real.

It seems to me that her jump was just not high enough to read it.

Plus you actually have to hit the edge to grab apparently, and she wasn't even close.

Lukass 06-05-12 15:56

I'm getting scared as I read you guys. What if the scramble will look like Rai described? :/ I'm going to cry :'( And I agree, it looks weird. Well we can't see the whole move because of the dude's head, but looks too quick and it looks like there's no animation for the scramble :/

larafan25 06-05-12 16:04


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6152916)
I'm getting scared as I read you guys. What if the scramble will look like Rai described? :/ I'm going to cry :'( And I agree, it looks weird. Well we can't see the whole move because of the dude's head, but looks too quick and it looks like there's no animation for the scramble :/

Technically there doesn't need to be an animation (there is but there doesn't need to be a scrambly one).

As she jumps and hits the wall, the idea could be that when you hit a wall you kick off it to raise yourself up higher. That's what she does.

But of course it would be a lot faster and fluid without the tutorial menu there.

jflb 06-05-12 16:34

I think that TRU animations are not bad, but i prefer the news.

larafan25 06-05-12 17:54

Do you guys think these opinions still stand about the games today? As in the expetcations are the same?

I'm reading through this thread and it's a like a beutiful sounding broken record.

What most TR player yearn for, whether they are casual or hardcore are very similar.

Commong needs are...

A longer game
A more difficult game (general)
More difficult/ complex puzzles
No cliche or cheesy story or script
Large expansive and complex environments to explore (non-linear)
Atmosphere that is not broken by hints, icons, or chatter

That seems to be the sum of what is wrong.

Mikky 06-05-12 18:00

I have a feeling though that some of those negative points will still be in this new Tomb Raider, especially about the game being too easy. I just can't imagine that this game will be that challenging, tbh. I know it's too soon to tell, but it's just a feeling I have. :/ And of course, the overuse of hints. Despite how much fans complain, it seems like the developers just don't listen to us when it comes to that.

leglion 06-05-12 18:04


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6153223)
I have a feeling though that some of those negative points will still be in this new Tomb Raider, especially about the game being too easy. I just can't imagine that this game will be that challenging, tbh. I know it's too soon to tell, but it's just a feeling I have. :/ And of course, the overuse of hints. Despite how much fans complain, it seems like the developers just don't listen to us when it comes to that.

So far we've only seen hints for the moves. Even Core games had that.

Bashar 06-05-12 18:05


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6153203)
Do you guys think these opinions still stand about the games today? As in the expetcations are the same?

I'm reading through this thread and it's a like a beutiful sounding broken record.

What most TR player yearn for, whether they are casual or hardcore are very similar.

Commong needs are...

A longer game
A more difficult game (general)
More difficult/ complex puzzles
No cliche or cheesy story or script
Large expansive and complex environments to explore (non-linear)
Atmosphere that is not broken by hints, icons, or chatter

That seems to be the sum of what is wrong.

The game seems to be delivering all that! We didn't see any hints on the demo when lara was doing that physics puzzle where she has to blow through the cave. (except survival instinct which is optional) And the game can't have hubs, huge locations and millions of caves and objectives but be short? Can't it?

The puzzles I'm not so sure. The storyline isn't cliche at all. A lot of violence lol.

No chitter chats while climbing mountains. I really like how cool everything seems from the start. Let's hope it stays that way. :jmp:

Mikky 06-05-12 18:12


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6153232)
So far we've only seen hints for the moves. Even Core games had that.

There's hint icons for lighting stuff up/burning, pushing crates and in the leaked gameplay there was a hint on how to wall scramble, and of course, Survival Instinct which is arguably the biggest hint system a game could have. And I don't ever remember the Core games having in-game hint icons.

Lukass 06-05-12 18:14


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6153223)
I have a feeling though that some of those negative points will still be in this new Tomb Raider, especially about the game being too easy. I just can't imagine that this game will be that challenging, tbh. I know it's too soon to tell, but it's just a feeling I have. :/ And of course, the overuse of hints. Despite how much fans complain, it seems like the developers just don't listen to us when it comes to that.

Agreed completely.


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6153232)
So far we've only seen hints for the moves. Even Core games had that.

What about those lanterns? What about those red pieces of wood lying on the floor in the E3 demo? I think Mikky's right, I feel the same :(

Brian Horton's quotes from EDGE magazine:


We use those lanterns in the landscape very selectively - they're almost like points of light that draw your eyes
Do we need something to draw our eyes? I don't think so :(


Any time we create a space, we ask ourselves: what's the most important thing Lara has to see in any room? And then we tend to craft our world around that. Using contrast, pointing the player through the composition of the space, surface qualities, and motion - these are all tools to draw player's attention
As I was re-writing this second quote now I felt almost uncomfortable. I think I don't even have to explain why :/

There will always be something that will tell you "use me", "you need to go here"...I really am pissed now, because I absolutely forgot about the Edge magazine interview :/ I am officially extremely disappointed.

leglion 06-05-12 18:14


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6153254)
There's hint icons for lighting stuff up/burning, pushing crates and in the leaked gameplay there was a hint on how to wall scramble, and of course, Survival Instinct which is arguably the biggest hint system a game could have. And I don't ever remember the Core games having in-game hint icons.

You consider that stuff hard? I mean, it would already be obvious so i don't see the problem. It's not like they're telling you where to go. I don't cosnider those hints since it's already obvious.

Survival instincts are optional, you don't HAVE to use them. So it's not an overuse of hints. The wall scramble is a tutorial on the controls. Even the classics have that. Pretty much every game has that.

Bashar 06-05-12 18:15


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6153254)
There's hint icons for lighting stuff up/burning, pushing crates and in the leaked gameplay there was a hint on how to wall scramble, and of course, Survival Instinct which is arguably the biggest hint system a game could have. And I don't ever remember the Core games having in-game hint icons.

I think the wall scramble hint only happens once. So you know how to do it.

P.S does the leaked footage still exist? I lost it. D:

Mikky 06-05-12 18:17

^ I know that, but I was just giving an example. xD


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6153260)
You consider that stuff hard? I mean, it would already be obvious so i don't see the problem. It's not like they're telling you where to go. I don't cosnider those hints since it's already obvious.

I never said they were hard, which is exactly why they don't need hint icons. If they're already obvious then that's even more reason not to put hint icons for those things, right?


Survival instincts are optional, you don't HAVE to use them. So it's not an overuse of hints.
I know it's "optional" but just having it in the game grinds my gears. >.>

leglion 06-05-12 18:19


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6153268)
^ I know that, but I was just giving an example. xD

I never said they were hard, which is exactly why they don't need hint icons. If they're already obvious then that's even more reason not to put hint icons for those things, right?

Then they're not really hints are they? They're just icons to show that they're interactive.

TippingWater 06-05-12 18:19


Originally Posted by Bashar (Post 6153263)
I think the wall scramble hint only happens once. So you know how to do it.

P.S does the leaked footage still exist? I lost it. D:

It still exists. Once something hits the net...

Mikky 06-05-12 18:21


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6153270)
Then they're not really hints are they? They're just icons to show that they're interactive.

I know what you mean, but they're still technically hint icons - they give you hint that that part of the environment is interactive.

TippingWater 06-05-12 18:23


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6153270)
Then they're not really hints are they? They're just icons to show that they're interactive.

The ideal thing would be to have fully interactive environments, but I guess that won't happen this generation or the next.

TippingWater 06-05-12 18:48

I bet that the arch will work like in Dragon's Dogma :D. While it is not a very strong a precise weapon especially when on the run it is effective from what I have played in the PS3 demo :). The thing that i like most about the arch in Dragon's Dogma is that you can move while you aim, you can even jump :D.

larafan25 06-05-12 18:48

Going through that thread...

-Just over 105 people think the game is too linear
- Over 180 people think the game is too easy
- Over 260 people think the game is too short


NRO. 06-05-12 18:50

The game was horrible in general, what did you expect?

Mikky 06-05-12 18:50

^ Die.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6153350)
Going through that thread...

-Just over 105 people think the game is too linear
- Over 180 people think the game is too easy
- Over 260 people think the game is too short


So, CD just need to make a game that is open and non-linear, challenging and long. Shouldn't be too hard. :pi:

TippingWater 06-05-12 18:51


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6153353)
The game was horrible in general, what did you expect?

I do not think that it would be fair to call it horrible. I mean despite it's obvious flaws it still managed to be a decent, sadly short game. It obviously did not deserve the title Tomb Raider but it offered a varied exotic at times adventure :p.

tomee 06-05-12 18:53


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6153260)
Survival instincts are optional, you don't HAVE to use them. So it's not an overuse of hints. The wall scramble is a tutorial on the controls. Even the classics have that. Pretty much every game has that.

Does it matter whether the survival instinct is optional if small icons pop up around objects indicating that you can check it with survival instinct which means you'll have to do something with it?

larafan25 06-05-12 18:53


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6153356)
^ Die.

So, CD just need to make a game that is open and non-linear, challenging and long. Shouldn't be too hard. :pi:

Well TR9 looks like it could provide a lot of exploration.

But as for length and difficulty, only time will tell.

Some keywaords that popped up multiple times were...


People thought the platforming was too much like PoP, they didn't like the QTE, and wanted manual grab back as well found the plot to be dramatic and cheesy.

I think the plot of TR9 will be better, we don't have manual grab but perhaps steering in mid air will suffice. QTE are back in full force though.

Lukass 06-05-12 18:54


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6153349)
I bet that the arch will work like in Dragon's Dogma :D. While it is not a very strong a precise weapon especially when on the run it is effective from what I have played in the PS3 demo :). The thing that i like most about the arch in Dragon's Dogma is that you can move while you aim, you can even jump :D.


I can't stop replaying the demo! And my first though when I used the bow was Oh please I want her to use the bow like that. :tmb: And exactly like you said, you can move and even jump! I hope it's like that in Tomb Raider! :D


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6153350)
Going through that thread...

-Just over 105 people think the game is too linear
- Over 180 people think the game is too easy
- Over 260 people think the game is too short


I am devastated. How big are chances we were all wrong with our fears? :/

TippingWater 06-05-12 18:55

No one can guarantee that the plot won't be a cheese fest, once again.

TippingWater 06-05-12 18:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6153365)
I can't stop replaying the demo! And my first though when I used the bow was Oh please I want her to use the bow like that. :tmb: And exactly like you said, you can move and even jump! I hope it's like that in Tomb Raider! :D

I still cannot defeat the bloody Griffin :o. I guess I need to grab it while I jump in the air, might try again once I have more energy :D, but I loved the main quest.

Sheesh double post, today is not my best day :o.

larafan25 06-05-12 18:57


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6153365)
I can't stop replaying the demo! And my first though when I used the bow was Oh please I want her to use the bow like that. :tmb: And exactly like you said, you can move and even jump! I hope it's like that in Tomb Raider! :D

I am devastated. How big are chances we were all wrong with our fears? :/

I'm not sure what you mean.

I think the game is going to offer crap-tons of exploration compared to Legend, I think the platforming will be less sticky and PoP-like and more classic running and jumping and steering. People wanted more keys and classic puzzles/ tasks, this new game explicitly ditches those elements, perhaps the new puzzles will be harder?

As for the length, who knows? :/


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6153366)
No one can guarantee that the plot won't be a cheese fest, once again.

Of course, but this game is waaaay about the plot, and we are going to have the script writer revealed to us. So it can't be that bad.

Lukass 06-05-12 18:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6153362)
we don't have manual grab but perhaps steering in mid air will suffice. QTE are back in full force though.

How do you know there's no manual grab? Nothing has been confirmed or denied. I still think we'll get that option.

QTE's are not back in full force I hope. They're not going to be involved too often in the game. Why would they create a whole new team developing those (according to CEE DEE) unique combat techniques? They want to show they CAN give us a great combat experience, and not QTE's.

Mikky 06-05-12 18:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6153362)
Well TR9 looks like it could provide a lot of exploration.

But as for length and difficulty, only time will tell.

Some keywaords that popped up multiple times were...


People thought the platforming was too much like PoP, they didn't like the QTE, and wanted manual grab back as well found the plot to be dramatic and cheesy.

I think the plot of TR9 will be better, we don't have manual grab but perhaps steering in mid air will suffice. QTE are back in full force though.

Soap? :vlol:

I enjoyed the platforming in Legend, it was fluent and easy to get used to. I also loved the plot, and while I can see why people would call it "cheesy", I didn't think it was. The QTEs I don't mind either. I don't understand how people say QTEs are like watching a movie when it's the complete opposite. Movies aren't attractive and games are, so QTEs in games make perfect sense. I'm glad they're back (and I can't wait to see the deaths).

larafan25 06-05-12 19:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6153371)
How do you know there's no manual grab? Nothing has been confirmed or denied. I still think we'll get that option.

QTE's are not back in full force I hope. They're not going to be involved too often in the game. Why would they create a whole new team developing those (according to CEE DEE) unique combat techniques?

Perhaps we'll get the option, would be nice. But we know the game is auto-grab because people who have played it have said so.

QTES are back in full force, there were more QTE in the E3 demo than in the entire TRL.

Lukass 06-05-12 19:02


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6153367)
I still cannot defeat the bloody Griffin :o. I guess I need to grab it while I jump in the air, might try again once I have more energy :D, but I loved the main quest.

Sheesh double post, today is not my best day :o.

You can kill it without grabbing too, just with the bow. But it will take a bit longer. D:

larafan25 06-05-12 19:04


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6153373)
Soap? :vlol:

I enjoyed the platforming in Legend, it was fluent and easy to get used to. I also loved the plot, and while I can see why people would call it "cheesy", I didn't think it was. The QTEs I don't mind either. I don't understand how people say QTEs are like watching a movie when it's the complete opposite. Movies aren't attractive and games are, so QTEs in games make perfect sense. I'm glad they're back (and I can't wait to see the deaths).

People had a problem with the QTE being called "Super Action Moments" when you just watch and wait for a button prompt. Not action-packed in their opinion.

As for legend's platforming, I don't like ledges, I don't like all of the convenient objects and not because they're convenient but because it's too easy. I'm not specifically looking for challenge I'm looking for entertainment which means involvement is necessary.

TRL took platforming and essentially turned it into a point-and-click.

leglion 06-05-12 19:05


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6153276)
I know what you mean, but they're still technically hint icons - they give you hint that that part of the environment is interactive.

But how is that a problem?

larafan25 06-05-12 19:06


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6153386)
But how is that a problem?

It ruins immersion.

It reminds you it's a game.

We want a game world where we can see something and identify it as interactive without needing weird icons.

Lukass 06-05-12 19:08


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6153377)
Perhaps we'll get the option, would be nice. But we know the game is auto-grab because people who have played it have said so.

QTES are back in full force, there were more QTE in the E3 demo than in the entire TRL.

QTE's are not back in full force! You know exactly why they were presented in the E3 demo!


larafan25 06-05-12 19:09


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6153396)
QTE's are not back in full force! You know exactly why they were presented in the E3 demo!


So did TRL not have QTE in full force?

No TR has had QTE in full force?

Because if TRL is QTE in full force, then regardless of how the pace slows, TR9 seems to have QTE in full-er force.

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