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skylark1121 20-05-12 21:20


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179263)
I honestly wonder if TR has any developers shaking in their boots. :pi:

I think so.

Considering last year's E3 footage wasn't even Alpha....

Rai 20-05-12 22:26


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6179199)
I am kinda going to miss jumping off someone and shooting them in the head in slow-mo. That was fun :D

In Legend it was fun, in Underworld it was a pain in the arse :pi:

SpyrosMonster 20-05-12 22:32


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179116)
Wee need an anti-QTE thread and everyone needs to petition against it in any future Tomb Raider.

I actually like QTEs :o like very much!!!

Mikky 20-05-12 22:39


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6179425)
I actually like QTEs :o like very much!!!

I thought I was the only one. :p

Linoshi Croft 20-05-12 22:42

No, I actually like them too. (Reboot Styled Ones)

Stevo505 20-05-12 22:47

I like how they look in the reboot, but I also liked them in Legend and Anni :)

just*raidin*tomb 21-05-12 05:16

I like the QTEs in the reboot. I just hope they're rare like the slow motion bits in Underworld There was only like 4 or something.

The QTEs in Legend and Anniversary were rubbish. They should have been gameplay sequences.

spyrostr 21-05-12 05:24


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6179812)
I like the QTEs in the reboot. I just hope they're rare like the slow motion bits in Underworld There was only like 4 or something.

The QTEs in Legend and Anniversary were rubbish. They should have been gameplay sequences.

Yeap the QTEs should be rare with not pressing many buttons.. Like a rock falling suddenly on u and u'll gave to press only a button to avoid it..
Hey I liked the QTEs in Legend...

skylark1121 21-05-12 05:39


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6179439)
I thought I was the only one. :p

I like them too! :D

Spong 21-05-12 05:44


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6179812)
I like the QTEs in the reboot. I just hope they're rare like the slow motion bits in Underworld...

There was about twenty of them in the den demo alone.
Well, maybe not exactly twenty, but there was a few of them within the space of about ten minutes.

Stevo505 21-05-12 05:47


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6179820)
There was about twenty of them in the den demo alone.
Well, maybe not exactly twenty, but there was a few of them within the space of about ten minutes.

They said that wasn't an indicator to the number throughout the game.

Spong 21-05-12 05:54


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6179823)
They said that wasn't an indicator to the number throughout the game.

They also said Underworld was gonna be epic :pi:

skylark1121 21-05-12 05:56


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6179826)
They also said Underworld was gonna be epic :pi:

It was epic.... in idea... :p

Spong 21-05-12 05:59


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6179827)
It was epic.... in idea... :p

I'd argue even that.
The only thing about Underworld that was epic was the way in which it failed :vlol:

spyrostr 21-05-12 06:07


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6179829)
I'd argue even that.
The only thing about Underworld that was epic was the way in which it failed :vlol:

The weirdest thing is that my mom finished it recently and she thought Underworld was the best tomb raider game she has ever played lol...

Spong 21-05-12 06:11


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6179832)
The weirdest thing is that my mom finished it recently and she thought Underworld was the best tomb raider game she has ever played lol...

Apart from Legend & AoD, I assume she'd never played any other Tomb Raider games then? :p

just*raidin*tomb 21-05-12 06:15

I wish my mom or someone played TR. ^ :p


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6179820)
There was about twenty of them in the den demo alone.
Well, maybe not exactly twenty, but there was a few of them within the space of about ten minutes.

Yeah but considering it was the opening, I forgive it. Also the last bit was consecutive so I would count that as one, which would be a total of 4. But really, the ones in the reboot actually look and feel like gameplay bits to me. It's a lot different than just pressing a button so you don't die. They would clearly otherwise be cutscenes anyway. I do like them, but still...not enough for them to be everywhere. That would be annoying.

spyrostr 21-05-12 06:18


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6179835)
Apart from Legend & AoD, I assume she'd never played any other Tomb Raider games then? :p

Nope she has finished them all before me... Last revelation was her first... I was afraid of the mummies so it took me some years to touch it lol...she loved the classics more than the new ones but Underworld it seems it had that something for her..

skylark1121 21-05-12 06:20


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6179842)
Nope she has finished them all before me... Last revelation was her first... I was afraid of the mummies so it took me some years to touch it lol...she loved the classics more than the new ones but Underworld it seems it had that something for her..

*waits for Spong to explode*


leglion 21-05-12 06:22


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6179837)
I wish my mom or someone played TR. ^ :p

Yeah but considering it was the opening, I forgive it. Also the last bit was consecutive so I would count that as one, which would be a total of 4. But really, the ones in the reboot actually look and feel like gameplay bits to me. It's a lot different than just pressing a button so you don't die. They would clearly otherwise be cutscenes anyway. I do like them, but still...not enough for them to be everywhere. That would be annoying.

Precisely. The QTE's in 2013 are more like contextual animations really. When I say that I mean that the grab animation is changed to a different grab animation depending on the situation, for example.

spyrostr 21-05-12 06:22


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6179843)
*waits for Spong to explode*


Should I be scared...? ;__;

scremanie 21-05-12 06:22

Underworld is a good Tomb Raider game. Far better than Legend.

skylark1121 21-05-12 06:25


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6179846)
Should I be scared...? ;__;

I meant explode as in:

[Mod edit:]

Not an explosion of anger, a pure, physical explosion. :jmp:

Edit: you still might be scared, though.... >.>

just*raidin*tomb 21-05-12 06:27


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6179845)
Precisely. The QTE's in 2013 are more like contextual animations really. When I say that I mean that the grab animation is changed to a different grab animation depending on the situation, for example.

Yes. That's a good way to put it. You're still in control.

Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6179842)
Nope she has finished them all before me... Last revelation was her first... I was afraid of the mummies so it took me some years to touch it lol...she loved the classics more than the new ones but Underworld it seems it had that something for her..

To be fair, I think Underworld is a great game at its core if you can look past its faults. It had tons of potential but unfortunately it was cut and rushed so that Eido$ well I don't need to elaborate. But if you can look past all those little things (and there's quite a bit) it is a good game. The locations are creative and design of some of the rooms are actually really cool.

This is coming from someone who gives Underworld a lot of hate. But I'm replaying it now after about 2 years and I am actually enjoying it.

spyrostr 21-05-12 06:28


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6179849)
I meant explode as in:


Not an explosion of anger, a pure, physical explosion. :jmp:

Oh poor Spong ;__;
Lol I'm in a such good mood today

skylark1121 21-05-12 06:29


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6179853)
Oh poor Spong ;__;
Lol I'm in a such good mood today

May he rest in peace. <3

Spong, are you still alive? :pi:

Spong 21-05-12 06:33


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6179837)
Yeah but considering it was the opening, I forgive it. Also the last bit was consecutive so I would count that as one, which would be a total of 4. But really, the ones in the reboot actually look and feel like gameplay bits to me. It's a lot different than just pressing a button so you don't die. They would clearly otherwise be cutscenes anyway. I do like them, but still...not enough for them to be everywhere. That would be annoying.

I guess, with the new QTEs supposedly being more free, I'll have to wait to find out whether they breathe a bit of life into them. If they do, then that will count in their favour. Having the freedom to move around within a QTE gives a greater scope for the events to be different each time you play through. That's what I'd like to see and that's kind of how Crystal have painted the QTEs in TR9. If they're like that, then having them pop up with regularity in the game won't be so bad.

But sequences like the bit with the spike and the scavenger, where you're essentially button-mashing, those sucked.


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6179842)
Nope she has finished them all before me... Last revelation was her first... I was afraid of the mummies so it took me some years to touch it lol...she loved the classics more than the new ones but Underworld it seems it had that something for her..

LOL @ you being scared of the mummies :D
Credit to your mother for finishing all the games, although she shouldn't have bothered with LAU. And she's wrong about Underworld :ohn:

spyrostr 21-05-12 06:44


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6179857)

LOL @ you being scared of the mummies :D
Credit to your mother for finishing all the games, although she shouldn't have bothered with LAU. And she's wrong about Underworld :ohn:

I was 9 years old... Lol she didn't like that Legend and Anni were easier than the classics like everyone I guess... But in Underworld she found the monkey Lara realistic.. It's because she's not visiting the forums I don't know...

MuhaBagci 21-05-12 11:58 After reading this new article (there's written that Lara has to take leeches to get more Life... is that new?) I just noticed one thing! What about the fighting in TR9? I mean yes, we know that we have to survive in that island, but what about killing people? I mean the game would be kind of boring if we only kill some animals to eat smth. I wanna kill A LOT of people in the game to get some action. I don't want it be be like in Anni. If it would be like in Legend, it would be very cool! I wanna kill ****ing people in TR! D':

klona 21-05-12 12:04

I like QTEs, I feel like they keep me involved in the game instead of just watching a cutscene.


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6179847)
Underworld is a good Tomb Raider game. Far better than Legend.

This. :p

MuhaBagci 21-05-12 12:07


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6180077)
I like QTEs, I feel like they keep me involved in the game instead of just watching a cutscene.

This. :p

What? TRU is the worst TR ever! And TRL the BEST ever!
And everybody who doesn't think like that...
joke :P

Lukass 21-05-12 12:08


Originally Posted by MuhaBagci (Post 6180072) After reading this new article (there's written that Lara has to take leeches to get more Life... is that new?) I just noticed one thing! What about the fighting in TR9? I mean yes, we know that we have to survive in that island, but what about killing people? I mean the game would be kind of boring if we only kill some animals to eat smth. I wanna kill A LOT of people in the game to get some action. I don't want it be be like in Anni. If it would be like in Legend, it would be very cool! I wanna kill ****ing people in TR! D':

I think the healing by leeches was just a rumor. Nothing has been confirmed yet, so we'll find out pretty soon how Lara heal herself and if she will use leeches too. I doubt about it though.
And don't be worry we'll kill only animals. There are scavengers on the island. A bloody amount of them! There's gonna be a lot of people. Some may be friendly, some are bitches (the scavengers) and some of them may act like friends, but....:cln:...Lara will kill a lot of people on the island, you can be sure :p

MuhaBagci 21-05-12 12:11


Originally Posted by lukass (Post 6180084)
i think the healing by leeches was just a rumor. Nothing has been confirmed yet, so we'll find out pretty soon how lara heal herself and if she will use leeches too. I doubt about it though.
And don't be worry we'll kill only animals. There are scavengers on the island. A bloody amount of them! There's gonna be a lot of people. Some may be friendly, some are bitches (the scavengers) and some of them may act like friends, but....:cln:...lara will kill a lot of people on the island, you can be sure :p


Hairhelmet12 21-05-12 13:10

Someones just discovered gifs.. >.>

klona 21-05-12 13:48


Originally Posted by MuhaBagci (Post 6180083)
What? TRU is the worst TR ever! And TRL the BEST ever!
And everybody who doesn't think like that...
joke :P

TRL wasn't challenging or fun, I never got stuck in it, never ever ever.
I just skimmed through the game in about 5 or 6 hours. It was just as boring as hell. :p
TRU was way better than TRL. (though TRA was the best thing CD made... for now)

scremanie 21-05-12 13:50

White text.

klona 21-05-12 13:54


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6180267)
White text.

Just noticed. :p

Rai 21-05-12 14:11


Originally Posted by MuhaBagci (Post 6180072) After reading this new article (there's written that Lara has to take leeches to get more Life... is that new?) I just noticed one thing! What about the fighting in TR9? I mean yes, we know that we have to survive in that island, but what about killing people? I mean the game would be kind of boring if we only kill some animals to eat smth. I wanna kill A LOT of people in the game to get some action. I don't want it be be like in Anni. If it would be like in Legend, it would be very cool! I wanna kill ****ing people in TR! D':

It would help if that article was in English :p. I don't want to kill a lot of people. I liked TR2 and Legend, but for me, the worst part of both games was the amount of human enemies. It was so annoying, maybe more so in Legend due to the how condensed it was, to walk around almost every corner and have human enemies attack you. For me, combat is about breaking the silence, the immersion, just enough for variety and action. Environmental action, IE: collapsing floors, cave-ins etc are more exciting than combat.

MuhaBagci 21-05-12 14:26


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6180295)
It would help if that article was in English :p. I don't want to kill a lot of people. I liked TR2 and Legend, but for me, the worst part of both games was the amount of human enemies. It was so annoying, maybe more so in Legend due to the how condensed it was, to walk around almost every corner and have human enemies attack you. For me, combat is about breaking the silence, the immersion, just enough for variety and action. Environmental action, IE: collapsing floors, cave-ins etc are more exciting than combat.


OK, Legend maybe had too much enemies, but TRU and TRL mostly didn't had any enemies, and I don't want it to be like that. I'm ok with how much enemies AC has, it doesn't have too much but also not too little...

Rai 21-05-12 14:32


Originally Posted by MuhaBagci (Post 6180317)

OK, Legend maybe had too much enemies, but TRU and TRL mostly didn't had any enemies, and I don't want it to be like that. I'm ok with how much enemies AC has, it doesn't have too much but also not too little...

Thanks for that :). Hmm, as said, there was a rumour, so that article could just be going on that. Yeah, there should be a balance, I guess. I think there may be plenty of scavengers, possibly other survivors to take care of.

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