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Lukass 05-06-12 14:41


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229009)
Am I the only one who was so incredibly satisfied with Lara's scream as she fell down the waterfall first time, and then fell out of the plane? So perfect.

I'm satisfied with it too. I'm happy with the voice acting at all.

larafan25 05-06-12 14:43


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6229013)
I'm satisfied with it too. I'm happy with the voice acting at all.

I'm just not at all satisfied with hearing Camilla's voice in EVERY video, but then in the leaked footage she sounds EXACTLY like Tamzin. It hurts me to say that, but she sounda EXACTLY like Tamzin, it's like...WTF? :confused:

But anyways....OMG I hope the tombs in this game are really good. The deer hub reminds me of the lost valley for some reason, and of Alice Madness returns. That door in the middle of the space reminds me of TR2 China, and it's so mysterious. UG and the little icons, the xp icon, the chapter or location names are so perfect looking!

We need the deer demo in HD.

edit: BTW the forest location is called "coastal forest".

Lukass 05-06-12 14:52

Yesh, I've noticed it's called coastal forest. Does that mean it's close to some beach then? I would love to go to the beach, explore some ships and planes and then go back to the forest, hunt for a few minutes etc. Just such relax before a storm :D

larafan25 05-06-12 14:54


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6229041)
Yesh, I've noticed it's called coastal forest. Does that mean it's close to some beach then? I would love to go to the beach, explore some ships and palnes and then go back to the forest, hunt for a few minutes etc. Just such relax before a storm :D

I find it funny how that hub area begins with Lara falling, is Lara just going to stumble across miles of land to reach each hub? :pi:

Linoshi Croft 05-06-12 14:55


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229009)
Am I the only one who was so incredibly satisfied with Lara's scream as she fell down the waterfall first time, and then fell out of the plane? So perfect.

I was, but not satisfied with what came out of her moth when sliding down the waterfull. I expected her to be chocking and spluttering on the water. Not, making near enough no noise at all.

Lukass 05-06-12 14:56


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229049)
I find it funny how that hub area begins with Lara falling, is Lara just going to stumble across miles of land to reach each hub? :pi:

It is weird, yep. But the hub with the monastery! :eek: Crap! I would so so so so so so love to go and explore the whole monastery inside!

Cali 05-06-12 14:58


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6229050)
I was, but not satisfied with what came out of her moth when sliding down the waterfull. I expected her to be chocking and spluttering on the water. Not, making near enough no noise at all.

The waterfall part seemed to go on for AGES xD

Vintage Croft 05-06-12 15:01


Vintage Croft 05-06-12 15:02


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229049)
I find it funny how that hub area begins with Lara falling, is Lara just going to stumble across miles of land to reach each hub? :pi:

CD have said that we can revisit locations, but i am wondering will we be able to return to the previous area on foot? or only via the fast travel system?

larafan25 05-06-12 15:24


Originally Posted by Vintage Croft (Post 6229082)
CD have said that we can revisit locations, but i am wondering will we be able to return to the previous area on foot? or only via the fast travel system?

Oh good point...there are soo many QTE and ziplines between travel must be the only way...:/

Vintage Croft 05-06-12 15:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229164)
Oh good point...there are soo many QTE and ziplines between travel must be the only way...:/

would be really cool if we could go back on foot e.g carve a route through the forest and then up the mountain side and through a cave system.....

Lukass 05-06-12 15:33

I thought the fast travel is an option for those who are lazy to go back by a walk. :confused:

larafan25 05-06-12 15:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6229201)
I thought the fast travel is an option for those who are lazy to go back by a walk. :confused:

You can't fast travel to a hub that you have yet to discover, but how would you go from the giant temple hub back to whichever hub Lara was coming from before the zipline and plane sequences?

Love2Raid 05-06-12 15:35


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229164)
Oh good point...there are soo many QTE and ziplines between travel must be the only way...:/

That's what I was wondering as well. We need to ask this question, I'll put it in the 'ambassador' thread so that domina can ask them if she wants.

Vintage Croft 05-06-12 15:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6229201)
I thought the fast travel is an option for those who are lazy to go back by a walk. :confused:

i hope you're right because i want to explore the areas in betwwn hubs on foot.

Weemanply109 05-06-12 15:36


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229164)
Oh good point...there are soo many QTE and ziplines between travel must be the only way...:/

We need to ask this, because if your theory is true then I am seriously disappointed.

So much for "Dynamic exploration".

Nemo_91 05-06-12 15:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6229201)
I thought the fast travel is an option for those who are lazy to go back by a walk. :confused:

I think you can only fast travel between the hubs. It's not entirely open world. You can explore inside the hubs though, I'm guessing. /mind****

Lukass 05-06-12 15:37


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229208)
You can't fast travel to a hub that you have yet to discover, but how would you go from the giant temple hub back to whichever hub Lara was coming from before the zipline and plane sequences?

I believe there must be some other path or paths (she has the climbing axe already, so she might use it) to the hub with the plane. I think it's nonsense to be able to go back only by using the fast travel.

larafan25 05-06-12 15:38


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6229218)
I think you can only fast travel between the hubs. It's not entirely open world. You can explore inside the hubs though, I'm guessing. /mind****

But we previously thought it was only an option once you had discovered hubs, but it might be mandatory if there is no way of getting back to a hub by foot, as between hubs there seem to be a lot of cinematic sequences spanning large spaces.

Vintage Croft 05-06-12 15:38


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6229212)
We need to ask this, because if your theory is true then I am seriously disappointed.

So much for "Dynamic exploration".

but we dont know that we can't yet. Im hoping we can traverse the areas in different ways.

Weemanply109 05-06-12 15:40


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6229220)
I believe there must be some other path or paths (she has the climbing axe already, so she might use it) to the hub with the plane. I think it's nonsense to be able to go back only by using the fast travel.

I hope so.


Originally Posted by Vintage Croft (Post 6229227)
but we dont know that we can't yet. Im hoping we can traverse the areas in different ways.

Of course we don't, hence why I said we should ask.

larafan25 05-06-12 15:42


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6229220)
I believe there must be some other path or paths (she has the climbing axe already, so she might use it) to the hub with the plane. I think it's nonsense to be able to go back only by using the fast travel.

Right, I'd love to climb those giant mountains with the axe, if there are proper surfaces.

By the way, as Lara is crossing the river I see something on the other side, which looks like it could be a place to explore, and the name "Mountain Descent" pops up, so maybe the story takes a detour but there is a hub across there, or some sort of space, and when we return we don't get sucked down the waterfall?

Lukass 05-06-12 15:55

Maybe, I dunno. I just feel confident the world is gonna be giant!

Also, look at this shot. Don't even tell me we won't be able to climb that huge mountain. Behind that mountain is the temple hub, I think....

Pietras 05-06-12 15:57


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6229246)
Right, I'd love to climb those giant mountains with the axe, if there are proper surfaces.

By the way, as Lara is crossing the river I see something on the other side, which looks like it could be a place to explore, and the name "Mountain Descent" pops up, so maybe the story takes a detour but there is a hub across there, or some sort of space, and when we return we don't get sucked down the waterfall?

Yeah, we will probably return to the area once we have a good gear/abilites to cross the rapid river

Love2Raid 05-06-12 16:15

I asked the question about hubs and fast-travel in the thread, hope it's not too late. :o
Oh well, I'm sure it will be addressed anyway.

Nemo_91 05-06-12 16:16

^ Is that a... tomb?!

Love2Raid 05-06-12 16:16

I think so! Not sure though, but still exciting. :D

Nemo_91 05-06-12 16:17


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6229414)
I think so! Not sure though, but still exciting. :D

You should post that pic in every thread, tbh.

Love2Raid 05-06-12 16:18

I know. :vlol:

Weemanply109 05-06-12 16:22


Originally Posted by Pietras (Post 6229313)
Yeah, we will probably return to the area once we have a good gear/abilites to cross the rapid river

I think that's most likely.

Tommy123 05-06-12 17:21

Looks like a tomb <3

lcroft_lc 05-06-12 17:51

Lara’s back in action on the cover of a pair of magazines this month! Check Tomb Raider out on OPM France & Computer Bild in early June.

Mikky 05-06-12 17:53

Trying to keep up with all of this crap (good crap, though) is confusing. *sigh*

Pietras 05-06-12 17:54


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6229411)
^ Is that a... tomb?!

Of course not. TReboot won't have a single tomb, didn't you hear peopel have already concluded as much? They CAN'T be wrong!

lcroft_lc 06-06-12 04:31

Who got this issue scans and info?-

Tommy123 06-06-12 05:03

That should be the cover of the game for sure.

just*raidin*tomb 06-06-12 05:18


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6229403)
I asked the question about hubs and fast-travel in the thread, hope it's not too late. :o
Oh well, I'm sure it will be addressed anyway.

That's the same area as the IGN demo.

Stevo505 06-06-12 05:22

Look how freaking real she looks...

The1andOnlyTR 06-06-12 05:23

I really can't handle everything going on right now. There's SO much. I have no idea where to start. I've seen Microsoft, I've seen the burning base camp, I've seen the extended deer scene. Am I missing anything?

NRO. 06-06-12 09:25

I can't take the word "le" seriously anymore because of the Internet. :pi:

Anyway, woot for new scans.

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