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danny.rex 09-06-12 00:50


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6242437)
Killing the wolves are before killing the guy. Also killing a wolf is totally different to killing a fellow human.

I know, but I'm talking about the wolf from the private demo at last year's E3, it sounded like it was her first kill (for defense at least, since she hunts the deer first), the way the magazines and previews described it like a big deal out of it, but now we know she kills a group of wolves before that and the rapist


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6242424)
It sounds like they put the apology in there for the sake of the demo. They probably wanted to make people think that it was her first kill at the time that they showed it.

This makes sense :)

Weemanply109 09-06-12 00:54

They should've released the Wolves Den as official gameplay.

Fan 09-06-12 00:56

I would've loved to have played the wolves' den and not just... watch it happen.

Tomb_of_Darkns 09-06-12 00:58


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6242424)
It sounds like they put the apology in there for the sake of the demo. They probably wanted to make people think that it was her first kill at the time that they showed it.

I kinda doubt it...But i don't see the problem of why she can't still have recurring feelings and focus upon these kills. Like i don't think it would ever be great to kill anything and these are her first kills, so i don't see a problem in focusing on them. I mean i'd find it weirder if we had focus on the deer or person only and then she was completely complacent/ lacks sympathy for the rest of the kills in such a short amount of time. I mean sure it make look stupid to keep apologizing and it may become redundant, but it makes sense since i'm guessing killing isn't exactly a "no big deal" moment :p

Alexander990 09-06-12 17:17

Tomb Raider team comments on 'rape' scenes in the E3 trailer
Crystal Dynamics head Darrell Gallagher and game producer Ron Rosenberg expressed their views on reactions to the violent Tomb Raider trailer shown at E3.
In one part of the video, Lara appears to be fending off a would-be raper, kneeing him in the groin and struggling to shoot him when he pins her to the ground.
“To actually see what she goes through, to become hardened, to become this tomb raider than we know and love, or at least a new version of it," Gallagher told the Penny Arcade Report. "A big part of that journey is seeing some of the hits she’s taken along the way and why she had to get that inner strength and the inner core to become the woman that we all know. There is that sense of seeing it and being explicit about that. It’s part of the narrative.”
Rosenberg explained that the emphasis on Lara's suffering was intentional — and that their research into survivors of extreme situations revealed a common mantra: keep moving.
“You see that in the beginning of the game, where we begin to build her up and give her confidence to cross the ledge, cross the plane, she forages for food and she’s feeling really successful," Rosenberg said. "Then towards the end we start to really hit her, and to break her down. Her best friend is kidnapped, she’s taken hostage, she’s almost raped, we put her in this position where we turned her into a cornered animal.”
Tomb Raider, scheduled for release on March 5 of next year, is better considered as a reboot than a prequel. The Lara Croft that we've seen before is not necessarily the one we'll know by the end of the new game.
“They share many traits so you can recognize the iconography, it’s the same character, but it’s a more modern version," said Gallagher. "It doesn’t necessarily lead directly into Tomb Raider 1, with hot pants and a braid."

klona 09-06-12 17:26

^ Err.
No comment about that.

larafan25 09-06-12 17:29

I don't get people.

In case anyone was wondering, Lara nearly gets raped for the purpose of nearly getting raped.

Why does she fall on a spike? Why does a wolf attack her? Why do men shoot at her?

These people aren't nice.

Alexander990 09-06-12 17:30

bla bla bla sorry

Zebra 09-06-12 17:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6244531)
I don't get people.

In case anyone was wondering, Lara nearly gets raped for the purpose of nearly getting raped.

Why does she fall on a spike? Why does a wolf attack her? Why do men shoot at her?

These people aren't nice.

They aren't :confused:? But...they seemed so likable in the trailer.


larafan25 10-06-12 03:19

Campfire Quaffers

Stevo505 10-06-12 03:33


larafan25 10-06-12 04:04

Lool moar.

Owy Luru's turn to get le jokes un hur. :(

just*raidin*tomb 10-06-12 04:05

Funny, but you made Lara sound like an idiot. :vlol:

larafan25 10-06-12 04:06

Lol, it's her facial expression in that one shot, makes her looks like she should talk stupid.

Stevo505 10-06-12 04:09

Now make her rip it out ._.

larafan25 10-06-12 04:11


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6245916)
Now make her rip it out ._.

Tap tap tap tap.

I had one of the shots being of her pulling it out, but I liked the one of her sitting up better.

:}hello friend 10-06-12 05:34

Was their gameplay with the wolf? Where is it?

just*raidin*tomb 10-06-12 05:59


Originally Posted by :}hello friend (Post 6246016)
Was their gameplay with the wolf? Where is it?

No...? lol

And larafan25, your avi. lolol

:}hello friend 11-06-12 01:54


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6246027)
No...? lol

Just checking :pi:

Alexander990 11-06-12 16:41

new interview article

Weemanply109 11-06-12 17:42


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6245868)


Post of the thread, tbh.

Mikky 11-06-12 17:45

Ooops, wrong thread.

Lara's boobs are nice. (:

Gamd1011 11-06-12 18:10


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6248946)

OMG! :vlol:

One of the comments there:

Weemanply109 11-06-12 18:14

^:vlol: I just seen that on the comments and facepalm'd at the stupidity of the initial commenter.

NRO. 11-06-12 18:31


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6248946)

Okay, one thing in this really pissed me off.

You [cd] have not continued the story for the last 15 years. Core did, then six years ago you came in. Stop hogging the credit you drunk.

Also, TR was the second game in 3D. Mario was first.

Weemanply109 11-06-12 18:34


just*raidin*tomb 11-06-12 18:37


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6249144)
Okay, one thing in this really pissed me off.

You [cd] have not continued the story for the last 15 years. Core did, then six years ago you came in. Stop hogging the credit you drunk.

Also, TR was the second game in 3D. Mario was first.

I don't think they need to state the obvious. And yes Tomb Raider was known as one of the very first games with groundbreaking 3 dimensional graphics.

I love how some of you get so defensive over this stuff. I'm still waiting for someone to freak out about how he said Lora.

Weemanply109 11-06-12 18:42

^You're making an overreaction out of an overreaction, tbh.

just*raidin*tomb 11-06-12 18:45


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6249167)
^You're making an overreaction out of an overreaction, tbh.



NRO. 11-06-12 18:48

#justsaying. =/

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:04


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6249179)
#justsaying. =/

Your attitude towards the game has changed so much since last year. Spong has taken over her mind :eek:

NRO. 11-06-12 19:11


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6249214)
Your attitude towards the game has changed so much since last year. Spong has taken over her mind :eek:

It's just that I don't trust CD. =/ I was so excited for Trunderworld, and it turned out to be a letdown.


Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:14


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6249224)
It's just that I don't trust CD. =/ I was so excited for Trunderworld, and it turned out to be a letdown.


True. But Karl is leading it so it must be good :mis: :p

Weemanply109 11-06-12 19:24

Oh, guys.

Gabi just sent me a PM with an interesting announcement. :mis:

Not sure if I'm allowed to quote PM's without the other member's consent, though. So I'll have to wait.

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:25


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6249261)
Oh, guys.

Gabi just sent me a PM with an interesting announcement. :mis:

You're banned? :ton:

Weemanply109 11-06-12 19:26


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6249263)
You're banned? :ton:

I'm still here, bew. :mis:

It relates to the game and the forums.

Nemo_91 11-06-12 19:26


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6249263)
You're banned? :ton:

I wouldn't be surprised.

Mikky 11-06-12 19:26


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6249261)
Oh, guys.

Gabi just sent me a PM with an interesting announcement. :mis:

Not sure if I'm allowed to quote PM's without the other member's consent, though. So I'll have to wait.

You iz lying. :pi:

NRO. 11-06-12 19:27

OMG! She sent me one too! :jmp:

Weemanply109 11-06-12 19:27


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6249268)
I wouldn't be surprised.


I'm not that innocent. Okay?

Also, I'm not that evil either.

Gurl, bye.

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