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Tomb_of_Darkns 16-07-12 17:05

Yeah i'll drink to that! :p

And so will Karl :pi:

TRexbait 16-07-12 18:13

I'm just waiting for March 5, the reveal of the Collector's Edition, and more of that "The Final Hours" stuff.

SpyrosMonster 16-07-12 19:07

lol! Look what I made for my iPhone! xD it needs some fixing though...


Tomb_of_Darkns 16-07-12 19:08

Cool stuff! :tmb:

SpyrosMonster 16-07-12 19:08


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6328688)
Cool stuff! :tmb:

thanks :p

Khaled 16-07-12 20:30

Perfect .

just*raidin*tomb 16-07-12 21:00


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6328277)
*Reads* He mentioned Batman - it's already getting even annoying.
He also said there would be a surprise coming that has to do with tombs :jmp:

Probably when she stumbles into her first tomb, which I would actual like to be a surprise. :/

I must resist.

larafan25 16-07-12 21:02





We're seeing a tomb surprise wat?

just*raidin*tomb 16-07-12 21:05

According to some interview. I didn't even read it. I'm just going by what he/she said.

larafan25 16-07-12 21:06

I read it.

There is a special surprise coming up, says Karl, in response to a comment "there aren't any tombs" or something.


Love2Raid 16-07-12 21:50

I wonder what it is...

I wonder if there will be 'actual tombs' or just small shrines and stuff like that. According to the menu in the demo, there was supposed to be a tomb in that area. All I could see was some wooden shack or something with a locked door. I guess that was the tomb. :/

Tomb_of_Darkns 16-07-12 21:53


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6329199)
I wonder what it is...

I wonder if there will be 'actual tombs' or just small shrines and stuff like that. According to the menu in the demo, there was supposed to be a tomb in that area. All I could see was some wooden shack or something with a locked door. I guess that was the tomb. :/

I really hope it's not like a small room and they expect that to be a "tomb."

I have hope because when they talk about her stumbling into her first tomb, it will be an "A-ha!" moment, so hopefully all the other tombs will be of the same merit.

Tomb_of_Darkns 16-07-12 22:01

Sorry for the double post, but was this posted?

It has a little bit of Camilla and Karl and TR of course

lcroft_lc 17-07-12 05:03

Karl's Tweet:

At SFO with @blijack ready to hit London for a few days of work. Gonna visit the Designing 007 exhibit @barbicancenter
I guess Karl will mention James Bond more after he returns from 007 exhibit. :pi:

Carbonek_0051 17-07-12 05:48


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6329199)
I wonder if there will be 'actual tombs' or just small shrines and stuff like that. According to the menu in the demo, there was supposed to be a tomb in that area. All I could see was some wooden shack or something with a locked door. I guess that was the tomb. :/

Yeah, but there is also areas people playing the demo didn't explore. There were multiple spots I saw places you could go off the path and look.

ItIsOkBro 17-07-12 05:54

I've finally come to the conclusion that the hub system is the best thing ever. So you can tell your linear story but still have open-ended exploration. Are there any other games with this type of layout? Closest I can think off is X-Men Legend games where hubs would be the starting chapter basecamps.

Carbonek_0051 17-07-12 05:55


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6329645)
I've finally come to the conclusion that the hub system is the best thing ever. So you can tell your linear story but still have open-ended exploration. Are there any other games with this type of layout? Closest I can think off is X-Men Legend games where hubs would be the starting chapter basecamps.

Batman: Arkham Asylum & Batman: Arkham City both have a linear story but are full of exploration. Both use hub systems of sorts.

LNSNHGTDS 17-07-12 06:27


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6329617)
Karl's Tweet:

I guess Karl will mention James Bond more after he returns from 007 exhibit. :pi:


James Bond has never ever amused me to be honest, dat was Lara 's place all along :ohn: !

JsotoTRSaga 17-07-12 06:55


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6329046)
There is a special surprise coming up, says Karl, in response to a comment "there aren't any tombs" or something.

I think i have figured out what is the surprise with the Tombs! Inside of the tomb we will have to find something like in all of the past tr games but this time that something will be something very Important at least to Karl is :p a very Fresh and Refreshing....

Beer :D

MyRaider4Life 17-07-12 06:56


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6329223)
Sorry for the double post, but was this posted?

It has a little bit of Camilla and Karl and TR of course


Stevo505 17-07-12 09:56

So when are they announcing the composer?

lcroft_lc 17-07-12 13:24


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6329832)
So when are they announcing the composer?

I thought you know the answer, SOON. ;)

WWETombRaider 17-07-12 21:33

@11:30 Camilla and Karl on IGN Start. (Californication scene also brought up, I was like o_0)

TippingWater 18-07-12 04:56

My only complain with this game is it's length (10 hours). I am really afraid that is going to be too short :o. I cannot help but feel sad especially when I read that RE6 will be 30 hours :o for example I really wish Tomb Raider could be at least half as long.

JsotoTRSaga 18-07-12 05:03

TR Will be a 10+ :) not only 10 i Have my hopes up for it to be at least 13 hours or even 15 which will be outstanding :tmb:

TippingWater 18-07-12 10:20


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6331249)
TR Will be a 10+ :) not only 10 i Have my hopes up for it to be at least 13 hours or even 15 which will be outstanding :tmb:

I hope that you are right, but sadly I think this is wishful thinking more than anything else :o.

JsotoTRSaga 18-07-12 11:20

Well knowing CD you may be right to some point. Maybe they say 10+ hours and then it turns up to be 11 Hours only :o

lcroft_lc 18-07-12 11:44

It could be 10 hours and 1 minute.

klona 18-07-12 11:48


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6331497)
Well knowing CD you may be right to some point. Maybe they say 10+ hours and then it turns up to be 11 Hours only :o

They didn't lie then, they said it was over 10 hours. :p

TRexbait 18-07-12 17:57

Collector's Edition
When do you think we're getting the reveal of the collector's edition?
What do you want in it?
And, very important, how much do you think it'll cost?

just*raidin*tomb 18-07-12 18:29


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6331505)
It could be 10 hours and 1 minute.

It depends on your play style. There is definitely not a specific number. It's not going to be the same for anyone.

For someone that just zooms right through it, I wouldn't be surprised if it was 7 or 8 hours long. And someone who zooms right through probably has all hints on and everything on easy because they hate not knowing what they're doing.

Someone who plays the game with all hints off and on hard mode, obviously its going to be a quite a bit more challenging. There are going to be more deaths, plus loads of exploration and side quests if the player's style is a bit slow and s/he likes to go looking around and experimenting and finding the side tombs. In that case it may be about 13 or 14 hours long.

It just depends. It's no specific.

lcroft_lc 18-07-12 18:38

+1. Yes. And I want to see everything, I want to jump on everything I find and I want to spend minutes and hours in a single space to see everything of it. And if I love any place I might return to enjoy the view multiple times later with basecamp system. Also will experiment some stuffs like Lara's death, what happens when I miss QTE's etc. It might take my game 16 to 17 hours or more if I can be able to play it. :)

ItIsOkBro 18-07-12 18:42

I really think zooming through will take 10 hours because some reviewers and players will zoom through and they're gonna be like hurhurhur Karl lied the game is shorter if they don't get 10 hours. And at Comic Con Karl said something like "we've done focus testing and the game is coming in well over (10 hours)".

Kelly Craftman 18-07-12 18:44


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6332066)
I really think zooming through will take 10 hours because some reviewers and players will zoom through and they're gonna be like hurhurhur Karl lied the game is shorter if they don't get 10 hours. And at Comic Con Karl said something like "we've done focus testing and the game is coming in well over (10 hours)".

beta testing I think he said :p
But a lot can be cut/ changed from the game.

Linoshi Croft 18-07-12 18:46

Considering the importance of the story, I doubt much if anything will be cut.

ItIsOkBro 18-07-12 18:48


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6332072)
beta testing I think he said :p
But a lot can be cut/ changed from the game.

That makes more sense :o

Kelly Craftman 18-07-12 18:51


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6332075)
Considering the importance of the story, I doubt much if anything will be cut.

Never know, they're could be some side stories or something.

Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6332080)
That makes more sense :o

Haha it's okay :p :hug:

TippingWater 18-07-12 18:51


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6331505)
It could be 10 hours and 1 minute.


lcroft_lc 18-07-12 18:57


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6332072)
beta testing I think he said :p
But a lot can be cut/ changed from the game.

About two or three hours will be cut and then renamed to Tomb Raider DLC. ;)

TRexbait 18-07-12 21:07

They've already said that they're not cutting stuff and making it DLC. :rolleyes:

Not sure if you're just trolling or not though...

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