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Heartache 04-12-12 18:50

roth im coming xD ill never be able to play that part now, without thinking of this video

[Xmas] 04-12-12 18:50


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6549430)

OMG :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: I'm glad CD never considered adding scenes like these :p Wait, they did =_='

LNSNHGTDS 04-12-12 18:51


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6549444)
OMG :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: I'm glad CD never considered adding scenes like these :p Wait, they did =_='

Don't tell me you're talking about the "rape" :p ...

Lukass 04-12-12 18:54


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6549430)

Oh - MY - GOD!!!!

:vlol: :vlol: :vlol: !!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

klona 04-12-12 19:03


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6549430)

I hate you. ;-;

Underhoe 04-12-12 19:05


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6549471)
I hate you. ;-;

With all these moans in the game, you can only expect more of such videos after the release. :p

Lara holic 04-12-12 19:07


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6549430)

OMG! :vlol::vlol::vlol:, so hilarious, good job :tmb:.

Gamd1011 04-12-12 19:08


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6549430)


tampi 04-12-12 19:08


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6549430)

_Tomb_Raider 04-12-12 19:11


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6549191)
Am a bit lost in the forums 'cause of so many new threads? Was this the video we've been waiting? :)

:cln: OMG....EPIC!!

tampi 04-12-12 19:21

^^This was the second video that I saw today and is one of the best I have seen so far. :tmb:

just*raidin*tomb 04-12-12 21:17

There is another Q&A thread for grabs on the Eidos forums.

Here are my questions:

1. What was the thought process behind Lara's constant panting and grunting? It seems in nearly every scene she's almost having an asthma attack (maybe bit of an exaggeration). I understand that you want to make her more believable and you want to convey that she's having a hard time, but I feel it often becomes very distracting from the actual scene and hurts Lara's character and the story. Is there ever a point where you look at a scene and go "this is way too much, guys. we need to tone this down a bit"?

2. I've noticed some very noticeable white ledges in the new footage. I understand that you do this so that it can appeal to mainstream gamers as well, but I have yet to see another game that does this to such an extent. There are many games out there that pull off great traversal without the need for white ledges. If the game has what you coin "dynamic traversal" then is there really a need to hand-hold the player when you can choose your own path and use survival instinct as well?

I hope that at least my 2nd gets answered. :o

Lukass 04-12-12 21:21

^ I hope your second question get answered. I'd ask the same.

Emix 04-12-12 21:22


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6549769)
^ I hope your second question get answered. I'd ask the same.


Spong 04-12-12 23:42

Has everyone calmed down now and stopped unnecessarily hating on the graphics?

Stevo505 04-12-12 23:47

I'm pretty sure Uncharted had way more white/obvious ledges :p

just*raidin*tomb 04-12-12 23:54


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6550078)
I'm pretty sure Uncharted had way more white/obvious ledges :p

Yeah but they weren't an eyesore and actually fit in with the architecture/environment very well. They weren't blinding white. If fact, they weren't white at all. And with the game being so linear, it didn't matter.

Weemanply109 05-12-12 00:00

^Tell it, sis.

Tommy123 05-12-12 03:08

I'm a tad bit disappointed by the wolf den scene...expected more...scary

The1andOnlyTR 05-12-12 03:44


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6550354)
I'm a tad bit disappointed by the wolf den scene...expected more...scary

I thought it was intense as ****! I only expected her to stab him once, not a hundred times. :p :cln:i

skylark1121 05-12-12 04:17


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6550372)
I thought it was intense as ****! I only expected her to stab him once, not a hundred times. :p :cln:i

I was pleasantly surprised by the repetitive stabbing :cln:

TippingWater 05-12-12 04:26


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6550354)
I'm a tad bit disappointed by the wolf den scene...expected more...scary

They did not show the full cave in the footage, there is more building up before the scene

The1andOnlyTR 05-12-12 04:32


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6550385)
I was pleasantly surprised by the repetitive stabbing :cln:

I was, too! :yik: <--- Literally my face the whole time.

Tommy123 05-12-12 05:16


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6550372)
I thought it was intense as ****! I only expected her to stab him once, not a hundred times. :p :cln:i

now THAT part i liked i was like "DAYUM"

skylark1121 05-12-12 06:38


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6550397)
I was, too! :yik: <--- Literally my face the whole time.


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6550414)
now THAT part i liked i was like "DAYUM"

Yes! It confirmed the whole "gritty" gameplay aspect. :D

Anyway, I bet the hour long demo they're going to show is going to be footage of the shanty town and the tomb it leads to. :cool:

TippingWater 05-12-12 06:45


skylark1121 05-12-12 06:50

^ OMMGGG! :vlol:

Stevo505 05-12-12 06:57


TippingWater 05-12-12 06:58


In many ways, Tomb Raider feels fresh, daring, and exciting; in other ways, I worry that neither its ideas nor its creators will be capable of fully realizing their goals. What I can say—with certainty—is that while my expectations for Tomb Raider are now a little more realistic, my excitement is still just as genuine.


By the same token though, the de facto set piece moments seem to represent the new Tomb Raider at its weakest. Once again, Uncharted is an inevitable point of comparison here, and Tomb Raider’s action generally pales in comparison to its descendant. Lara doesn’t animate quite as well as Nathan Drake, the action feels a bit clumsier, and the set pieces aren’t quite as creative.

But the extremely violent action doesn't give the writers any room to explore this. Within minutes, we're whisked from Lara calming her trembling hands with a gasp of "I can do this!" to calmly popping off headshots (for bonus XP) or bashing bad guys in the face with a rock as a melee finisher. And then we're whisked back to the frail young thing again, with a weak reference to "working the late shift at the Nine Bells" explaining away her homicidal aptitude.

But what makes Tomb Raider so especially disappointing is that Crystal Dynamics fails to translate the gritty "survivalist" approach to Tomb Raider to gameplay. The hunting sequence seen at E3 is a one-shot only affair. Lara notes her hunger, kills a deer, and never speaks of food ever again

Setznua 05-12-12 07:10


TippingWater 05-12-12 07:13

People are really negative towards this game :o. Oh my.. Can't say I disagree...


First time an IGN comment has been spot on.
The origin story is ****ing ridiculous and ludicrous. None of this promises to feed into her becoming Lara Croft. At all.

The devs missed the point of Casino Royale entirely.

This should be Lara's first Tomb Raid; seemingly safe adventuring and things go to ****.
Instead she becomes Lara Croft not by her own ambitions but because men made her.

Its a stupid story and a stupid idea that makes for a horrible origins story.

So she (I assume) will narrowly escape an island were all her friends died and she was chased, almost raped and murdered and was forced to kill on multiple occasions and then just goes right back out there for more. The next one needs to start with her in therapy.

I think they have lost all sense as to why Tomb Raider and in effect Lara Croft was so appealing and fun.

So sad.

Graphic violence, bad language, gritty art, brutal finishing moves, shaky-cam quick time events

Oh modern gaming, you're so goddamned EDGY!

CBS_TombRaider 05-12-12 07:17


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6550459)
People are really negative towards this game :o. Oh my.. Can't say I disagree...



I want to ask whether you found those easily or with at least a little difficulty, but I fear I know the answer. This makes me sad though; I'm still incredibly excited for the game - I wish other people were too.

Were any of you guys here for the Underworld campaign, and did it go similar? :B

TippingWater 05-12-12 07:20


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6550460)
I want to ask whether you found those easily or with at least a little difficulty, but I fear I know the answer. This makes me sad though; I'm still incredibly excited for the game.

Were any of you guys here for the Underworld campaign, and did it go similar? :B

Oh yes, it was similar :o. Underworld made me dislike Tomb Raider. I don't know why they made such a crap game. I wouldn't even minded having another game like Legend or Anniversary, at least those two were fun and had variety. People call AoD a bad game, but Underworld lacked even in the story department.

BTW new interview with Daniel Bisson


From what we've played, we are a little disappointed, but because of all this money in our pockets we are still making sure that there is a positive tone to our review.

Crystal Dynamics isn't making a game full of stone levers and intimidating ancient decor, and I was completely fine with that. In two hours of playing Tomb Raider, I had already wrestled with more emotions than I had with any prior entry in the series

"Wrestled with more emotions..." My God, what I am even reading? This game, I don't even anymore.

Sometimes I cry when I scratch my balls, too much baggage to carry.
It would be funny if they refereed to another game :(.


Is it just me, or are the jump animations a little wonky?

What kills me about this game, is that its supposed to be a "survival" game... But where is the survival? Is that purely a marketing line? I was expecting a Snake Eater style health and recovery system, game mechanics that require Lara to sustain herself. Puzzles that required some ingenuity and use of the environment to solve.

Turns out, it looks like survival is based on a story that tells you need to find a med pack. Go over there and quick time your way to surviving.


The1andOnlyTR 05-12-12 07:29

Stop posting negative reviews; They make me saaad. :( :p

TippingWater 05-12-12 07:30


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6550462)
Stop posting negative reviews; They make me saaad. :( :p

Yeah, they make me sad as well :(.


Just watched the VG247 gameplay video and my god the platforming looks so...casual. I know CD's Tomb Raiders aren't like the old games but this looks to be on a whole other level of easy. Doesn't appear my wish for another Anniversary type TR is gonna come to fruition.

A young ship wrecked Lara having to survive in a hostile island environment sounded good, but so far it seems like the game is way too "safe" for my tastes

Sounds awful, I'll just stay away from TR threads from now on.



just*raidin*tomb 05-12-12 07:32

You've really appealed to those mainstream gamers haven't you, Crystal? :tmb:

Stevo505 05-12-12 07:36

Is the game supposed to be super hard right at the beginning? Not listening to these opinions.

MyRaider4Life 05-12-12 07:38

I don't understand how they can judge the whole traversal system on about 40 seconds of ACTUAL traversal...

This is why I hate the public. They're all so stubborn and base their opinions on the smallest clip or piece of information they've received. It's ****ing annoying.

just*raidin*tomb 05-12-12 07:43

Well its not like everyone sits around and views every piece of media under the sun. Maybe Crystal should be showing off something of substance. Something that sets this game apart from other games.

My expectations for this game have plummeted these last couple days. With everything I read or watch, I can see this possibly turning into an unsuccessful and pointless reboot.

Stevo505 05-12-12 07:44


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6550470)
Well its not like everyone sits around and views every piece of media under the sun. Maybe Crystal should be showing off something of substance. Something that sets this game apart from other games.

My expectations for this game have plummeted these last couple days. With everything I read or watch, I can see this possibly turning into an unsuccessful and pointless reboot.

Would you rather they kept up the dying Legend/Underworld style, or just have let the series die out? I'm grateful they're at least trying to let Tomb Raider shine again.

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