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James_Rutland 29-01-13 20:55

The graphics look ALOT smoother in the french video (not the youtube link, thats an earlier build) and her ponytail doesn't look as much like a squirrel getting attacked :D

5 weeks today!!

Loco 29-01-13 20:56


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6627271)
Not really, Lara's short :p.

Yeah but this guy is still huge. Or maybe he is wearing something... i don't know what really. :D

Peep Show 29-01-13 21:16

Does anyone have a HD download for the E3 parachute demo? I really want it since all the videos on youtube are pretty blurry even though they claim to be "HD" or even a stream that is really HD would do the job.

Mikky 29-01-13 21:23


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6627368)
Does anyone have a HD download for the E3 parachute demo? I really want it since all the videos on youtube are pretty blurry even though they claim to be "HD" or even a stream that is really HD would do the job.

Look for it on (just type in Tomb Raider on their search engine). The quality is really good.

Peep Show 29-01-13 21:26


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6627389)
Look for it on (just type in Tomb Raider on their search engine). The quality is really good.

thx i'll try to find it.

Mikky 29-01-13 21:33


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6627396)
thx i'll try to find it.

In case you can't find it.

Under the video, there is a download link to download it as an MP4 file, 720p. But trust me when I say it's true 720p HD quality, not the crappy 720p youtube videos have. It looks great.

Also, you'll need to log in to download it, but if you don't have an account, you can just sign in using Facebook or Twitter.

FearEffect 29-01-13 21:34

Not super, I mixed the one from the trailer with the new..

Cristina 29-01-13 21:34


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6627284)
Is this new gameplay or something? I've never seen it before? Does anyone know where I can find the video for it?

She looks alot like the AOD lara or they edited the lightning? :p

Peep Show 29-01-13 21:35


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6627407)
In case you can't find it.

Under the video, there is a download link to download it as an MP4 file, 720p. But trust me when I say it's true 720p HD quality, not the crappy 720p youtube videos have. It looks great.

Also, you'll need to log in to download it, but if you don't have an account, you can just sign in using Facebook or Twitter.

Okay thanks!

TheShadowOfMe 29-01-13 21:38


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6627408)

Not super, I mixed the one from the trailer with the new..

I love it... :)
Can't wait for real version... :O
It's gonna be awesomeeee!!!!!!!!!! :D

LNSNHGTDS 29-01-13 21:40


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6627408)

Not super, I mixed the one from the trailer with the new..

So, you can create awesome wallpapers, you can fix boy-Lara and you can make awesome soundtrack remixes too. Is there anything you can't do :p ?!

It's really nice :D .

Peep Show 29-01-13 21:42


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6627408)

Not super, I mixed the one from the trailer with the new..

Is it weird that I know all the words of the survivor trailer?

TippingWater 29-01-13 21:42


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6627408)

Not super, I mixed the one from the trailer with the new..

I love you! :D:hug:

TheShadowOfMe 29-01-13 21:43


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6627424)
Is it weird that I know all the words of the survivor trailer?

Nope... :D

You're not alone... :D

Spong 29-01-13 22:00


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6627424)
Is it weird that I know all the words of the survivor trailer?

No. When I was a teenager, I knew the entire script to Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2, I could watch both films in my head. Ultimately pointless, but you do that sort of thing when you're a teenager :p

FearEffect 29-01-13 22:01

Thank you all


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6627421)
So, you can create awesome wallpapers, you can fix boy-Lara and you can make awesome soundtrack remixes too. Is there anything you can't do :p ?!

It's really nice :D .

Thanks :hug::hug:


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6627469)
No. When I was a teenager, I knew the entire script to Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2, I could watch both films in my head.


GUMI 29-01-13 22:03


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6627469)
No. When I was a teenager, I knew the entire script to Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2, I could watch both films in my head. Ultimately pointless, but you do that sort of thing when you're a teenager :p

I know the entire Silent Hill (Movie and SH3) script in mah head guuuurrrlll

LNSNHGTDS 29-01-13 22:05

Biatches, I can play the whole TRilogy (with all secrets plus Manors) , tell Tekken's full story, watch video clips of eleven songs and the first episode of The Vampire Diaries in my head :ohn: !

Spong 29-01-13 22:07


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6627476)
Biatches, I can play the whole TRilogy (with all secrets plus Manors) , tell Tekken's full story, watch video clips of eleven songs and the first episode of The Vampire Diaries in my head :ohn: !

And in fifteen years' time you'll look back on that and cringe, much like I do with the Ghostbusters thing ;):p

LNSNHGTDS 29-01-13 22:08


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6627478)
And in fifteen years' time you'll look back on that and cringe, much like I do with the Ghostbusters thing ;):p

I hope that I'll still be a fan of all of these by then... though you'll propably right, but I won't accept it for now :p !

GUMI 29-01-13 22:10


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6627476)
Biatches, I can play the whole TRilogy (with all secrets plus Manors) , tell Tekken's full story, watch video clips of eleven songs and the first episode of The Vampire Diaries in my head :ohn: !

I can AOD, Portal1/2, Every song by Anneke Van Giersbergen and everything said in the demo's for the new TR :ohn:

LNSNHGTDS 29-01-13 22:11


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6627484)
I can AOD, Portal1/2, Every song by Anneke Van Giersbergen and everything said in the demo's for the new TR :ohn:

Oh oes, gurl beat me, let's go Zen mode.

I like chickens :) . I wanted one as a pet a year ago :) .

GUMI 29-01-13 22:16


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6627488)
Oh oes, gurl beat me, let's go Zen mode.

Told 'Ya

Billy959 29-01-13 22:41

Bitch Please you basic bitches! I can rewrite the LAU trilogy AoD,Britney's for the record,both Iron Maiden documentaries and I even memorized russians songs by t.a.t.u and I don't even know russian!

You wish you were awesome
As me

j/k! Memorizing those things is the proof I'm a social disaster

Mikky 29-01-13 22:43

Wow, and I thought I was sad for knowing every line in LAU. :p

LNSNHGTDS 29-01-13 22:44

As a matter of fact I can sing a Korean song and a Japanese one, and I don't know wither language :p . I have also memorised verses from Chinese, Japanese and Korean songs xD .

t.A.T.u. rock :cool:

Billy959 29-01-13 22:47


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6627527)
As a matter of fact I can sing a Korean song and a Japanese one, and I don't know wither language :p . I have also memorised verses from Chinese, Japanese and Korean songs xD .

t.A.T.u. rock :cool:

Yeah! They rock! It sucks I can't learn russian that easily tho!


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6627525)
Wow, and I thought I was sad for knowing every line in LAU. :p

Oh Mikky! You have no idea:( I'm such a disaster!

Mikky 29-01-13 22:51


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6627533)
Oh Mikky! You have no idea:( I'm such a disaster!

Nah, don't worry. I find geekiness in people an endearing quality. :p

Alister's_Brain 29-01-13 22:52

You should remix the Cliff Lin Music with some of the tomb raider ones. It works so well/has the same tone.

I sing the song in the shower everyday~

Tonyrobinson 29-01-13 23:44

I am guessing this next five weeks will be packed full of goodness. Looking forward to the last push in promotion! :D

We need more multiplayer modes revealed, episodes of Guide to Survival, podcasts and a launch trailer along with another Final hours episode. It should all be pretty good and compared to the last three installments there isn't that much spoilers so it should be pretty fresh. :jmp:

This next month should be the final sales push to the masses. :)

Billy959 29-01-13 23:45


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6627536)
Nah, don't worry. I find geekiness in people an endearing quality. :p

OH!! :hug:

Tonyrobinson 30-01-13 00:05

Just read this on GAME for the description of the product. Sounds pretty good! :D


Lara Croft has been raiding tombs and taking names since she first appeared in the original Tomb Raider in 1996. But 2013 sees Lara get a Hollywood-style refresh, rebooting the character and the series for today's gaming audience.

Tomb Raider introduces a new, younger Lara Croft. This Lara is 21, fresh out of university and on her first archaeological expedition. She's seeking out the fabled island of Yamatai when she and her colleagues are shipwrecked in the "Dragon's Triangle" somewhere off the coast of Japan.

This is far from the confident raider of tombs seen in earlier games, but a vulnerable – yet resourceful – young woman, who must survive the various elements of this mysterious island. The events of Tomb Raider will see Lara grow from innocent girl to hardened survivor.

Lara's story is told in a dynamic and cinematic visual style. This mysterious island is brought to life with treacherous terrain and moody weather, with handheld-style camera work complete with lens-flares and rain splashes adding to the realism of Lara's plight. This is a much more mature story than in previous Tomb Raider titles.

Tomb Raider offers new challenges and gameplay for newcomers and series veterans to experience. The classic action-platforming of the franchise are still present, combined with elements of exploration, survival, stealth and physics-based puzzles.

The mysterious island of Yamatai is the perfect breeding ground for all of these gameplay elements to come together. The island is home to some very strange, very savage inhabitants, as well as a band of unscrupulous scavengers who Lara must face in order to survive. These hostile enemies are a driving force in the main single-player campaign, their actions dictating what Lara must do to save herself – and her friends

But the inhabitants aren't the only surprises the island brings. Legend tells that Yamatai was once ruled by a queen with shamanistic powers and an army of samurai, and the strange symbols and 'Shrines' – side missions with mini tombs to raid and puzzles to solve - suggest that there may indeed be truth to this legend.

As well as the many challenges that the island throws at Lara, Tomb Raider introduces levelling-up gameplay, another first for the series. Lara can (and must) salvage tools, weapons and resources in order to face the threats of the island, taking what she needs from the animals, people and crates scattered around the island. Tomb Raider also allows Lara to earn and upgrade her skills and abilities as the game progresses. But even these upgrades don't come easily – weapons and skills must be learnt and honed in order to be used successfully.

Tomb Raider also includes a wealth of multiplayer modes to further enhance your experience of the island. These team-based options include Team Deathmatch, pitting a team of Lara's Surviving Allies against a team of Scavengers in maps that are filled with the same perils and pitfalls you would expect from a Tomb Raider Game. There's also Rescue, a more adventure-based battle where the Survivors must collect and deliver med-packs while the Scavengers must reach a certain number of kills. In all the multiplayer modes, you can earn XP and advance and upgrade your characters. The multiplayer modes were developed by Eidos Montreal, the studio responsible for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Tomb Raider has already coveted over 40 awards at E3 2011 and E3 2012, including IGN's Best Action Game in 2011, Game of Show and People's Choice in 2012 and Best Trailer both years. Expectations are high for this game which is already garnering praise from critics and all corners of the industry.

skylark1121 30-01-13 00:07


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6627611)
I am guessing this next five weeks will be packed full of goodness. Looking forward to the last push in promotion! :D

We need more multiplayer modes revealed, episodes of Guide to Survival, podcasts and a launch trailer along with another Final hours episode. It should all be pretty good and compared to the last three installments there isn't that much spoilers so it should be pretty fresh. :jmp:

This next month should be the final sales push to the masses. :)

I know! It's so exciting!! :D

I wonder if they're going to reveal anything new about single player before release. I kind of hope not, because I feel so spoiled, tbh. :p

I'm also wondering if the game is completely finished. It probably is. I've heard that games complete development 6 weeks before release. :)

Tonyrobinson 30-01-13 00:11

I would say it should be finished if not soon. Five weeks to go I'd expect in three weeks time the reviewers should be getting their early copies. :)

TheShadowOfMe 30-01-13 00:30

If the game is finished, I wanna see final build of Scavangers den... At least 5 mins... Just to see improvements... :/

Peep Show 30-01-13 00:31

I hope they don't show any SP footage anymore and if they do i'm not watching it, i've seen enough to know that the game is amazing.

TheRCroft 30-01-13 00:32


The island is home to some very strange, very savage inhabitants, as well as a band of unscrupulous scavengers
I thought the "savage inhabitants" were the scavengers..

James_Rutland 30-01-13 00:33


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6627669)
If the game is finished, I wanna see final build of Scavangers den... At least 5 mins... Just to see improvements... :/

Nononono, I want to experience it for myself :o

TheShadowOfMe 30-01-13 00:36


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6627676)
Nononono, I want to experience it for myself :o

But just 5 mins... Nothing spoilish, just to see lightning or something like that... :)
Or at least screenshots of final build in cave (PC screenshots :p ) :D

James_Rutland 30-01-13 00:39


Originally Posted by TheShadowOfMe (Post 6627681)
But just 5 mins... Nothing spoilish, just to see lightning or something like that... :)
Or at least screenshots of final build in cave (PC screenshots :p ) :D

I doubt we'll see the den now.

CD's promotion idea it seems, was to introduce us to Lara as a whole new character. We see her in the den, then, closer to release, we see her become the Lara we know, chasing after her friends further inland.
Maybe in the launch trailer perhaps :)

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