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Titak 24-04-17 11:25

Oh duh... never mind then. :vlol:
My Mayvacation has started. Let's just say I'm not quite awake because its vacation. :vlol:

OverRaider 27-04-17 18:31

Using TRNG

Something suspicious about:


Has anyone encountered something unusual when using this script command? Took me quite a while till I figured out that this command is probably buggy. When going into inventory or pause the game the screen is blinking/flickering in random split seconds, but what is worst (it`s not 100% it`s only an assumption) that very rarely it changes the background music! I mean if I enter inventory the background music changes, or if I pause the game or if I use f5 f6 to save/load game etc... As I said, this happens very rarely, but still unsure if it really is this command causing it, but since I removed it the flickering/blinking of the oinventory screen doesn`t happen anymore and neither I`ve encountered the audio change yet so...???? anybody anything more about this?

Titak 27-04-17 20:51

This really is the thread for reporting confirmed bugs.
Since you are not absolutely sure, this is best posted somewhere else, like and new thread or the TRNG chat thread, so people can test and see if it happens on their end as well.
Once it has been confrimed that this script is the culprit, it can be posted here.

OverRaider 28-04-17 05:48

Oh if so then sorry, I thought that here we can report/discuss potential bugs.. I am mostly trying to avoid creating new topics but anyway, this script is causing flickering of the inventory screen for 100% (or at least on my pc), I am just not 100% sure about the audio issue if it`s related to this or not though...

Titak 28-04-17 14:14

Report, yes.
Reporting confirmed bugs.

If anything is found that might be a bug and it needs to be discussed, that's what all the other threads are for. :D
Just to keep this thread as clean as possible so Paolone will have an easier time finding the real bugs that he might need to look into. :)

AkyV 28-04-17 15:33

Sometimes the game refuses to start. Sometimes, after updating plugin DLL or building the script or converting the project (but not always if I do these things).
I checked it with the log program:


0: WinRunCheck
This is what the whole log was.
I need to restart the computer or at least log out/in, to fix it.

tomb2player 02-05-17 16:21

I don't know if it's right thread for this kind of question, but. Is it possible to make something like "slide show" using images from PIX folder and organizers? It could be for example used for simply "cutscenes", that contain only images. Of course there is always possibility to do this as FMV, but there can be problems with them.

I wonder also if its possible to add using this method fancy effects like one image overlapping old one when coming on the screen, etc. Or only plain regular image swaps are possible.

I think that it's good idea for new tutorial for forum's tutorial section, if anyone is interested to write. :)

Titak 02-05-17 16:24

This thread is called TRNG - Bugs & Limitations Thread, so this is indeed not the right thread for this.

The general chat thread would be more suiteable.

tomb2player 02-05-17 16:26

Yes I agree, I will create new thread better.

DJ Full 02-05-17 19:22

Here's definitely a bug, of the "Script" tab of NG_Center:
If you press "go to bookmark" if no bookmarks exist, the program falls into endless, unbreakable search loop.
There's no other way to stop it than terminate the process, losing all changes since the last save.
Nothing big but can be annoying.

AkyV 09-10-17 17:30


More than one person has reported this buggy.

I don't know if this animated textures bug has already been reported:

LaraIsTheBest 18-01-18 21:39

Arrow tile.
My tile turns black instead of having a white arrow on it with TRNG. I didn't have that problem with TRLE. I'm sorry if this question annoys anyone. I'm very new to creating my own Tomb Raider Levels. I followed a 1 hour tutorial on youtube and I'm pretty much ready to go. Except for this small problem. Any help or pointers would be very much appreciated!!!! :):):)

Titak 18-01-18 22:38

That question is best asked in the general TRNG help and chat thread. :D
The issue you are having is not a bug in TRNG.

Looks like your main TRLE/TRNG folder is missing the EDGEPTR.PCX file.

LaraIsTheBest 19-01-18 04:58

thank you

Originally Posted by Titak (Post 7814082)
That question is best asked in the general TRNG help and chat thread. :D
The issue you are having is not a bug in TRNG.

Looks like your main TRLE/TRNG folder is missing the EDGEPTR.PCX file.

thank you titak I reposted it in the link you gave me. :):):):)

TR-Freak 06-02-18 09:16

The #Include Directive only works with a single whitespace between #include and the first "

If you have a tab between these (for example to align the script.txt), it will fail to open the #include with F5 and tells you that you are missing the "

tomb2player 06-02-18 18:37

I read some time ago that there is bug in new TRNG versions - if you load save too many times, game will have low framerate, am I correct? Can you tell me details about this bug, when it exactly happens and are there ways to avoid it? I am using currently TRNG and never encountered this bug so far. But if I will encounter and there is no any fix, I may be forced to switch back to

TR-Freak 06-02-18 20:34

I have tomb4.exe and trng.dll and I encounter this bug.

Something that's weird is that it occurs suddenly. The FPS don't drop with the time. They simply drop once to 3-5 FPS and are only this when playing the game. Title, Inventory, Options have normal FPS.

tomb2player 07-02-18 01:40

Thanks for answer. So another question - save is corrupted and new game is required when it happen, or restarting game will fix this? If second case, it's not that bad..

Titak 07-02-18 12:39

I use tomb4.exe and trng.dll and I do not encounter this bug. :D
Not with my own game and not with Sabatu's game.

Sabatu 08-02-18 13:04


Originally Posted by TR-Freak (Post 7819383)
I have tomb4.exe and trng.dll and I encounter this bug.

Something that's weird is that it occurs suddenly. The FPS don't drop with the time. They simply drop once to 3-5 FPS and are only this when playing the game. Title, Inventory, Options have normal FPS.

It happends in my game to QUest for immortality.. Btw. any solution ?

Ohh and well, can you share with me your laras sound fx :D they are amazing.. or at least tell me your source

tomb2player 08-02-18 15:36

If game is restarted bug disappear, or save game is corrupted and only new game fix this?

A_De 15-02-18 12:08

Not sure if this is described already, but in TRNG Action70 is buggy. There is <E> field is missing, so it can't be customized
Action itself:

; Set Trigger Type - ACTION 70
; Exporting: TRIGGER(70:0) for ACTION(621)
; <#> : BADDY_1                    ID 621    in sector (3,3) of 117-shop_storage_p2
; <&> : Enemy. (Physics) OVER Mode. Attract to South <#>Moveable with (E)speed
; (E) :
; Values to add in script command: $5000, 621, $46

Added: for some reason the distance conditions don't work with LARA_START_POS object, both C54 nor GT with GT_DISTANCE_FROM_ITEM flag.

JEYEM 12-10-18 13:03

I control bridge collision by overlapping C16 on bridge trigger.
A bridge collision can be disabled when the condition is false, and it can be enabled when the condition is true.
This is very applicable.

But in or later),
It does not work. Bridge collision is disable even if the condition is true.

I do not know if this is a bug. Does this issue will be fixed in the future?

Dustie 13-10-18 16:33


Originally Posted by JEYEM (Post 7998275)
Does this issue will be fixed in the future?

I wouldn't get my hopes up...

JEYEM 14-10-18 00:50

@ Dustie

Well, I think so too.
I will use

Thanks for the reply.:)

Dustie 15-10-18 09:33

Yeah, Paolone has not been active for a while and most likely will not continue TRNG.

maati139 29-07-19 20:07


When I'm opening the diary in game the audio on channel 2 is aborted. Is there a way to change that situation? I'm using

AkyV 29-07-19 21:04

Hi, Maati!
There's a chapter here about it.

maati139 29-07-19 22:42

Yeps, I've read it and didn't found the answer :(


Diary audio tracks:

The possible setups are:
No LDF_PLAY_TRACK, LDF_SILENT, BG_AUDIO: channel1 background loop track keeps playing while the diary is open. Channel2 foreground single track is aborted when the diary opens.
No LDF_PLAY_TRACK, LDF_SILENT, but there is BG_AUDIO: channel1 background loop track keeps playing while the diary is open. Channel2 foreground single track is aborted when the diary opens.
The track named in BG_AUDIO starts as a channel2 single track, each time when you turn the page to that page. The track is aborted when you turn the page to another page. The track continues if you close the diary when that track plays.
No LDF_PLAY_TRACK, BG_AUDIO, but there is LDF_SILENT: channel1 background loop track and channel2 foreground single track are aborted when the diary opens. Channel1 resumes (where it was interrupted from) when the diary closes.
No LDF_SILENT, BG_AUDIO, but there is LDF_PLAY_TRACK: channel1 background loop track keeps playing while the diary is open. Channel2 foreground single track is aborted when the diary opens.
The track named in LDF_PLAY_TRACK starts as a channel2 loop track each time when the diary opens. The track continues if you close the diary.
No LDF_PLAY_TRACK, but there is LDF_SILENT, BG_AUDIO: channel1 background loop track and channel2 foreground single track are aborted when the diary opens. Channel1 resumes (where it was interrupted from) when the diary closes.
The track named in BG_AUDIO starts as a channel2 single track, each time when you turn the page to that page. The track is aborted when you turn the page to another page, or if you close the diary.
No LDF_SILENT, but there is LDF_PLAY_TRACK and BG_AUDIO: channel1 background loop track keeps playing while the diary is open. Channel2 foreground single track is aborted when the diary opens.
The track named in LDF_PLAY_TRACK starts as a channel2 loop track each time when the diary opens – except if its is a page with BG_AUDIO -, or each time if you turn the page from a page with BG_AUDIO to a page without BG_AUDIO. The track is aborted when you turn the page to a page with BG_AUDIO. The track continues if you close the diary, when that track plays.
The track named in BG_AUDIO starts as a channel2 single track, each time when you turn the page to that page. The track is aborted when you turn the page to another page. The track continues if you close the diary when that track plays.
No BG_AUDIO, but there is LDF_PLAY_TRACK, LDF_SILENT: channel1 background loop track and channel2 foreground single track are aborted when the diary opens. Channel1 resumes (where it was interrupted from) when the diary closes.
The track named in LDF_PLAY_TRACK starts as a channel2 loop track each time when the diary opens. The track is aborted if you close the diary.
There is LDF_PLAY_TRACK, LDF_SILENT, BG_AUDIO: channel1 background loop track and channel2 foreground single track are aborted when the diary opens. Channel1 resumes (where it was interrupted from) when the diary closes.
The track named in LDF_PLAY_TRACK starts as a channel2 loop track each time when the diary opens – except if its is a page with BG_AUDIO -, or each time if you turn the page from a page with BG_AUDIO to a page without BG_AUDIO. The track is aborted when you turn the page to a page with BG_AUDIO, or if you close the diary.
The track named in BG_AUDIO starts as a channel2 single track, each time when you turn the page to that page. The track is aborted when you turn the page to another page, or if you close the diary.
I had hope that maybe there is a trick to avoid aborting audio on channel 2.

klona 31-07-19 09:06

Swap them.
Use a GT to play your looping background track on channel 2.
Use channel 1 to play your other tracks. Tracks that play on channel 1 won't be interrupted in the diary.

This way when the player leaves the diary the background track will continue in channel 2.

maati139 03-08-19 14:18


Originally Posted by klona (Post 8115950)
Swap them.
Use a GT to play your looping background track on channel 2.
Use channel 1 to play your other tracks. Tracks that play on channel 1 won't be interrupted in the diary.

This way when the player leaves the diary the background track will continue in channel 2.

Yeps, that smart idea and already I've made it this way few days ago :) Thanks anyway :)

TombRaiderTim 30-07-21 11:33

I have an odd issue currently with NG_Center where I request to update from on the control panel of the program and all I receive in the downloaded folder instead of "TRNG_Installer.exe" is something called "BaseFolder.bin" and nothing more.

loch 23-08-21 05:41

I've noticed there is a limitation with how many objects you can apply transparency to using an A53 trigger before these objects themselves start disappearing completely or the transparency is removed. Maybe its already been posted here I'm not sure...

I was using a number of movables in condition triggers using there transparency level as the condition. I then tried to use a movables current animation instead but this hasn't consistently been stable in save game memory on a reload.

I wonder does anyone have any other tricks that work for condition triggers other than using variables?

Cheers :)

justin 23-08-21 12:25

Very interesting to know about the transparency limit.

I always use the "creature is currently: active" condition for my globaltriggers, using random static movables that have no real animation (MIP objects are not savegame stable, though).

Hopefully this is some info that helps :)

loch 24-08-21 05:39

Ahuh! Nice one :D, I've given this a try with some mixed results.

Initially this wasn't working consistently for me, maybe its because I was using a bridgeflat as the 'static' moveable. I was using the conditions - 'is not yet activated' and' is dead' as I was 'killing' it so the collision and dummy trigger were removed. Instead I'm now using a +TGROUP_NOT 'living and that seems to work consistently so far.

I had the same problem surprisingly with a flame emitter. I tried all combinations of the living/active dead/inactive conditions and so far The game still thinks its active when I haven't triggered it so I will probably just use something else in this instance, Oh how I wish for another 100 or so variables to boss around :D
At least I'ts teaching me to be more efficient, but I would really like to have released this damn level a month ago at least by now lol.

justin 24-08-21 12:17

This is what we get for being so ambitious, Loch :vlol:

And yes, I originally also tried using Bridge_Flats with failed results! Then I tried MIPs with failed results. I've never had trouble with Smoke or Flame Emitters, though...

Either way, normal Animating 1-16 appear to be most savegame-stable for me for this trick :)

loch 25-08-21 02:20

Thats so good to see we are getting the same results. Its probably something I missed with the flame emitters but I got it to work with the 'killing' of the bridgeflat instead so I will leave that alone unless it doesnt hold.

Glad to see we can have confidence in the Animating objects also, thanks for that research ;)

maati139 18-11-21 00:30

Hi! Did anyone notice that shatter with ocb 1024 can be destroyed not only by explosives but also with shotgun? :confused: Also I'm not using Customize=CUST_SHATTER_SPECIFIC

Is this a bug from or it's just for my game? :confused:

justin 18-11-21 00:33


Originally Posted by maati139 (Post 8331474)
Hi! Did anyone notice that shatter with ocb 1024 can be destroyed not only by explosives but also with shotgun? :confused: Also I'm not using Customize=CUST_SHATTER_SPECIFIC

Is this a bug from or it's just for my game? :confused:

Hard shatter? Pretty sure that's normal behavior, unless there is an ocb specifically for explosive and anothef for hard shatter?

maati139 18-11-21 00:36

From NG_Center:
If you add 1024 to ocb of some shatter object you can increase its hardness and the static will be destroyed only by explosive ammo (not flash grenade), sphinks, jeep, sidecar and Rollingball (if it has correct OCB).

.. and it should be destroyable only with explosives, but I've weird bug that in whole game I can use also shotgun (not pistols, sixshooter etc.)

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